Loki, Enki, Melchior Unholy Trinity

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Loki, Enki, Melchior Unholy Trinity in Metatronic Trident Lunar Antichrist Reversals

The Black Sun in Abaddon accessed through the galactic centre in Orion and the fallen timelines controlled via the beast machine and magnetic lunar force fields controlled by the Moon constructs, held grid networks of the unholy trinity of the AI and false alien father trinity of the Loki-Enki-Melchior unholy triad. These structures were clones of rods which were found to control time into fallen realities, false realities and synthetic realities to divert human consciousness into the fallen timeline traps and reverse their potential of ascension. This formation was used to create transposition filters in the human auric field and was found to use base 10 antichrist death energies of metatronic reversals in the Qlippoth adverse Sepiroth and base 10 sphere tree of alien controls, in formations of Crone-Mother-Maiden satanic unholy trinities of the mother's alien clones.

These structures were binding the Sun-Star networks in Ursa Major, of which hold the Masculine 5 Star Instruction sets for human gender laws of correct Christos proportionate ratios to be received. These unholy triads were set with the false mother unholy trinities in binding various and multiple extensive antichrist death cultural and genetic digressions in the timefields. These progressions of alien black cubes and false identities broadcasting from the fallen Metatronic areas inside of Orion, were being used by Luciferians, Satanists and Black Magician Hierarchies in which to embody the loosh gathered from humanity and other planets through their ritualling ceremonies as black templars of controlling factions.The planetary brain and black magic thothian grids were infected with these archetypal forces from the controlling of the Solomon Rods. As King Solomon's architectural expressions were recovered from the inversions, the many alien arcs of rods controlling the matter realms and demonic hierarchies which had used the false solomon seals to conjure their demonic antichrist controlling agendas, King Solomon's authentic seals and guardian failsafe of the inner grail shields of the holy trinity in Copper, Golden and Silver Elixirs holding the chalice of the Holy Mother and Father's Cosmic Dragon Eggs, the imposter father forces were sequentially evicted out from the grids on earth.

These archetypes and the embodiments of their unholy triad hold hatred and utter disdain and disgust for the solar female christos lineages, as their bodies are completely devoid of the holy mother principle, acting completely in antichrist energetics and controls. The archetypal influences include self-righteousness, spiritual superiority and elitisms whilst being controlling and service to self agendas. The black cubes and false timekeeper codes, black rods in trident lunar (3 pronged vertical staff) and hypercubes are used to control time and jump through time space wormholes of inorganic portalling. These entities have had strongholds upon Jupiter, and Saturn, and in Aveyon 10D and Pegasus Constellation sun-star networks in masquerading as Arcangelic Michael in the Lilac or Amethyst Ray, but are imposters of the true Michael-Merlin expressions of the violet ray, lilac ray and pink ray magenta ray fatherly lineages which express through the Metatronic Cosmic Father's Pink Lilac Pastelline Sun.

Metatronic Reversals, Sextant Matrix

During the guardian host reclamation and extraction of alien beast machinery in the black hole core of Galactic planes in 8th dimension in the Gaian Matrix and harmonic universe 3, it was found that there were fallen aspects of time fields under the control of the Metatronically reversed black cubes filled with galactic federation alien machinery and channeling sources to control humanity. This also has been a part of the consciousness lock down of the time matrix, and humanity including all planets within our solar system, with the reversal 55 spins of inorganic and death rate reversals, which bind the human 6 protons 6 electrons 6 neutrons into the 666 quarantine genetic seals which were installed into the monadic plane and 8D timelines. The sextant matrix in its metatronic form binds the elemental and atomic matter into the fallen and alien reversed metatronic reversals. This has created a karmic exhaust and dead energies which are stuck inside the human auric field as connected to controlled timelines and fallen timekeeper structures in the soul planes and inside the monadic planes.

