Dear Reader,
The planetary ascension we are all enduring is so filled with spiritual warfares against anyone with an intention to share truths, and to oust and repel the antichrist's deceptions upon us all. As a note I'd like to ask those out there, whom are in the digital content creations to please bear in mind that the life's work of anyone is a part of their personal actions whilst alive on the planet, that should be treated with courtesy and respect. We are all here, doing our own things, and building safe spaces in which we know there are certain taboo topics which are deliberately being censored, such as alien abductions or the fact that a person who is an experiencer of extra-terrestial harrassments, spiritual hidden silent warfare, is being controlled by the mass media under the guise of being "fact checked".
How anyone can prove to another person their own consciousness experiences, is still a problem at this time on a planet where more humans are waking up to realise the levels of layers of controlled perceptions. Add to this the dismissive attitude sometimes based in fear, which labels many people telling those truths as mentally unstable as an easier solution rather than accepting that person's account as their real life experience. We can share our experiences with others who can feel and sense what that is, and find others who relate to this specifically as an experience that they too, have had.
I started to become spiritually activated in my life back around 1986 where various invisible beings were making themselves known to me, and at the same time, aliens or ET creatures with shadow beings present led to an extremely emotional reaction as dark night of the soul, which was a soul embodiment process aged 10 initiated by my connection to god. This process unfolded since then in a series of galatic emissary avatar trainings until the consciousness with the Lyran-Sirian Sirius B was secured which catapulted me into strange experiences I had to try and figure out over the years personally. I've shared my life's work here in Omnilov3.com and this wiki, as a sharing to support those on the ascension who have not had access to what I feel would be adequate spiritual truths. I struggled to find reasons why I could see aliens and demons and false-angels. Eventually my personal guardian contacts Yeshua and Akhenaton from their positions outside of time guided me in a non-interfering way to spiritual sister, Lisa Renee whose life's work factored deeply into my own personal activations and growth in such a way it was undeniable to be here with shared commonalities. So, our site takes the form of a similarity, but the content is all our own life's personal gridworking fieldworks with the Guardian Host Emerald founders Krystal Star Host mission.
The guardian host workloads and their contactees on the earth happen through a process of un-interfering, and un-superior - read - humble, heart based communications to test for spiritual maturity and personal ethics and values, before they will commence working with their ground crew intended ascension guides. This process has been grossly misunderstood on the earth, as we have various thousands of people in different timeline positions and in different soul groups, who each have an oversoul consciousness mission of their own unique spiritual healings. The planet is filled with artificial grids, inserts and booby traps set to appear as authentic golden rainbows or appear as to cater to the heroistical patterns being used to derail the starseed and indigo ascension healing, by setting up extensive traps within dimensions to really keep those individuals from busting through their own dark night of the soul, and to keep these dramatic expressions, sometimes victimiser expressions being used instead of the person taking the lesson, and realising change must happen with the intention of being in direct connection to god source.
My husband spent most of his life generating the artworks to share the connections and templates from the godworlds and to represent these as form-holding blueprints which contain an energetic frequency from the cosmic founders. These have made it out into social media and the world at large, where people send messages and notes of appreciation for being able to see these when they resonate. My mission also as a gridworker in galactic emissary trained services, as a contract, is to share and expand guardian knowledges straight from the guardian families workloads, and from a personal direct consciousness experience. This is important for me to share, to relay this, as the false telepathies and the cloned warfares have sent out guardians as holographic inserts, and channelings to control people in various ways on the planet. There is an ongoing war over the guardian host informations of true spiritual Krystic or Christ, ascension, which all humans are being supported through as the planetary body undergoes its own repair sequences, as does this also affect the inhabitants upon the earth. The hatred and attacks we have received for our sharings has been educational and interesting, when the attacks come, they have an energetic signature and this also leads into who wants to destroy the christos families from being embodied in the ascension. Thus, the content we have, as gridworkers is considered to be shared as supports, as those in the ascending energetic starseed experiences will understand this more than others. Together, this is a part of the ascension in which one day, all humans upon this planet will know exactly how controlled it was here, and they will also experience the actual godhead creator inside their own bodies as they ascend to reconnect with their Christed Embodiments as a human christ which was the original human design.
You are free to reference our materials, but we ask please, that you courteously respect that if you use them - please reference our site as the origin. To do so, is to respect that others too are working the similar ascension path as yourself, as we are one body of work for consideration to support others. Over the last 8 years the cloned warfare from the negative aliens mostly thothian annunakians and zephilum aliens operating in the shadows as false guardian teams, or false starfamily to other groups (we can see them, they are not our starfamilies of various guardian teams) have cloned out our content into the ethers, and given this as artificial intelligence inserts to several others grids on the earth. This is their means of cloning me out by placing my image or my words into another person's consciousness - to represent certain parts of the guardian host, but whom do not have my direct consciousness experiences to back up their sharings. Also, from time to time our image or body or group field gets holographic archontic images as if this is what we really are. We get a host of heroistic remote viewers trying to gain access to the group body, and in lots of cases, the black magicians out there sending hatred and vitreol to everything we stand for, is usually what people feel the first time the make connection - unless of course, there is clear heart that can feel through the crap they keep placing upon us to derail people and to manipulate those into thinking we are not a body of christ on the earth. The deceptions are quite the ongoing spiritual warfare.
