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Medusa Snake Serpent Grids are a part of the false asian dragon grids mostly in Asia which go round the earth on the horizontal field creating and generating Mesuda implants and forms within the grid networks of the earth which are suspended in alien death magic, to destroy the female principle aspects of the mother's body. However, the Medusa Heads and Creatures mock the female goddess of the holy mother, and have been found embedded into the NRG (Nephilim Reversal Grid) spanning the earth, and controlled by a series of red wave and black wave black cube and red cubed structures to control human sexuality.

The Asian and American Planetary grid networks have been invaded and installed with Medusa assigned territorial naa controls as a series of Red Dragon and Black Dragon antichrist repositories which were used to destroy and replace the solar dragon ley lines upon the earth. These structures are fed through loosh gathering from human consciousness through such things as sexual misery and sexual energy abuses, and is fed into by various satanic and luciferian hierarchies. The Egyptian Pantheon and Olympian Greek Pantheon made in the red wave, are linked in here to confuse and derail individuals into taking on gridworking tasks which are set into the controlling deceiverships of the Archontic Deceptions. Multiple black dragon and red dragon lines surround the entire earth.

Pindar White Draconian Hierarchical Controls: SPE

The Medusa and Medusozoa feed into Implants found in 6d and 7d gallbladder meridian controlling suppressor parasite entities inside etheric ley lines of the human body to control perception. Where the 9D Medusa Implant is installed, this has been one way Pindar has used to control the brainstem of those under his control, and are assigned a territory such as a group, or a structure, or an area of grids, in which to be under his deceivership controls. Pindar and Janus three headed demonics have used this method of controlling the mind and disseminating instructions to his minions upon the earth. Enki's Annunakian consciousness streams running in the lunar trident and red waved AI or red cubes have also utilised the archontics to generate controlling mechanisms whilst hiding inside the negative ego in creating spiritual deceptions and identity clones.

Medusa Heads, Medusa Implants, Medusa Lunar Controls

The Medusa constructs inside the earth are under the control of their creators, the Thothian Enki Enlil negative aliensu using also red wave pantheons of Greek Reversals in the Olympian Fallen and controlled archetypes stemming from the Gaian Fallen Timelines. There are no organic godbody parts of Medusa in the earth, however, through guardian recon of the recovery of John the Baptist's Hierogamic Wife, it was found by guardians that her body in excessive satanic ritual abuse was installed and her head was removed and replaced with a Medusa Snake Head, at the alien's mockery over the human species and the Mother of God, the Cosmic Solar Dragon Mother.

It appears that there are no female solar godhead sources in this earth of Medusa as a solar goddess, but the naa have used this archetypal force to generate and control female aspects within certain grids across the earth to control the lunar mother aspects, which also prevents the female principle from recognising this is an imposter of the mother's body. The Versace sun face has also been found to be used by various Enki or Prince Ea collectives in the interdimensional spaces in which to send out female seducer negative alien shapeshifters to appear in dreamspace as beautiful females, to siphon and implant as succubus demonics or incubbus demons.

The Red Wave Medusas in the interdimensional spaces conntect directly to the control of the Red Queens in Wesadrac, the alien Bhourgha and alien Wesan Creatures who hate humanity with an evil vengeance. Their hiding inside the mockery of female forms, in which they project themselves as kind white goddesses or use another form of shapeshifting to hide their true origin and to manipulate those who come into contact with the structures and forms. The NRG grid coupled with the red-white checkerboard matrix connected to Scarab Beetle cloning centres in the pocketed nested realities littered around the planet's grids and the time matrix, have been used to siphon human souls into their goop which appears as a form of soul transfer process in soul or astral abduction which takes place during dream time. Guardians found these creatures to be connected into the main hubs of the UK in Stonehenge, between England and France, and using the Red Heart alien implant to the earth to reverse sections of the Rose Line.