See - Ezekiel's Solar Dragon Body and also [Sextant Matrix]

Obfuscation and Timeline Identity Controls in Trident Unholy Archetypes

This clone and alien identity of the Archangel Metatron was created using the stolen body parts as an enslavement to the Christos families from the godworlds, and the families of Metatron, and to obscure the organic comprehension of the Three Kings aspect of the holy father, which is united into the ascending human becoming a Christ in which the holy father's triad and trinity of rod shields merges into the Solar Kings triple aspects.

7D Alien Dove Mind Cruxifixions in 6D & 7D Jehovah-Enlil

The Alien dove mind is a controller implant network used to bond humanity into reversal timelines and looking glass false timelines within bi-wave rods under lunar and antichrist controls. The 7D Alien Dove Mind upon the body of future timeline Earth in the 7th dimension which is Gaia, was secured in the overrides of the Alien Dove Mind and Crown of Thorns extractions during the Amethyst Order Rha Solar Dragons entering into the time matrix through the repairs to the Cosmic Dragon Wings networks of the earth, which took place in layers of Scepters installed to the planetary Albion body. The Arcturus and Bootes Constellation are overlaid with Phantom Matrix constructs controlled by Enki-Enlil and used to transmit false solar mary and false solar michael archtypes in lunar forces down to the planetary inhabitants, to set up lunar 7D inversions and to prevent the true solar templating of the diamond sun in all earth inhabitants, of which the false emerald order realms generated and used by Enki-Annunakian controller shows the nature of false suns in Arcturus and Bootes to reverse the 7th dimensional principles into false light. The false solar light and false michael-mary archetypes have been transmitting from twinned false alien suns made from AI or artificial intelligences made to appear as the golden Suns of Elathar and Yunasai- but transmitting as false 11D Lyran Fields, connected to alien false brahamara cosmic father dragons of the amethyst order using the alien corrupted synthetic dark matters impostering true Cosmic Father's Azurtanya Cosmic Templar Dragon tones. The AI Dove mind is a hive mind, used upon humanity to distort timelines and pineal to crown activations by using a series of AI transmissions in the red waved AI holograms in the looking glass, and also to operate inside the controlled corrupted dark matter layers in the monadic planes, to the avatar solar logos planes of reality in being used to insert false embodiments to humanity, such as false solar dragon transmissions. This section of the timefields controlled by fallen angelic body of Azrael and contorted in control through Izar Star, is a part of the fallen timeline location of hypercube tesseracts transmissions as false Timekeeper Dragon Solar Cubes, and inserted to the Albion Body through the SSP handler's using and operating through the False Fawn of God alien black goo temples. In these temples on the earth the blood sacrifice realms of satanic-luciferian controllers have bonded Idolisations as golden Adonis male and female triple unholy trinity bodies, for the purposes of powering up hybridisational blood controls in humans, to control perceptions and to generate the alien hive mind of alien dove mind to the planet. A dove mind operation is siphoning informations from true ascending solar reisha-rishi on the earth for the purposes of providing false streams of intelligence to others, apportioning the work of the solar christos families to various controlled imposter identities made in various AI forms and waves across the earth. These controlling structures have impostered the mother's emerald alhambra cosmic heart, and her cosmic hearts of alhambra which are embodied to the earth's grids by the quadrant of cosmic templar dragons, whom are the protectors of the four leaf clovered templar body of god's cosmic aton throughout the universal templar in all directions.