We can see, with the AI fakery in videos, the AI taking over to generate false people holograms as an entertainment system has spilled out into people taking ALL online content and the AI systems using it to scour and re-generate things like essays, and stories, and books. Many of us know we have a personal expression of our own energy - so what is it going to look like in the future if we are relating to some kind of robotic voice sharing informations and content, without a real living human who can share their actual personal hard-earned life wisdoms, how is the emotional sensory perception of that receipient going to feel in the receivership of that?
If you heard my voice, you'd hear my vocal expression which carries my intention and my heart based love for this work, and all who may be served by it. Just like people telling stories around the campfire, there is an energetic moment of shared human hearts together which cannot be replicated into an online system. If I heard your voice, and it could be felt by my body then this resonance and your energy is transmitted within your personal soul expression. We are in a process on this planet, of being = just who we really are, and to really integrate our own expressions to really value that as a deeply emotional human experience to be ourselves and learn to be together. After all, god created our souls, and each soul has a very unique and very gorgeous inner spiritual gift to be or share in this world. These pages are my gift in written expression, there is an energetic signature from my soul that is present here.
The words I am typing today, carry my personal energy within them onto the page, and when you type or speak - your expression from your soul is imprinted upon your own sharing. The resonance we have to people in our lives is very personal, we sense and we feel, we make decisions based upon those intuitive impressions and we can take what is helpful and we can move on. We can say - thank goodness! Someone else get's it! I am not alone! Some may disagree, and that is absolutely OK.
With this in mind, and with the expression that is so unique and personal to each of us on the planet, I've seen very recently our ascension content appear on social media platforms which appears as digital content creators pasting the words and presenting them to their thousands or millions of followers - as if this is their own words and work. I do not feel this needs to happen like this, as it is a mis-representation of that person's own voice, to be mine or our content without disclosing it or without sharing the information actually came from here. This feels awkward, as when all of us are growing up, we learn the basic courtesy of crediting others where credit is due. What happens then, when someone asks you to expand upon those words? What will the answers be? If your own experiences and your own sharings don't feel what you would prefer them to be, how can you look to being who you really are in this life, and not take other's words as your own? Can you sense that it is a bit strange to take someone elses work and present as your own, when you then receive the credit or even in some cases, money for it? I know in life the pain where others have stolen my work and words, and happily received credit for it - never once showing that the information and content didn't really come from their mind or their experiences. Today's spiritual leaderships must abide to only present themselves as they really and truly are. We cannot have people out there on the holy mountain of self-importance to appear knowledgable and with lifelong experiences...if they really don't exist. This energetic dynamic is one which is based in a falsehood, and I have been a witness to this my entire life. People misrepresenting themselves to appear more or different than they really are can have dire emotional impact upon others who placed their trust upon or with that person. Some individuals were very unhealed and very wounded, and used this process of mis-representation as if it allowed them to ignore their unhealed shadow, and to put them up on a pedestal of their own making. What is entirely painful in our planet is when we find out, later, that someone wasn't really who they said they were, or that how they acted wasn't their actual real all-the-time self. This generates and re-generates broken heartedness on this planet. Many of us have had enough of that, as we know, being a trustworthy person in the purest self-expression as just who we really are, is what is building our human race to embody the actual spirits of christ, and truth.
In this spiritual warfare, my tasks are to offer public informations out as part of my life's mission and spiritual truth sharing with my husband. If I refer to someone else's work who sparked an insight within me, I'd share their online link as the direct reference. What is being shared here is an account of ascension in direct contact with cosmic teams of intelligences, to support humanity have another resource to support the person think feel or resonate - or not. To bring support. We do not have any social media sites nor do we add content to them. More and more of us on the christos families have experienced character assassinations at the hands of satanic and luciferian forces. These forces covet and clone, and copy, and feel very self-entitled to present knowledge as their power. To bring this information to the content of our site, has meant we live on donations and memberships as this helps us continue to bring free content in blogs, and updates. And yet, I am very aware of the tendency of the glamourisations over this knowledge, whereby unscrupulous energetics in service to self agendas, are using knowledge or energetic supports to cost hundreds of dollars, which I can honestly say is not a guardian intelligence.
We are happy if someone feels support from our work, this is shared in kindness for anyone who feels like it is helpful to them. Please may you link back to our site, as a respectful courteousy of shared human values. There is enough room out there, for everyone's voice to be heard and also to be found, for just who they are.

This site is an expanding reference to energy architecture, experiences and observations on the ascension path, gained from direct interface with energy architecture, and through biological ascension through years of integrating frequencies via meditative practise and interaction with living light intelligence of source consciousness, and the families upholding the support for human ascension known as the group Christ Collectives of Krystal Star Guardians.
We are [www.OmniLov3.com Aeonesis the Alchemy of Ascension]
Our mission is to work with the Guardian Host as representatives galactic emissaries to support starseeds, indigos, lightworkers and the ascending family to provide context to what has happened here on the earth. Information on this site is an ongoing Project offered as a guidance to spiritual Ascension.
Please only take what resonates with your heart as a truth, discarding anything which does not resonate
In Unified Cooperation we share the common mission goals of the Guardian Host from the authentic lineages of the Cosmic Sovereign Law, Cosmic Christ Consciousness which serves the guardian host Christos Mission.
