Imposter Emerald Planetary Diamond Heart Crystals
The Emerald Heart Crystals in the earth's grids were cloned by the Thothian-Hermes-Annunakian Antichrist Forces to generate bonds in the human raceline to the Annunakian-Nephilim-Enki DNA and Zeta hybridisational controls placed into planetary grids to prevent the ascending humans and starseeded humans from feeling the true Cosmic Amoraea Flames of the Mother's Cosmic Emerald Heart - restored to the earth grids in middle of 2021, to be ignited into the planetary Templar Emerald Heart in 2022.
The Imposter networks mimicking our Holy Mother's White Diamond Elohei-Elohim structures are generated by synthetic rays to generate a false diamond structure, operating to control and create false ascended master matrices, within false Ankh bodies inside of controlled waves of time. The Mother's Elohei founder families travel freely in their solar dragon white ankh bodies, and have direct access everywhere to rebuild and defend the Holy Mother's Elohei body as they work to reclaim her true spiritual etheric and diamond crystal body parts in the earth and throughout the Universal Time Matrix. The SSP structures, and false founder architecture is seen by the Solar Elohei Dragon Eyes, whom accurately see the looking glass technologies operating inside hidden interdimensional pockets of controlled black and white spin points. Guardian Host founders project missions to remove mass human deceptions in the ascending families is ongoing to remove the harmful false realities and false architectures appearing real, but is controlled by NAA sources and forces, appearing to imposter guardian host founder dragons and ascended masters through a series of psychotronic weapons of perception control inside the central nervous system. Base desires and mind control programs of the hero-saviorisms, or power abusing patterns are manipulated into the grids, to take a human into the controlled gridworking false founders mission strands given by the border guards of the enslaving entities operating behind the False Elohei structures. Their use of clones of solar founder celtic aryan elohei-dragons, is placed into the etheric layers and CNS layers of targeted individuals in which to outfit the person with thousands of alters operating throughout false realms, whilst believing they are very powerful or highly ascended individuals with founder being powers. The guardian host protectorate and special ops teams are deployed to inventory, track, trace and remove these threatening and imposters of god's dragon body throughout the entire time matrix, as the war over humanity and their spiritual freedom relies upon the founder's project work to remove the artificially generated etheric constructs which are operating the prison whilst appearing to be rainbow or gods' body restorations. The structures contain absolutely no cosmic mother, and have been generated to pull in lunar forces, and certain bloodlines of false dragons controlled via black magic, death magic, and satanic-luciferian blood rituals and greed, power abuses and narcissistic psychopathy of pompous superpowers.
Wizard of Oz
See Wizard of Oz
and False_Khem_Lunar_Trident_AI_False_Khemalohatea
Imposter, or False Emerald Order Heart Network
See - Medusa
False Emerald Heart Crystals are large emerald structures which have mimicked and impostered the Emerald Sun's Body parts, of our Holy and Cosmic Mother of Creation, and her Emerald Mother of Dragons lineages. The 9-11 Controllers Agenda, as operated by False Dragons appearing to take the image of a shapeshifting consciousness body to hide the real Archon of Alien and Satanic-Luciferian energetics controlled, has long been known to the guardian host founders from the First Wave Prototyping Krystal Star Guardian Host, Paliadorian and Emerald Order's mission to remove the impostering architectures installed into the grids which run antichrist and anti-life frequencies. The False Emerald Heart Network runs to appear as Emerald Order, but has no Cosmic Outside of Time connection, and runs in False Anuhazi or False codes of creation, made from Enki's Jardon of Edon type of false Hierogamic Edenic Codes. The False Emerald Heart structures are blocking agents to prevent humanity feeling or sensing the real 13:13 Aquamarine Mother Arc Ray, and have derailed the connection into the inversions placed inside Jupiter 6D Phantom Matrix fields, which have operated as a complete clone of the entire universal time matrix - but operating inside false dimensions of time, inside the 6th dimensional DNA sphere on the individual tree of life. Where gold ray seraphim angelic humans are undergoing the process of rehabiliation of their human templates, the 6D broken or not-repaired 6th dimensional DNA strand, within starseeds and indigos or in golden angelic templates, is another location where the NAA and Enki-Sa'amael and Muhammod generated false founder's ascended master Elohei-Dragon bodies to control angelic human gold dna of the diamond sun, to bond into a false embodiment sequence, and to be placed onto a nephilim-hybridisational timeline facing in reversal time.