The Alien generated Medusa grids and the serpent-caduceus lunar wings, link into the 9-11 alien armageddon programming through a series of fake emerald diamond hearts in the earth grids, bonded to and transmitting as Emerald Medusa which is an Annunakian-enki-draconian-pindar control structure. These forms bind and generate false solar embodiments in the false christos-sophia stemming from the alien dove mind AI transmissions and bond the recipient on the earth into false white light ascension in red wave AI, or in false rainbow rays filled with false dragon realms and through the unhealed rods in the body. This deception is another layer of the alien control upon the human race, to never feel nor identify with the true solar nature of the christ, to continue to bond humanity to false mother in the grids of the earth to generate and repeat the pain of the unattainable mother-child bond which is being transmitted to the earth through this alien machinery. The guardian host families of the solar reisha-rishi attending to the extractions of this machinery have located several hubs of repeater machinery stacked into the earth grids, with a main hub point used in Scotland, and into the Albion's 6D and 7D ley lines. The 6D and 7D ley lines of the earth have been sequentially upgraded by the cosmic rods of the sceptre, and the cosmic templar rods of the quadrata in which the cosmic parents highlighting inversions in their bodies throughout the entire time matrix and with the recent guardian restoration of the Golden Templar, is highlighting the lunar controls still operating in sections of the earth's grids from the macro to the micro. This 7D location has been responsible for installing a false 10D sun-star to the human diamond sun template, to generate false Lyran Solar Logos Avatar fields which are made in looking glass. The Arcturus-Bootes constellation has bene hijacked by the Thothian Enki Enlil Zephilums operating out from this alien hub to generate control upon ascending starseeds who have been installed with the holograms of false avatar matrices, false solar reisha-rishic identities running in the false rainbows and false emerald founder fields which are Enki's Jardons of Edon false emerald structures which emit false solar cubes and archetypes into the earth 7D ley lines in inverted matters as synthetic (not cosmic founder coded) inorganic false rays.

Niburian 11D Controls

The Loki-Enki-Melchior constructs were located inside Niburu Phantom Matrix Base 10 Artificial Tree of Life Realms, linking into the fallen Orion-Saggitarius Realms of the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons. This structure and realm in Niburu links to the Atlantian Invasion of Lohas 11th dimensional stargate networks belonging to the Celtic Maji Grail Kings and Queen's Solar Dragon Ourobrous Bodies spanning through the Rainbow Templar. The Eiyani-Eiyana Cathedrals and Thothian Grail Massacres holds the Black Diamond Heart of the Alien False Krystar Maji King's Vehicle, held underground the Stonehenge Stargate Vale of Pewsey/Salisbury location as another Checkerboard Matrix and Jochan-Boaz 11D-10D Daath Pillars interlinking into the death of the Atlantian Grail Kings and their Triquetra Cosmic Reisha-Rishi Timekeeper Bodies. The Bacchus Dionysus Realms of the False Deer Crowned and Alien Mattered Black Zephyr and Black Rosetta Stones of Lunar Evil breaths are the hiding place of the jealousy programs running towards the authentic timekeeper cosmic grail solar dragon founders, as used by Melchior Black realms of Jealousy over sexual unification in the Kings and Queens of the Maji and their authentic founder's records speaking of the records through their diamond hearts and throats of the cosmic suns breastplates and diamond cosmic alhambra-alamhar hearts.

Black Diamond Hearts in Atlantian Timelines as black diamond cathedrals are the controlling factions of SSP hidden handlers lairs, black dragon armies, and cloned black diamond false bodies of clones of humans in the current timelines set as Black Diamond effigies used by the antichrist legions to destroy the cosmic founder's twinning principles of their SHA toned crystalline cosmic rods of time. The Eiyani massacre of the cosmic grail kings and queens and their tantriahura shields of violet sun were deliberately invaded by Thoth-Enki-Hermes-Melchior energetics to control the sections of the Organs of Humanity in their physical bodies.

Melchior-Nike was located as a jealous hatred Archontic energetic based in the anti-christ lunar forces and forms. The lunar force of Melchior has the Spirit of Jealousy energetics as a hating father who hates the Sophianic Solar Consciousness of the mother and is direct conflict and competition with her, as similarly as Thothian-Enki-Annunakian TEE entity collectives and their direct aggression towards the Cosmic Elohei Cosmic Sophianic Principles holding the triple organic offsprings in trinity.

See Also -

Orion's Belt



Bacchus Dionysus