'This Wiki is shared through creative commons, and is a truth resonance of galactic history; obtained through the direct reading of records in the human lightbody, of the dna structure, planetary body gridworking and remote viewing of the collective projects of the Krystal Star Guardian Host. This information is not channeled and is a compilation of our direct consciousness experiences through the ascension cycle.' Which is given to those who resonate to help navigate in finding your own spiritual truths in discernment of the antichrist frequencies of control, and the organic frequencies of the godhead.
Please check back for updates as our site is a work in progress continually being updated with ascension related informations.
Resources Categories in the Wiki
Understanding the Ego Death & Emotional healing is the most important process in ascension
Artworks on our Site
All of the artwork unless otherwise credited is created and designed by Sequoia Arayas. Should you choose to share this artwork, we appreciate you crediting our site as the owner and creator to retain the energetic signature, as we are choosing share and share alike creative commons. We ask you kindly to consider that if you would artwork created for your own projects or for commercial use, that you contact Sequoia directly through the main website link. This allows us to continue creating and producing content freely for the ascension families on the earth to understand the nature of the christos mission from the guardian host cosmic families.
In past endeavours in the earlier stages of our life were online accounts in social media platforms in sharing our work or practitionership offerings. We found this created vulnerabilities and interferences through various means and in order to meet the particular requirement set forth in the christos guardian host mission projects, it was deemed a necessary to retain our own energetic integrity in protecting the body of work we are here to record and help restore awareness of into the earth's body, was only possible through the christ embodied architecture of which serves as the structure by which our site operates directly as a guardian outreach upon the earth. At this time, we have a youtube channel but no other social media presence.
About OmniLov3.com
Mhairi Arayas experienced a spontaneous kundalini awakening at a young age which led to direct contact, experiences and telepathic relay in communication from the guardian host races in the next universe in Andromeda of several Lyran-Sirian contacts, in which the connections and upgrades to the biospiritual links provided awarenesses of detailed energy architecture. This led into long term awakening period and a larger kundalini event and Sirius B Oraphim walk in, which was able to remove the crucifixion implants 7D reversals starting to reveal in the body during 2004, which allowed the higher senses to progressively and slowly over time, to see and feel more architectures of falsity and reveal the direct sight to see and interact with different realms, in eventually seeing aliens physically in the other dimensions and other creatures masquerading as angels. This revealed as requirement to meet the divine appointment of being present for the ascension and to work in unified cooperation to support and be with the starseed and indigo families for the larger ascension events. Mhairi is an etheric surgeon, guardian host planetary gridworker and galactic emissary for the guardian host families and writes from her personal direct gnostic experiences from over 20 years of slow sane and integration through the years over activated awarenesses, in to support advocacy for the starseed and indigo races upon the earth. None of our content is channeled material, this is a spiritual embodiment process of direct cognition whilst working interdimensionally to act as part of the ground crew team here for this christos guardian mission.
Mhairi is here with her hierogamic partner husband Sequoia Arayas working in several projects of the guardian teams, to bring awareness, truth and sharings of energetic templates, tools and guidance for navigating the awakening as sanely and grounded as is possible. Sequoia-Patrick has created many thousands of artworks from his direct experiences with energy architectures in the blueprints and through his experiences with the guardian families throughout his life. From a very young age he started to see and interact with various levels of reality, of which allowed him to represent the architectures in his artwork for others to see and remember the cosmic energetic blueprints. Both were able to see ranges of negative aliens and interactions with them at different times in life. This allowed more hidden truths to be directly experienced and revealed, and supported more detailed comprehension that humanity's origins, sensory perceptions and beliefs were being controlled by vicious entities and various controls which had been inserted into the planetary body and human lightbody architecture. It became obvious with the guardian host contacts throughout the years that all is not what it seemed on the earth, and led them both to find great support and loving unconditional kindness in the body of work brought forth by Lisa Renee, of energeticsynthesis.com. Lisa has provided many toolsets and joining of the dots for our personal missions as a part of the guardian host families workstreams.
It was experienced directly and with guardian host support that these planetary structures were being used to mind control humanity and dumb human perceptions down, prevent human DNA activations into the natural template which belongs to the human body of the base 12 DNA, or the Diamond Sun 12 stranded DNA, including the vast issues we have on earth with sexual abuses, pedophilic networks, abuse of humans animals and children to feed those energies to offplanet stations of alien hive mind hubs. The vast hidden shadows and invisible to the human perception through controlling pillars structures and energetic implanted networks infecting the earth in what is the mass stealth situation of offplanet controlling structures which guardian host came here to view, record and to rehabilitate out from the planetary grid networks.
Spiritual Deceptions in the Ascension and New Age Manipulations
Spiritual practises have been tainted with false light which serves the imposters and this can take a while to comprehend - we don't want to take the bliss pill, we want to slowly come to truths that will ultimately reveal and heal our entire spiritual bodies.
That which is glamourous or appears friendly, often has a hidden agenda of siphoning energies through what has been set into the earth as a normal human experience or desire. Many awakening starseeds must come to realise that within the awakening cycles and stages, there are forces of glamourisation which will take ahold and present as "spirit" or guides, which are controlling your perception by providing false ideas and inserted thoughts which act to take you away from your god-given soul's pathway in this life. This means for many who have been duped by various forces, the pain of understanding levels of lies, trickery and confusion will need to be navigated, as the ascension will mean that you become aware of etheric implants, mindslides, inserted thoughts and desires, and other energies which were hidden to you - but become revealed when you align your heart into the one source, god source holy trinity. Many imposters of god's light exist in many guises, we must be careful to not pass judgement upon them and instead learn how to effectively navigate this hidden spiritual war. Galactic Warriors here for full awakening to the mass conciousness deceptions will have to face this reality, and we can face this whilst learning to remove our fears. There is nothing to fear when we understand our true history, and our true unconditional loving power that comes from the godhead.
