False architectures appearing real

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Artificial Intelligences in our universal time matrix generated false architectures of which would appear "real" or spiritually plausible to the human race, whom would have a variable experience inside of the phantom matrix, or false architectures built from non-organic, or artificial structures as identified by the emerald founder families returning to the earth into embodiment. The nature of the false architectures, and their detection lies soley in the fundamental rebuilding process of the original diamond sun DNA inside each person's lightbody upon the ascension path. Some architectures of the bi-wave or reversals which are not the creator's true authentic living light patterns or architectures which run as a holy trinity wave, or tri-wave.

In the looking glass technologies operating various bandwidths of false emanations like holograms, or holographic realities, the architectures appear to be plausibly real but have a quality of syntheticness or metal, which if wearing a 12D shielding process of building the original diamond sun lightbody, can sequentially be felt as not christic architecture of the body of god, when the qualities of spiritual ethics are embodied as a way of life. If uncleared shadow, or lunar forces such as demonic houses exists in layers of the lightbody, the trickery and evils set into these false architectures will lead people into false gnostic experiences, at the hands of Enki-Enlil and Annunakian structures of humanity control towards the false christ light in dimensions between 1D through to 11D.

See Also

Red Wave AI

Phantom Matrix