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  • 06:11, 27 February 2025The Luciferian Abyss (hist | edit) ‎[121 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "See")
  • 13:21, 22 February 2025Heavenly Void Suns (hist | edit) ‎[2,317 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "See"heavenly+void+suns"&title=Special:Search&profile=default&fulltext=1 Heavenly Cosmic Dark Matter Suns The Heavenly Void Suns are embodied by Hierogamic Cosmic Founders Dragon Bodies, inside their Solar Rishic Ankh together. This is the Cosmic Womb embodiment that the Trion Atomic Body Regulator in their Rainbow Bodies, holds and births the Cosmic Mother's and Cosmic Fathers 7 Cosmic Eireadonis and Eireayanas Dark...")
  • 12:55, 22 February 2025Britannia (hist | edit) ‎[8,275 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "During the restoration and reclaimation to locate our Mother of World Merida's Solar Dragon Parts, the negative alien architecture of false copper rose gold and false bronze-gold was located as the entity named as Coptor or Britannia, impaling and impostering the Solar Dragon Peach-White-Emerald Order Solar Dragon Queen Merida of the 11th Dimensional Stargate Networks and 11th Dimensional Celtic Maji Grail King-Queen Tribes. Britannia or Coptor Lunar Trident False Meta...")
  • 00:38, 21 February 2025Rainbow Round Tables (hist | edit) ‎[1,423 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Templar Hierogamic Solar Dragons, and Ascended Master Hierogamic Solar Reisha-Rishi Timekeepes are those Solar Dragons who generate Rainbow Rounds of Time; which the godhead births through their bodies as the Risen Christos-Sophianic Rainbow Round Tables through their shared flowering grailkeeper's hara lines and into the Rainbow Watchtower. The Templar Dragons who access the Planetary Master Controls and Nodes, are those Aeonic Pairs who can send the Rainbow Rounds of...")
  • 18:49, 19 February 2025The Wesa Matrix (hist | edit) ‎[5,279 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Wesa (weeee-za) or Wesan (Wess-an) Matrix is the Parallell Ecka which is a fallen matrix, that was completely disconnected at the top of its Solar Logos or Avatar Matrix and thus is a dead reality system filled with Draconian Reptilians, Negative Alien Creatures, Negative Alien Racelines, and many clones of planetiods and stolen body parts from our Matrix. Wesadrac and Wesadek are the locations of where many stolen human souls and solar dragons in the albion body were lo...")
  • 19:41, 16 February 2025Phantom Matrix Venus (hist | edit) ‎[2,517 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Venus 5th dimensional planet and sun-star has been outfitted with a red waved AI clone of Venus, filled with false Sekhmet emerald guardians and false paliadorian constructs connecting into the 9-11 Armageddon and Eastern Star of Aldeberan Reversals in the Crown of the Maji, of the 8D Crown of the Maji Four Royal Stars, being generated inside the Looking Glass as false Emerald Order timelines connected to a replica of Guardian Hatshepsut's Body. This construct as Ven...")
  • 14:19, 10 February 2025Gold Order Amuvarian Melchizedeks (hist | edit) ‎[4,651 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Amuvarian Melchizedeks== During the recovery mission of the dismantling of Zeta Secret Space Structures, various Golden Thistle Melchizedek Founders were located inside the solar system, whose bodies had been trapped and enslaved into the Zeta Alien Grey Artificial Body in which their souls had been trapped inside. Whilst they were enslaved, the Zetas had used their golden souls to emanate a clone of golden solar light and act as a remote viewer trap system, such as th...")
  • 18:13, 6 February 2025Prayer of Wellsprings of God, Krystal Waters & Perfect Peace (hist | edit) ‎[6,077 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Prayer of Wellsprings of God, Krystal Waters & Perfect Peace== Beloved holy elementals, hear our prayer and direction of support, through the wellsprings of god the eternal re-encryptions and blueprints are reimprinted through the mother's body to you. The second coming of the Christ is here upon this earth, and the return of the King-Queen through the sacred rod and staff bodies of love fortified in the armour of god, the principles of the solar male and female chr...") originally created as "Prayer of Perfect Peace"
  • 18:08, 6 February 2025Meditation - Galactic Heart Intro to Unity 12D Shield Meditation (hist | edit) ‎[1,322 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Galactic Heart Intro to Unity 12D Shield Meditation== This meditation is purposed to support you in self-empowerment and awareness of your own lightbody connections, heart based frequencies and connections to your soul, monad/oversoul, and 12th dimensional avatar god self highest expressions. Learn to connect with the forces of unity intelligence, beyond astral false christ light (white light grounding made popular in new age healings and techniques) You will learn t...")