The long term goal of the emerald order guardian host family is to rehabilitate the planetary architecture which has been infected by invisible layers of artificial intelligence structures, used to control human perception and force the controller negative alien hidden agenda upon the masses. The guardian host lineages in this timeline who are working across the interdimensional layers of the time matrix uphold protectorship for humanity to achieve liberation from the vast insidious and hidden antichrist agenda. As the planetary architecture is undergoing great change, humanity must awaken to see the lies, the liars and the antichrist evil forces in action upon this planet whom have used the highest level of alien warfare undectectable until the guardian families could restore their communication links into the Cosmic Dragon Creators from the Godworlds. These families and their immense love of creation and humanity, are representatives of god's natural laws and the enactment of the cosmic order of god's laws to manifest upon the earth, through each human being if they take this choice.
Many individuals both human and non-human have tried to defame or destroy our works, through satanic ritual abuse attacks in the astral, interdimensionally with negative alien groups showing up to intimidate, in copying artworks without accreditation to the original creator, or in some cases presenting our sharings to their own audiences and repackaging as their own. The energy signatures of our sharings, our words, meditations and sharings are presented to support those spiritual truthseekers in becoming self sovereign and in developing spiritually with the intention of understanding the purity of essence within the individual unique person in serving the godsource from your own unique heart expression.
This awareness comes through self-responsibility to know onesself very deeply in breaking down and becoming freed of the predator mindsets which have been installed to humanity through the constructs known as negative ego. These ego lens, unhealed traumas and shadow body emotional energies inside the self are used to block a person from their truthful authentic self expression, and instead force the false persona and identity controller archetypes to fit a controllable mould. These controlling archetypes will force plaigarisms, including sharing our work or images without proper accreditation under the guise of "spreading the word." In our workloads, our tasks and sharings meet with our personal unique expressions as a resource that may support others fathom this incredibly challenging time upon earth, as a razor thin level of energetic self-discernment is required in order to remain sane, and not be taken down by negative entities posing as guardian forces.
As with any form of integrity, it must be shared from the heart in direct authenticity in order to stand energetically within the core of the self, as this sharing of personal experiences stands in its own truthful light which is upheld as gnostic truth, and can be recognised through the frequencies in the heart. Despite the wish of the antichrist forces to keep true spiritual knowledge hidden, labelling anyone on earth with the direct conscious awareness of the negative agenda, whether it's seeing demons and creatures, extra terrestrial beings, or being aware of travelling through stargates into other realms without trying: these are the real truths of the human's spiritual biological layers, which for the starseed races, waking up one morning to green reptilians standing over your body can be quite the intense shock! To comprehend that these beings are not physical in this dimensional bandwidth, and that starseeded and indigo families progressively can see the holographic nature of reality, intuitive awareness, and with many senses coming online which feel like utter exhaustion, as the godhead activates the DNA stranding, to waken and show what was deeply hidden, cannot stay hidden on the path to spiritual comprehensions of the actual truth of humanity and the nature of our reality. Many starseeds and awakening humans are terrorised when their higher sensory perception starts to open out into the higher subharmonics, and what reality fabric was, changes and it cannot be switched off. During stages of the awakening, it is important to be aware of manipulations, there are artificial intelligence forces projecting holograms of moveis, guides and control, inserting thoughts and keeping everyone asleep inside the controlled matrix. Guardian host families of the Cosmic Christ, are here in the earth repairing the hookups and communication links, and evicting many alien predatorial races and their demonic hierarchies from the earth grids. As this happens you may be involved in seeing that, transiting and removing these creatures from earth, through your lightbody as beings transit and are removed through the starseeded service to god, through the heart.
Since much of the sharings of our content may be felt as controversial, and much will not be proven externally unless experienced directly in the heart, we ask you to take your time and check your own resonance to test this against your personal experiences, over time. Most of us here on the earth for the ascension had to wait until the galactic alignments and universal alignments to Andromedan galaxy were aligning for us to obtain the correct support energetically for the process of rebuilding or building the DNA and spiritual bodies into wholeness. As ascension symptoms of exhaustion occur, and the body feels very pressured, knowing the the planetary body is undergoing immense spiritual and cosmic ray alterations to re-connect humanity to the godhead, the true creators of humanity, we must each step forth into our highest expression through life lessons, emotional awareness healing, and to remain possible in the heart as it opens out into layers and layers of deeper truths which cannot be denied inside the self when it is felt.
We hope you find support from our materials and sharings, and to check your personal determination and discernment when interacting with the content. It is offered as a truth-resonance which can be tested from within your heart and inner soul at stages of awakening to support your spiritual ascension.
