The Moon

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Revision as of 16:02, 10 December 2023 by Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Moon= The Moon was installed into the Solar System to be the false mother's energetics such as lunar force, controlling the waters of the earth in false lunar magnetisms upon the earth running and controlling magnetism in to a bi-waved forcefield generating static fields of alien nets connected to Phantom Niburu and to various naa structures and frequencies being held and generated from the Moon's body. The Moon insertion to our solar system was a deliberate negative a...")
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The Moon was installed into the Solar System to be the false mother's energetics such as lunar force, controlling the waters of the earth in false lunar magnetisms upon the earth running and controlling magnetism in to a bi-waved forcefield generating static fields of alien nets connected to Phantom Niburu and to various naa structures and frequencies being held and generated from the Moon's body. The Moon insertion to our solar system was a deliberate negative alien installation, outfitted with False Rainbow Diamond rays of a silvery substance to mock the organic Mother's Silvery rays which were restored into our system by the returning of the Cosmic Amoraea Heart Flames of our Holy Mother's Arc structures, through her White Queen Marys; Her Many Elohei Cosmic Triple Goddesses Solar Reishas restoring their Cosmic Mother's Ankh Bodies from the Godworlds, and returning into creation carrying an assortment of the rays from our Mother's Higher Silvery Eireas Seeds and currents through the Mothers' Stream.

Through the installation of the Moon, many moonchain souless creatures such as the Zeta, EBE bodies which are like cloned grey alien zetas being used to insert human souls into these in future timelines such as the secret space programs, could control the planetary staff into the 23 degree planetary tilt to the yahweh matrix positioning. This had been set to destroy the planet's staff connecting into its organic North positioning towards the Andromedan Matrix, which was restored by guardian host families in the ascension cycle. The Female Christ Melchizedeks from their Universal Solar Christos Emerald Priests of Ur Melchizedek Staff Holders were hunted and harassed relentlessly during their herculean task of rebuilding the planetary staff from their Blue Flame Melchizedek Rod-Staff. This small group of authentically connected outside of time to the Cosmic Mother's Matrix Sun Bodies of God from inside their Monadic 13:13 spinning staff, were able to repattern and correct the staff by extracting many alien controlling structures of their mother's body. The Solar Female Christ Melchizedeks brought their Taran Blue Dragon Lotus Rod & Staff Azurite Shields from the original Flames and Timekeeper Codes from Tara, and placed their Triple Solar Reisha Codes into the planet's matrix in the Axis Mundi Zero Meridian for later guardians to find these codes in support to reconnect within the Blue Lion Vertical Grids of Tara, to their Triple Golden Lion grids in Gaian Matrix. These dragon parts held the original tones of the mother's blue flame of Tara which was lost during the moon chain and sumerian egyptian invasion which destroyed the mother's staff in the earth and replaced it with the lunar matrix and moon structure. The Moon was not organic to the solar system, as the paliadorian elohei dragon founders have reiterated the vast deception upon humanity using the moon's body as a false mother structure.

These families worked tirelessly to locate their mother's body parts for which the full solar female christos universal solar reisha template would be required to locate mother's many elohei feline lion dragon parts.

In the Future timefields of 7D in the Gaian Matrix, planet earth's future Body expression millions of years in the future, there is no Moon in the sky in the Solar System. Each Sun or Star in the sky which is organic and authentic to creation, has a multi-dimensional lightbody which acts as a pathway of arcs which open to the solar diamond sun embodied human in the earth as a series of arc pathways and gateways of realm travel through the sun-star of their solar logos avatar self. The Moon contains no such organic lightbody, and no organic multidimensional pathway of arcs through its body, instead it held black moons and hidden suns or moons as a series of circles of black suns (moons) in which the negative aliens or black magicians were using as their inside of time transport system. A diamond sun body in full consent to the cosmic sun creator, will eventually be led into the end of time to ascend outside of the matter realms, as guided by the loving benevolence of the godheads true nature of unconditional love, as this is the ascension pathway to become a cosmic citizen, at the end of the angelic human's evolutionary process to return and embody the christ of solar light inside the self, the solar mother and solar father embody and unite inside the human vessel to ascend the human back homewards to the god's solar body, the light of a million suns.

Alien Lunar Trident, Antihierogamic Union of Moon Structures

The Moon was found in the alien lunar false rod-staff to be housing a throned couple of antihierogamic union architecture which was ballast into the 11th dimensional planetary stargate at Stonehenge, this was holding in place a reversal of the 1D-15D holy father in alien dark rods to prevent the temple of trifold flame Khemalotea from being restored by the guardian host family. Many 11D reversals of time, and Moon Worshipping Moon Priestesses have been placed into various deceptions about the true nature of our actual solar mother's body. As one corrects the internal awareness to recall the painful histories of what happened to our mother's body inside the earth? This will lead to the unfoldment and personal awareness of the requirement to shed the lunar forms off the body, as these are false mother and controller mother expressions as a false parent installed to the human planet of Earth. The Holy Mother in her Aquamarine Blue Ray expresses herself into the earth as Pillars of Holy Mother Arc - the Ark of the Covenant, in which one can restore their connection to our holy solar mother's body by intending to seek the truth about our Mother's Body. Solar Mary-Sophia and her white queens from Tiamat Logos, held the Sapphire-White-Silvery pastelline flames encompassing our mother's body inside the earth, these are restoring into the earth now by the cosmic christos founders locating their body parts out from the alien invaders who stole and reversed her principles into being a lunar controlling seducer warrior-destroyer forms. Our Cosmic Mother's Dragon Body is not sexualised or controlling in any way, and yet, each human will have to seek this truth with every fibre of their truth-seeking ability to know the truth about this structure, which bound and controlled humanity in the dark Aeon of controlled time. We are emerging out from this now, as the Cosmic Solar Clocks in the earth are under cosmic mother's cosmic clock of the aeons control.

See Also

[Antichrist Lunar Unholy Trinities of Antihierogamic Union]

[Black Suns Moon Portals]

[Moon ES]