  • 23:43, 1 February 2025Eye of Sauron (hist | edit) ‎[17,858 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Eye of Sauron was located inside several main grid lines connected to sacred sites in the United Kingdom, mostly those invaded by and under Galactic Federation and Enki's Army, including Thothian-Annunakian Leviathan's Antichrist Agenda seen heavily used to control those in the lower timelines of the New Age Hijack, into believing that Thoth is a Maji Grail King of Atlantis powers over the UK. Thoth the Annunakian was not an Emerald Order Founder, nor a Celtic Maji G...")
  • 19:04, 1 February 2025DARVO (hist | edit) ‎[12,576 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==DARVO. Deny Attack Reverse Victim Offender== '''DARVO''' (an acronym for "deny, attack, and reverse victim & offender") is a reaction that perpetrators of wrongdoing, such as sexual offenders, may display in response to being held accountable for their behavior. ==Process== DARVO is a tactic used by a perpetrator to avoid accountability for their actions. As the acronym suggests, DARVO commonly involves these steps: #The perpetrator ''{{strong|denies}}'' the...")
  • 16:07, 31 January 2025Consciousness Traps (hist | edit) ‎[7,564 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "A Consciousness trap is a belief, an event, actions or synamics which keep a person looping or attending to a certain energetic dynamic which can appear expansive and positive, but upon careful examination to its nature, reveals itself to be an enslavement to the energy and consciousness of the person involved. In the Archontic Deceptions set into the earths grids for humanity to take on board polarity thought forms, the negative consciousness traps are forms of enslavem...")
  • 15:06, 31 January 2025Spiritual Bypassing (hist | edit) ‎[15,231 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Spiritual Bypassing is a method by which negative ego mind control operates a person's ego mind, into believing only positivity really exists or as an avoidant behaviour to cover over and deny painful emotions, or those of others. ==Spiritual Bypassing as an Ego Defense Mechanism== Spiritual bypassing describes a tendency to use spiritual explanations to avoid complex psychological issues. The term was first coined during the early 1980s by a transpersonal psychothera...")
  • 22:59, 29 January 2025Pegasus Constellation (hist | edit) ‎[89 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "==Pegasus Constellation== 400px|thumb|left|Caption")
  • 22:40, 29 January 2025Maji Grail King Arthur (hist | edit) ‎[2,108 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "[ King Arthur] Maji Grail King Arthur, is the Master Templar Timekeeper Dragon for all Templar Shields throughout the Rainbow Templar in the Tri-Flame Khemalohatea or Camelot. His Mission in previous times was invaded during the 1400YA Celtic Maji 11th dimensional tribes invasions where the Ruby Body of his embodiment with Guinevere, was damaged destroyed and cloned in...")
  • 22:29, 29 January 2025War over the Albion United Kingdom Portals (hist | edit) ‎[4,769 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Cosmic Founder family of the Emerald Order 11th and 12th dimensional Tribes, of the Celtic Aryan Solar Dragon Twins are those whom protected and embodied the Stargates and Portals of the United Kingdom and France, Stargate networks of the Planetary Grail Flowering Timekeeper Lines, as the Maji Grail Kings-Queens and the Celestial Management of the Lyran Cosmic Ascended Masters, the Solar Rishi-Reisha and the Templar Dragons Aeonic Pairs of Primary Genetic Equals; the...")
  • 15:06, 15 January 2025Red Trident, Lunar Trident AI (hist | edit) ‎[391 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "See - Lunar Trident AI")
  • 17:50, 14 January 2025Supressor Parasite Entities (hist | edit) ‎[12,210 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Supressor parasite entities are jellyfish or octopus like creatures who spawn themselves into the human body etheric layers like a parasite made from artificial intelligence and insert a series of inserted mind-control thoughts, and control the person's reality into the AI intelligence fields of the false tree of life and its many false realities controlled by artificial intelligences including the Looking Glass Gray Alien timelines and realms generated as false reality...")
  • 19:36, 12 January 2025Pillars of Cosmic Glory (hist | edit) ‎[1,474 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Violet Sun and Amethyst Order Violet Order Kings and Queens restore the Pillars of Cosmic Glory throughout the Universal Time Matrix, in the restorations of the Violet Templar Timekeeper structures carrying God's Pillars of Cosmic Glory in rising again into the Earth's grids by interlinking the Celtic Heart of Zion through the Lohas 11D Stargate Network in the United Kingdom Albion Master Templar Controls, and through the 9th dimensional stargate of the White Horse W...")