Understanding Ascension
As a spiritually awakening starseed, indigo or lightworker it is imperative to comprehend that the new age has been hijacked with imposter representatives controlling the narratives from various dimensions as imposter spirits masquerading as the light, whom are controlling the information and creating astral trickery, guru archetypes and blissmasters. In order to ascend in understanding your personal lessons and spiritual initiations from a personal unique blueprint within your energy matrix; it is your task to unravel the deceptions and to free your lightbody and energy field from being used as a dark portal or being caught into false reality fields and consciousness traps. As a natural process and intention to know the truth, the predator mind control which has influenced our planet has to be understood in stages, in order to free one's spiritual bodies and mental body from the density and timelocks put in place. Psychic self defense and right use of your own energy in understanding power abuses, archetypal influences including satanic and luciferian forces is a necessity in order to ascend and heal the patterns of energy or polarity of which you have come here to serve during this ascension cycle. The negative ego can be very difficult for starseeds and indigos to truly understand, as it means a dedication to understanding the contents of one's own heart, behaviour and attitudes. Deep healing and cleansing out of dead energy miasmatic loads, in shedding density through ascension flu with fluctuating energy levels is part of the changing through this cycle.
As you intend to build your auric field into wholeness, various life lessons will present at each stage of your personal growth; and these must be faced in order to synthesise the contents of your energy field into the next higher harmonic in sequential DNA activations throughout your life. The ascension is a long term dedication throughout your incarnation, and throughout many lifetimes in learning how to be the best and most loving human being you can be with ethical human principles and developing unconditional love in restoring the in-dwelling of the house of god, the christ principle inside your human vessel as god intended. Learning what service to self vs service to others means as a golden rule of humanity and to not bypass the difficult life lessons by reaching for rose tinted glasses to not look at negativity, or darkness as this leaves a person in dark ignorance only willing to see or know one half of the equation. Humanity has suffered extreme levels of interferences, broken planetary grid networks and many heinous levels of hidden controlling forces. In order to know this truth, and to reveal the absolute truths of our creation, our creators and our actual planetary age and histories which have been destroyed and wiped from the planetary brain, building your ascending lightbody to align only and fully and totally with the spirits of Christ, The Cosmic Intelligence of the angelic human racelines and the human body, in restoring this truth unto you.
There are no shortcuts. Our planet and human collective fields are undergoing massive shifts and changes. Are you willing to know what has been hidden from view in order to know the absolute loving benevolence as the divine right of all of humanity? These self-assessments will come as inner questions to the spiritual truthseeker, on the path to understanding human ascension as a starseed, indigo or lightworker person with a loving and willing heart restoring human nature as a natural expression through your self.

Many False Gods of Creation have been found during the guardian christos paliadorian mission, in which the Cosmic Founders returning into creation could see the damages which had happened to control humanity and the planet using corruptions, control and paltering by many infiltrations of beliefs in accordance to their Archontic Deceptions in controlling matter in the time matrix. As a result of this, the observations and the gridworking missions to restore the Creator's Cosmic Elohei Founder's Dragons Code into the earth has highlighted that the body of god and the many warring religious factions and groups in the earth, had at the behind the scenes many false gods whom had appointed themselves controllers and creators of humanity, to play out war-games and to use humanity as their pawns, without fear of being seen due to their extensive implants and matter of elemental controls in spiritual abuses and violences against humanity. To understand the nature of this issue, the guardian host founders from the christos family lineages and the ancient builders sent their solar dragons through the entrances to time, to document and observe the lies and evils of control to split humanity apart from each other, in generating the god as a vengeful fearsome god, who must be obeyed by obediences and live according to the paltered laws written into many revered and sacred texts, which had been twisted into truths and half-truths to prevent the human heart from determining the emotional heartbased inner truth and instead living to the external expectations written into books.
The Books of God's Laws, are a part of the planetary record systems also referred as the Emerald Founder Records, or CDT Plates technology which were destroyed, stolen, cloned and stuck inside the elemental controls in the earth - which meant the laws of god's creation and high level founder knowledge was hijacked by these false gods of creation, in which many Annunakian Sumerian False Gods, such as Enki, Enlil (Jehovah) and Yahweh, Muhammod were the creatures combining their Luciferian-Satanic laws into the earth whilst they destroyed the Mother and Father's Dragon Bodies of the Albion Dragons within the earth. The Spiritual Hierarchy of Creation as held inside the Albion Body Genetic Timecapsules, by the Cosmic Elohei Dragon Founders was reconnected into the earth and the Godworlds by the lineages of Guardian Akhenaton's Cosmic Father's Law of Structures Mission to restore the earth grids to the Cosmic Father's Laws and Words of God. Thus, the nature of our reality has been written by the Victors of War, those antichrists and False Kings who embody Tyranny and have no place in our realm and are being addressed by the Guardian Host Cosmic Solar Dragons, who have the capacity to remove and extract their alien archontic control and lies over creation and humanity. Many of these false gods would groom and recruit spiritually awakening individuals in which a different creation story is used as the narrative, each of these false gods stating that they are the "one" god, which also extends into many demonic hierarchies working in conjunction to seek a human vessel in which their own power is pumped up through the human's deeds and acts in the earth connected to their specific realm or providence.
Many of the original religions on the earth have been distorted into various lies, to break the human heart to maintain obedience in sufferings or repetentance towards being a sinner. The holographic inserts of crucifixion networks inside the planetary body, included the mass instruction sets of the christ crucifixions, generating a series of holographic movies of "christ died for human's sins" of which is the largest gaslighting evil sorcery against the human race, made by and upheld in these false god's architectures and cathedrals - houses of satan, houses of yahweh, houses of antichrist which uphold the sinners narrative in order for humanity to self-enslave in accordance to the mind controls and false beliefs written into the earth grids and under the false god's will.