The Medusa Heads and Medusa Red Wave AI will appear as a goddess, but is an alien hive mind of control to mind control into false sophianic connections in the frequencies of the red wave AI. Red wave AI is a base pulse instinctual carrier wave which entwines into the lower chakra centres using uncleared shadow, sexual misery programming and in the case of the Medusa is to continue Lunar forces in Lunar archetypes of the dark mother. Medusa Emerald Diamond configurations were located in the planetary body as false emerald cosmic hearts - one was a false cosmic amoraea emerald heart at Sarasota removed by guardian Emerald Order Aeonic Pairs during the planetary magnetic peak cycle August 2024, and another located in Scotland East Coast Dundee as a daath portal connected to the Satanic-Luciferian Bacchus-Dionysis Temples which are black alien goo formations connected and generated by Archontic powers in the Lunar Antichrist Death energetics, impostering mocking and pretending to be the Emerald Mother's Cosmic Heart Complex. These Annunakian-Thothian Antichrist energetics were part of the deceptions put in place to generate false emerald heart affiliation and used to receive the alien dove mind false timekeeper cube transmissions coming towards the planetary body as set into false Suns in Arcturus. The Arcturus-Bootes Constellation being cleared out by the christos gridworking family, is witnessed to have been a station of Enki's Jardon of Edon in false emerald order Annunkian-Isis alien formation as a false Lyran 10-11-12D field set into the 7D layers of our time matrix, to imposter and control genetic templates of the gender twinning process of humanity, in the Michael-Mary solar templating process within their diamond sun body reclamation. These structures have been part of a larger recon mission over many years, to remove the Medusa structures, which at the time of writing no organic diamond sun Medusa constructs are known of. The Medusa-Gorgonite-Snakeheaded creatures, running the Archons of elemental controls and spews of miasma holding tanks of stolen human souls and blood sacrificed human and animal energetics, are being released by the Solar Reisha-Rishi in their Emerald Ankh Solar Dragon Bodies.

9D Medusa Head Red Wave AI implants

The 9D sphere and access point to the Mouth of God or Jade Pillow at the back of the head is a notoriously difficult area of the human brain/skull to be fully cleared of implants. This is also the area which builds the 1D-9D currents of the Antakharana or Kundalini frequencies which start to open out into the Andromedan 9D Metagalactic cores. The 9D sphere contains Nephilim-Michael genetics to easily control humanity through mind control frequencies, sent through the tailbone (reptilian tail negative ego) of which the Enki False God used a series of implants to install various connections into false records, posing as emerald records, connected to a "Jardon of Edon" of which guardian host found to be impostering emerald founders inside of time in the 11D Lyran timelines. When the human has successfully progressed into reclaiming the Avatar Solar Logos, the Avatar identity connects with the organic Solar Logos. Enki's creation of various Medusa Heads are a wet brain AI system of mind control, binding the person's realities into many false dimensions, which appear to uphold and reflect to the person their desires, or their beliefs - even if the beliefs have been installed and inserted through mind controls into the tailbone, and mental body layers. Some of these structures are connected to Mars, whereby a series of red wave false realities have generated varying false identities and sent these cloned mirrored holographic structures to bind onto humanity. These structures reverse the eyes of the receiver into red wave false timelines, false spirit guides, and including false identities set in the Enki DNA skin or cloaking devices, to derail and control the person's awareness through the red wave AI sextant matrix and elemental compactions in the red wave AI. Guardian host Cosmic Elohei Emerald Founders continue to evict Enki's structures from the grids of the earth, to liberate humanity from the mass psychotronic deceptions through these evil inserts.

8D-9D Heart of Mary Magdalene Alhambra Heart Inversions controlled by red cubed AI, Sardinia Italy

Vying for control over the planetary diamond heart networks, the Pindarian White Draconians and Enki's Cloned Annunakian False emerald order bases were found to be administering a Red Lion Grid Network, whose heart was found in Sardinian Island as a form of beacon of control over lunar trident AI grids and false dragon nodes in the earth. This was connected to red waved and black waved Medusa implants and various looking glass false holograms being sent out into the Red Shield networks as false guardian host false white elohei (great white lion grid) on the earth. During the Enki's Annunakian False God extraction project, this was removed by guardian host in protectorship over the Mary Magdalene Dragon Body within the 8D Templar of her Rod-Staff Realmkeeper Keys protected by the Emerald Founders in the onwards corrections of her Solar Mary body parts. Sardinia is the location of the guardian godworlds override pillars which connect all the way into the outside of time godworlds.