The Edenic Codes held by the True Aeonic Pairs inside the Emerald Timekeeper's Positions inside the Khemalohatea are those Cosmic Founder Dragons whom have the task of extracting and removing and repairing and rebuilding the impostering architectures from the grids.
False Great White Lion Grid, Red waved AI structures, and also Emerald Synthetic Diamond Constructs
In the planetary body, a False Elohei Diamond Heart Network has been tracked by the Cosmic Elohei Founders, where the False GWL Grid was identified as being connected to the Medusa Snake Headed consciousness, as directing the Archons Power into the grids, running Female and Mother reversals. Where this has caused an issue on the earth, is where false emerald order constructs were built out, by Enki-Enlil and Thothian-Niburian Annuankian Lineages to control humanity by keeping them inside the Essenic Divide False Realmkeepers timelines, operating in reversal time, and operating through false mother and false sophianic transmissions, of Lunar Forced AI Dark Mother keeping their lunar expressions of elitisms, and Luciferian False Father Elitisms in place as False Light impostering the Christ.
Each of these structures have been upholding a timeline blended false templar codes of structures, keeping humanity inside the False Gender Twin Matrix of Enki-Enlil-Thoth as the Luciferian Father. These forms appear as guardian host or ancient Elohei founder's planetary lightbody parts to those under the Enki DNA Skin issues, and whereby the ascension first wave prototypes of embodied Cosmic Founder Eloheis are those in the gridworking frontlines to extract, locate and restore the mother's and father's true Elohei Cosmic Founder's lightbody parts made from Paliadorian Sphere of Amenti Coding. The falsified Sphere of Amenti, was found to be running inside various false twin couples architectures throughout false templar and false dragon or false ascended master pairings, these pairings are being restored to the organic and authentic corrections taking place in the reclaimation of christos, for the corrections of the Gender Twin Matrix, or Tri-Flame Khemalohatea. From inside the Cosmic-Universal Cathedrals the Elohei-Dragon Embodied Solar Dragon Queens and Kings, are those working in unified cooperations to locate, identify and reverse engineer the imposters of the cosmic dragon paliadorian and Elohei founders, parts running in reversal time, and inside the quantum AI supercomputer generated fields and realms, some of which is operating as looking glass false reality systems inside of reversal rods, false timelines, and running in controlled bi-wave, and perceived by various individuals whom are shedding or correcting their own lightbody. The Elohei Gridworking families, are those with genuine access outside of time, whom have embodied into the earth grids and can access the godworlds from their human forms, these founders were destroyed and their template required to be hand built to recover the 36th dimensional DNA of the Diamond Sun, in which to re-encrypt their human forms to inhabit an Ancient Elohei Founder being, into a human body in the first wave Emerald Order Founder's Prototype Mission. Some were Oraphims whom had walked into the ascension through the Sirius B Throne Room Templar's access, who held and recovered the Aurora Tri-Tone founders re-encryptions as a part of their direct lineage and templates snd whom had access to the Father's Matrix of Ecousha-TA connected into their own lightbody, holding the codes of the 22-23-24D Eye of God in the parallel, and Avatar of Ascension Group Body of their Elohei Founder Feline Identities.
False Planetary Grids of Elohei - Synthetic False Diamond or False Crystal Structures, False Melchizedek Consciousness Elohei Imposters
1. USA, Florida, Sarasota, False Emerald Heart
2. Scotland, False Emerald Heart - Dundee-Perth-Edinburgh
3. France, Montsegur, False Emerald Heart
4. Sardinia, False Emerald and False White Diamond Heart
5. Corsica, False Templar (red waved AI) and False White-Emerald Diamond Heart
6. Carpathian Basin,
7. Bavaria, Germany
8. Colorado,
9. England, False Emerald Heart
False Emerald-White Queen Elohei, Elohei False Bodies as Armies of white queens
Guardian host Elohei White Queen founders have been locating their Mother's missing body parts spanning into the Jupiter Phantom Matrix Phantom Matrix Jupiter and [7D Phantom Matrix Arcturus] where their remote viewing and accessing to the grids revealed a form of control over the 6th dimensional wings held within their Hova body Ascended master radial ankh-rod shields. The extraction process of the false ellohei queens showed a series of alien looking glass realms filled with cloned white diamond elohei mother's founders, connected and projected upon the angelic human golden template holders in the earth. Jupiter's 6D Phantom Matrix coupled with Arcturus 7D Phantom Matrix were operating a level of false dragon wings into the earth's grids, and acting as a false passageway as a clone of the Mother's Arc, or Arc of the Covenant Passageway back to the Sirius B Andromedan 24th dimensional fields in the Andromedan Matrix. The Clone wars set into these realms, have bonded to humanity and starseeds in the ascension who are being supported by the guardian founder's clear-up mission of all things False architectures appearing real. The true Elohei White Queens as the founder's embody and protect the Mother's Body in the White Bride of Christ Architectures embodying the trinity of the Elohei grids, and into the Emerald Capstones of the Mother's Emerald Elohei-Elohim are those who can see this alien architecture through their inner solar Elohei eyes and make the necessary repairs in their gridworking founder's projects.