The Cosmic Suns of Creation, the Cosmic Elohei Dragons Felines are the Original Creators of the Time Matrix. As these founders are returning into the planetary body, their focal point is to rebuild the Cosmic Founder's Original Blueprints inside the earth, by reconnecting these into the major Dragon Ley lines of the earth (under long term rehabiltiations) and to remove the Alien Intruder Grids connected and controlled by the False God's Assorted Bi-wave and reversals as these are antilife force death currents binding humanity into several layers of lies, and blood covenant bindings into the false god's chambers as sacrificial enslavements. The One Godhead is accessed inside the heart of a human wishing to know the truth, of which Jesus the Christ - Guardian Yeshua is often the saviour seen during such prayers. Yeshua is but one of the Solar Dragon Founders whose body was cloned out into the earth grids in various false Jesus narratives, such as the Crucifixion stories, to generate and perpetuate self-enslavements as the Crucifixion of the Christ was written by the archons and negative aliens who reversed the Mother's Body in the earth into being Crucified, This also is seen in the Controller Pillars of Society in money wealth and sexual extortion such as the gender wards, and the BDSM sexual violences and satanic ritual abuses or sexual abuses and violences, sexual misery where very literally the alien architectures of the crucifixions are exactly the same energy bindings placed into the female layers of earth and all humans, in which the bindings to the satanic cults is being enacted through sexual misery enslavements to the lunar forces of false female gods and false male gods of creation. The Crucifix Cross has been used as a means to continue this painful holographic insert and negative alien installation of architectures into the earth to bind the human wings of the 6d right shoulder and 7d left shoulder which builds the rod into the wings, heart and breath, in being at one with the creator from the personal body.
The Devil appears as a saviour, to provide those who want to serve his laws to be given ALL of creation through the lies of freedom through wealth, sexual prowess, and powers of doing's Satan's work on the earth to control humanity away from their inner work to heal the soul into wholeness and to unite again with the one and only true cosmic founders of the godhead.
In order to know the truth about humanity and the original creators, one must ask to seek the truth inside of the heart as the essences of god will support the spiritual truthseeker to see the lies, and to see the manipulations and to know inside the heart the truth through the emotional heart based purity, as this inner lens of heart based seeking, will be met with stages of truth-reveal in stages and layers through life's trials and tribulations. In removing the powers or convenants set into the human lightbody connected to the false gods, as one begins to free oneself from the lies and controls, these powers of antichrists will seek to torture and torment through the matter realms, in which the spiritual battle begins for the human to see through the antichrists lies, and back into god's house of spiritual freedom to be built as the indwelling inside the self, as the city four square or new jersualem through the solar cube earth element to build the solar pillars of christ. These are four diamond pillars which become the house of god, or cathedral of the human form, rebuilding this inside the self as one acts in accordance to the truth, kindness, and building unconditional love inside, to remove revoke judgements, lies and corruptions against the heart and soul.
Understanding the Forces of Nature and God, Love
Healing from the lies and paltering set forth into the planetary body and affecting human psyche, it is imperative to comprehend that the main force of the creator's body is pure and simple = LOVE. With Love, there is no control, no judgement and no difference between all species upon this earth. This truth is upheld in every moment where a person feels their heart and soul deeply and has the comprehension of being loved, and giving love, and being aware of Love. This force of energy is a human divine birthright, and is the Holy Spirit from the Cosmic Mother and Cosmic Father which is being restored into the earth in greater degrees through the rehabilitation of the planetary grid networks which carry this liquid light and cosmic aethers spiritual trinity forces of matter, into the subtle layers of the earth and is reflected between humans when they are kind, loving and respectful and reverent of all of life.
False Gods of Creation

In the ascension context of embodying higher frequencies of our own energy sources, through the direct integration of light frequencies into the lightbody and physical body connections of our own stations of higher identity; we are learning that in order to support that organic process, we must be willing to look at thoughts, beliefs, behaviour, responses and our own actions and intent. We are learning to become more loving, heart oriented humans and return more of the love back to humanity whilst living our lives on earth. We are learning what it is to embody the law of one, the law of god and unity. The Universal Law of One is a reality field and the only true organic divine timeline, it is also a way of being that anchors into embodiment harmonic resonance with God-source. This way is not an abstraction, it is the recognition of Oneness which ignites the inner God-spark in man to emanate the eternal spiritual living light, love, and power of Christ.
If we can understand that there have been [negative ego programs] installed into the planetary body, and within the human lightbody context; we each hold patterns of those and these can shape the lens of our lives as we live them. Some people may call these karmic influences. Not all of them are karmic. We see these forces of energy patterns run in the wider global context on the day to day. We see these forces run in ourselves and family members. We could call these Archetypal influences, of positive, negative and neutral association. Many of us are here in bodies right now in order to support the removal of these energies, or removal of our lightbody from being impacted by these energies. To support the building of planetary architecture and our own personal connections into the godhead. Essentially it means that we are all here to share our ascension experiences for those who come behind us, and awake one morning to the knowing that there is a bigger purpose in life.