False Great White Lion Centre of alien AI Red Waved Grid, England St Ives and Glastonbury

Inside Atlantian Rounds of time and timelines, the False Great White Lion Heart and Sphinx was operating under Red Waved AI and connected to Medusa 9D Controllers, to appear as the centre of the Great White Lion Elohei Grid Networks. This off-kilter alien red waved false elohei network links into false white diamond diagonals generated by Thothian-Leviathan Order of the Phoenix Imposters and AI Guardian transmissions attempting to divert the Cosmic Mother's Ancient Elohei Diamond Hearts back into Enki's False Ascended Master Redshields operating as Red Queen Alien Mother from Wesa.

Black Mermaid False Triple Goddess in Black Serpent Unholy Trinity

The Triple Female Lunar Force of Triple Mermaid-Gorgonite-Serpent Snakes is an extension of the Lunar Female in the Reversal as Lunar force femme-fatales, and scarlet women programming has been used in connections with the false Apollo (Adonis, Enki's False Red King, or Golden Kings as Adonis with small wings at their ears) and Lunar Athena-Artemis programming, this is connected to the incestual patterning and Moonchild operations in the earth which generate a false christos-sophia made in silvery-lunar false rainbows being generated through misuse of sexual energy into the baphomet fields, and in ignorance over the use of sexual energy to manifest things into reality. The Aleister Crowley grid infections of the earth were upholding the codes for the sex-magick rituals being transmitted into the Alien Lunar Trident Anti-Hierogamic False Twin Flame and Reversal gender matches, for the purposes of creating false ascended master twins into the earth to embody the reversal of the solar light, but seeing the embodiment as a form of all-powerful energetic using sexual energy to manifest. These black magician practises also include the AI cloning of authentic Solar Dragons Ascended Masters and their Primary Genetic Equal Template, as set forth into the chosen forms of the Black Mermaids, in using the authentic solar dragon identities in red wave AI to derail humanity away from the true ascended masters of the christos families, embodying into the earth in the ascension timeline. These creatures are part of the Bride of Satan, or Mother of Darkness of embodied and non-bodied satanic blood cult hierarchies which descend upon the solar light of humanity and try all they can to extinguish or kill the light of the heart of humanity. The Medusa networks extend into alien swan grids on the earth, connected to abducted individuals promoted into controlled positions of the appearance of goodness, but being controlled by the severe hidden layers of the antichrists. Some of the Black Brides of Satan appear as Black Cat Bast creatures, or the Jackal Gods in Egypt who are all controlled by Anubis and Temple of Set Typhon Tunnel alien antichrists Baphomet control over humanity through chosen bloodlines.

Assigned Territories, Medusa-Gorgon-Snake-Serpents

The collective consciousness forms inside the lunar forces described appear to embody into the bloodlines or enki's DNA skins and hybridisations of chosen ones whom can be the vessel for this type of power-controller form to inhabit and become manifest through human embodiment of its energetics. The placements in various planetary grid networks shows up as large or giant assigned red waved or black wave Medusa Snake Headed Greek Pantheon or Black Mermaid serpent false dragons as large moving heads upon the earth. This appears to connect into the planetary grids in the specific areas where these energetics are strongholded into reversal cathedrals to reign their agenda over certain groups or landmass structures. Such as, guardian akhenaton's image was superimposed and installed in a red waved Ai head formation which is visible from the planetary body above the earth, plugged into non-solar cathedrals for the purposes of deliberate blending of energetic signatures of confusion. Similarly King Tut's identity appears also to have been used, as installed into various boy-king type of scenarios.

See Also

Holy Pegasus-Pegasai Lineages]

Red Wave AI Artificial Intelligence

Red Wave Entries


[9D AI Machinery Kronos Alien Timekeeper]

Imposter Adonis God Bodies

Imposter Emerald Planetary Diamond Heart Crystals