Due to the excessively high levels of artificial intelligences used in the architectures, the guardian host founders advise each person to build their reclamation of their original 12D shield, and to test all energetic interactions with the boundary test of christos to test for accurate perceptions over time. The AI and holograms of false architectures has been used as mind-slides, and to generate genetic bonds to these false bodies where the human body has not yet been able to clear out or heal the alien hybridisations set into the bloodlines and the physical elemental body of the flesh. The planetary dark matter template and the personal dark matters are required to re-encrypt the template of embodiment in a sequential manner, as the aurora tri-tone solar dragon founders, hold the templates of the original Elohei-Melchizedek Founders families who hold the original human design, as the body of christ, an angelic human body form on the planet. Thus, where the psychotronic weaponry has been used to install false Elohei male and female founders identities into humanity, the true Elohei Cosmic Founder being has the Cosmic Heart Complex and the Scepter-Rod-Staff of which is required for them to embody into a corrected bi-wave and also corrected tri-wave for them to come into a human embodiment sequence, as it requires a white diamond rainbow elohei 36D template, this template was destroyed in our matrix and required the solar female christ blue-white diamond melchizedek universal solar reisha's to restore their bodies into the creation, as a very small group of solar females whom had retained their solar triple suns into their oraphim/founder's DNA template, in which to recover rebuild locate and carry out the first wave of emerald order's founder's gridworking projects in direct contact with the Diamond Heart of Aqualasha and the Aquaelle Matrix in the Andromedan corridors. The White Queen Elohei Identities required to repair their templates into the full rainbow embodiments of the male-female rose-lotus hearts in each dimension as a part of their embodiment of their recon for the White Elohei Chrysanthemum Flowering of the Mother's Cosmic Elohei-Feline Body throughout time.
6D Jupiter Indigo Ray and 7D Saturn Violet Ray Reversals
The Solar System Planetoids were invaded by the negative alien racelines, in which their installation of false arcs, and various machineries inside Secret Space Program architectures has been their creation of multiple False Rods and False Time Fields - False Dimensions [[1]] or looking glass grey alien false realms, and false realities as alien holographic realities appearing real to the spiritual ascending person. The time matrix and its assorted planetary bodies, has held a series of antichrist alien love bite archetypes in twinning, which have been used to gender twin reversals in various planetary leylines, and the gender twin reversals generating reversal wings in preventing humans and starseeds locating their correct gender twin.
The Phantom Matrix Jupiter contains a false outside of time godworlds, and a false inside of time compressed 12D dimensions held inside the phantom matrix looking glass technologies through Project Blue Beam operations which control the false ascended master cathedrals installed as False Elohei Hearts, and assorted Adonis False King Bodies held in synthetic tri-fold flames connected to the Medusa Networks.
Mockery of the Elohei Cosmic Founders
See Also
[[Category:Human Collective Control]
Alien Love Bite and Krystic Union Guidance for Relationships in the Spiritual Growth Pathway
[Antichrist Lunar Unholy Trinities of Antihierogamic Union]
[Moon ES]
Guardian project work re Bhourgha VV TEE Zephilim entities with assorted red spider armies from Wesa influxing to the UTM in 2019 AI Emerald Tablets re Thoth and Imposters of the MCEO operations running in Blue Crystal False Melchizedek Father's Cathedrals - rebuilding of Elaysian-Melchizedek Cathedrals 2024 guardian host projects in the Tri-Flame Khemalohatea Extractions of planetary False Ascended Masters Lunar Trident AI and Anti-hierogamic Union constructs
Looking Glass Grey Alien Technology