In spiritual awakening phases, for those on the ascension plan there may be contact from cosmic forces, attacks from invisible energies, and thought streams that attempt to cause harm and destruction/doubt inside the mind. This can cause fear, imbalance and yet more fear. Many spiritual teachings do not address this side of the energetic terrain, as some spiritual teachings are not aware that the forces of negativity exist as they do. Anything that seeks to inflict pain suffering or trauma is not connected directly to god, because, when we are – none of that exists in human intention. Regardless of what it looks like out there in the global landscape. It is always worse when we cannot see the negativity at play, for then we do not realise that there is something else in the mix. Starseeds on the path at this time may come to this knowledge like a short sharp pain in the side that leaves us bewildered and feeling fearful. There is no need to fear these forces in any way. There is, however, a learning curve in the understanding the nature of what we are all here to support, or do.
That which is hidden cannot be allowed to fester and create further pain or suffering within us. It is in the realisation that a multitude of forces exist that we may address the cause, the behaviour and the affect on our energy. We can begin to ‘free’ ourselves from these energy forces. We have the ability to do that with intended dedication to be shown the way. We can begin to take command over our own energy and direct our consciousness for the highest outcome or win-win for all. Many of the great sages and spiritual teachers spoke of great darkness, to be overcome. They also may have spoken about becoming free, enlightened and knowing themselves as god in all ways. This is part of becoming god, sovereign and free. There are many ways in which to describe this, and it may be seen to be trying to be a more heart based human, in all ways that we can be. To be trustworthy, truthful and open to change. To discern connection to inner knowing, and use that as the only compass to life.
When we are peace, Source flows through us, as us
Within our omnilov3 group space here, we are guided to provide a level of support for individuals who seek to know themselves more deeply, to support that embodiment process and to come to understandings about how that may be experienced from an individual perspective. Through the seeking on the internal connection (meditative practise) we can each be shown in perfect context what is right for us to know or understand in that moment. It is personal on the internal of our awareness so that we come to know our intuitive guidance in every moment. We share context here of conscious coding artwork, which is formed from many many multiple layers of texturing, and sacred livinglight code krystic geometries. It might be that one day you feel guided to look at a particular piece of artwork here and find that your energy field clears and resets itself back to a more balanced sense of peacefulness. Or to be drawn to participate in the group meditative medicine spaces to aid you in your own process of freeing yourself. We are all journeying into the knowing god source as part of ourselves, in ever deepening senses and knowing intimately that source is here now. Always. We are all connected to source, but knowing and feeling that in every moment; is life changing, and is a potential that each person has.
In our meditative spaces we use word commands or descriptions in order to ‘say’ out loud, or provide a label identification or context to what the energetic recognition is. Then, the intent and direction of christ or krystic consciousness in order to dismantle or remove the energetic negative impact from having an effect. We could generalize this and say that we are each able to begin to recognise these different types of blocks when we are working with the intention of removing them. The guardian host teams support us in the achieving of this in order to experience more energetic freedom, in alignment with our each individual path of ascension. Energies which are blocking us from knowing god source can be identified and felt in the energy bodies, it is when we don’t know that they are there – we cannot feel or know source in the most optimised way. This is part of the removing of negative, reversal, implanted or lower energetic densities from the lightbody, aura, mind and multidimensional expressions; allowing a space in which to be filled in with our own higher expressions and love-light filling up the body mind and heart. This brings us closer to knowing and sensing and feeling god source energies on a more permanent basis.
This is part of our aim here. For each person to understand that there may be unhealed trauma within the lightbody through multiple cosmic timecycles, in this current body or within the multiple stations of self out there in the time matrix. We each can support ourselves by firstly identifying patterns of response, triggers or behaviour that we would like to alter in our lives, that we feel would ‘free’ us to feel more – happy, free, loved, supported, or something different. Each person has different ideas of what freedom may mean or look like to them. Essentially, this is clearing of the negative ego – those patterns that bind us into not feeling free, content or peaceful.
For time immemorial spiritual information has been kept in mystery school teachings, hidden or filled with disinformation. We each must discern what is most supportive to us as individuals and not get caught in the holding on to any narrative, story, timeline or belief. Yet, the unhealed aspects of ourselves which may lay dormant or up front have to be addressed in order to change the experience our consciousness has this lifetime and beyond. Coming to know that there is no fast route, no quick hit gratification on this path will allow the journey to unfold in an increasingly more peaceful way. We believe that each person has the right to understand and know how to heal the self, dismantle the chains of the negative ego in order to feel more love, unity and heartfelt peace this lifetime.

Understanding Spiritual Ascension The Cliff Notes
Changes to human experience
As the planetary body is changing, in the subtle energetic layers of the stargates and energy networks, humans undergo symptoms of the ascension which can appear in a myriad of ways. As a human being receives the higher energies which are instreaming to the planet through the sun and stellar body transmissions; tiredness, achiness, mental body changes, higher sensory perceptions, pre-cognitive functions and dreams, the change in the passing of time, pains and emotions will flood into the surface of the life. This is an energetic biological spiritual awakening, of which many humans have not been prepared to understand. Mainstream media, scientific research do not speak freely of the human soul, and thus this information is likely to be refuted as mythological. The human soul exists to connect with the godsource, and to experience life upon the planet earth. Each individual going through a spiritual activation may mistake this process for deep depression, dark emotional overwhelm, seeing spirits and passed on loved ones, or receiving a higher knowing or feeling within themselves which perhaps didn't exist before.