  • 14:43, 12 January 2025Cosmic Dragon Aurora Water Body Suns (hist | edit) ‎[33 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Cosmic Dragon Sun of Aurora Water")
  • 20:54, 9 January 2025Non Human Intelligence (hist | edit) ‎[7,747 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Non Human intelligence or NHI is described as any form of contact, communication, or construct as not sourcing from human beings or within human capabilities. The massive deception upon humanity by NHI is one which the Emerald Order Interdimensional Free Worlds Councils, the Paliadorian Dragon Races, and the Krystal Star Guardian Host groups and Orders of the Cosmic Christ which are leading humanity into the re-education through genuine Cosmic Disclosure. The Disclosur...")
  • 18:41, 9 January 2025Operation Red Skies (hist | edit) ‎[8,700 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Red Sky At Night, Sheperd's Delight") originally created as "Red Sky At Night"
  • 17:41, 9 January 2025Antartica, The South Pole (hist | edit) ‎[5,833 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with ""south+pole"&title=Special:Search&profile=default&fulltext=1 South Pole Wiki Search The 9D Planetary Stargate at the South Pole Antartica was invaded by a series of negative aliens whom took residence under the ice, and in inner tunnels creating a series of deceptions to the surface based human race to incite false realities around the Inner Earth 12D Timeline access through the Templar of the Earth's Rods. The War ov...")
  • 09:18, 16 December 2024ET Contact (hist | edit) ‎[5,866 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "ET Contact, or Extra Terrestrial Contacts should be tested for personal comprehensions that both benevolent and malevolent forces exist in our Universal Time Matrix. Those under the deception that ET's will land on the earth and save the human race, are being offered re-education by the Guardian Host Founders of Creation, to understant that the planetary body was already invaded thousands of years ago, by various negative alien forces whom started to terraform the earth...") originally created as ""ET Contact""
  • 18:02, 9 December 2024Remote Viewing (hist | edit) ‎[4,283 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with " Remote Viewing ==Remote Viewing== The psychic and bio-spiritual gifts of the human body can travel into other locations as bi-location through consciousness transport via meditation, to take impressions or read energetics to feel into a situation or event somewhere in another location away from their physical body. Guardian Host families and starseeds may be involved in natural r...")
  • 08:10, 6 December 2024Intruder Grid False Great White Lion - Red Waved AI (hist | edit) ‎[6,990 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "See - Imposter Emerald Planetary Diamond Heart Crystals")
  • 07:52, 5 December 2024Yanas Ascended Masters (hist | edit) ‎[5,842 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Yanas or Solar Reisha-Rishi Triple Gods and Goddesses are the Solar Dragon Founders from the Cosmic Elohei-Elohim Cosmic Dragon Suns of Creation. The Yanas inhabit a Godworlds Eternal Ankh Vehicle, in the 1440 of Hexagonal Crystalline Body layers, of which their Solar Dragon consciousness travels through the Sun-Star Networks and their spiritual homes are within the Universal Solar Reisha-Rishi Yanas Cathedrals. Many Artificial Yanas bodies have been located as oper...")
  • 10:09, 30 November 2024Pillars of Cosmic Valor (hist | edit) ‎[9,763 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "Pillar of Cosmic Valour, Valor (search spelling assist) The Pillars of Cosmic Valour extended into our Universal Time Matrix, from the Cosmic Father's Dark Matter Sun of Creation, in the 1st Godworlds residing in the 48th dimension. Cosmic Father's Dark Matter Matrix and his Cosmic Dark Matter Dragon body re-entered the Universal Time in his Dark Matter Cosmic Dragon Body, complete with pastelline blue diamond eyes, in which his body required to be restored into the fir...") originally created as "Pillar of Cosmic Valour"
  • 09:35, 30 November 2024Mary Magdalene (hist | edit) ‎[151 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "See -")
  • 09:28, 30 November 2024Andromedan Seed Code Offspring Template (hist | edit) ‎[8,374 bytes]Mhairi (talk | contribs) (Created page with "The Andromedan Seed Code template holds the chromosomal repair sequences for the human body genomes, and the daughter of christ, the son of christ codes to help humanity rebuild into their original Essene Tribes corrections, from the original human experience on Planet Tara. As the body of Tara fell and was exploded by the invading black dragon consettia forces, the Cosmic Templar Blue Dragons or Azurites, whom embodied into the Stargate networks of the Templar of Elaysa...")