As a spiritually awakening starseed, indigo or lightworker it is imperative to comprehend that the new age spiritual information has been hijacked with imposter representatives, whom are controlling the information and creating astral trickery, guru archetypes and blissmasters. Channeled information is not coming through a Christ Consciousness representative upon the earth, as the Christ embodiment is a self-sovereign embodiment in direct unification with godsource. In order to ascend it is your task to unravel the deceptions and to free your lightbody and energy field from being used as a dark portal or being caught into false reality fields and consciousness traps. As a natural process and intention to know the truth, the predator mind control which has influenced our planet has to be understood in stages, in order to free one's spiritual bodies and mental body from the density and timelocks put in place. Psychic self defense and right use of your own energy in understanding power abuses, archetypal influences including satanic and luciferian forces is a necessity in order to ascend and heal the patterns of energy or polarity of which you have come here to serve during this ascension cycle. The negative ego can be very difficult for starseeds and indigos to truly understand, as it means a dedication to understanding the contents of one's own heart, behaviour and attitudes. Deep healing and cleansing out of dead energy miasmatic loads, in shedding density through ascension flu with fluctuating energy levels is part of the changing through this cycle. As you intend to build your auric field into wholeness, various life lessons will present at each stage of your personal growth; and these must be faced in order to synthesise the contents of your energy field into the next higher harmonic in sequential DNA activations throughout your life. The ascension is a long term dedication throughout your incarnation, learning how to be the best and most loving human being you can be. Learning what service to self vs service to others means as a golden rule of humanity.
Cosmic Founders, Guardian Host families
The planetary body is undergoing evolutionary cycles of energetic change and impacts to the structure and grid networks, which are life-giving principles of the god source parent and creator structures. For many timecycles, the Cosmic Christos families known as the Cosmic Christ or founder races, Krystal Star Guardian Host Families have returned to the earth to remove the impacts and influences of alien species invasions in the interdimensional spaces, whom took residence underground and within different time bandwidths terraforming the earth by distorting and reversing the platonic solids and elements of our existence.
Theses invaders installed their own architecture and machinery into the pleanetary body, acting as gods and using human energybodies and soul essences for their own agenda. This infection has been inside the planetary body and the Milky Way Galaxy for many cycles, and is now being cleared up and the grid networks reclaimed by the guardian host families who are overseeing the ascension of the planet, and of humanity. This great work involves the end of the time cycle of 26,500 years approximately when the stargates and galactic gates into the centre of Andromeda were accessible to the first waves of platinum-Indigo starseeds serving the christos mission. Thousands of previous guardian representatives came to the earth in the past, such as guardian Yeshua (Jesus 12) Akhenaton, Hapshetsut and King Arthur amongst other hundreds of guardian missions to reclaim and repattern the architecture which involved resequencing the Mother Arc Aquamarine Blue Ray back into the planet. This was achieved with success in approximately 2009, which would lead the Melchizedek hosting of planetary ascension cycle to an end in 2012-13, When the Krystal Star guardian families took over the next stages of hosting. This was the returning of the Holy Mother into the planetary body, in ways that had not been present until the guardian host starseed and indigo families were activated into their spiritual mission.
Since then until now, there have been various guardian host planetary gridworker projects, led by the Lyran-Sirian Oraphim & Paliadorian starseed representatives whom had to step-down their frequency bandwith to exist and create the spiritual links back into the godworlds, outside of the fallen time matrix and continue to restore the planetary body hookups back into the godsource fields. These continual projects have been attacked relentlessly by negative aliens and anti-christ satanic forces, interdimensionally in etheric bodies and those whom represent the anti-christ consciousness gestalts upon the earth. Guardian representatives sent forth galactic emissaries whose lineage is directly from the authentic and true Holy emerald order through the Lyran-Sirian High Councils, whom are here to represent the cosmic founders of humanity and the liberation of the planet and human consciousness. These individuals would be responsible for cataloguing the damage to earth and humanity, to return the Avatar 12 Stranded multidimensionally aware consciousness into the earth planes, and to reverse engineer the hidden deception and enslavement of which has influenced the human species and planet for hundreds of years.
The guardian host families uphold the law of one teachings, and must embody this principle within themselves, as a living christ consciousness model upon the earth. This takes extensive hard work to remove all emotional blocks, and to seek only the truth - to know the truth, to wish to comprehend the truth and to dedicate the life and authority of the soul only to the one source god source of all - The godhead zero point matrix in the neutron window in no-time in the unmanifest layers outside of this universal time matrix. This is also known as the Cosmic Holy trinity, which emanates into our time matrix as 13D Holy Mother Aquamarine Blue Ray, 14D Holy Christos-Sophia Sun Golden Ray, 15D Holy Father Magenta-Violet Ray. As these rays have been reweaving as a holy trinity expression into the planetary body through the representatives of the Cosmic Founders, these expressions known as the Solar Rishi have returned through the Ursa Major stargate into the Lyran Andromedan fields, and down into the Earth body. These guardian host founders are responsible for repatterning all bi-wave and siphoning antichrist energies, to evict and remove the alien artificial intelligence which exists in the quantum, atomic and sub-atomic layers of the atomic elemental matter of expression here on earth. These changes create positive influences the planetary lightbody template, also known as the Albion Body; and thus impacts the planetary grid networks. As the massive evictions of alien dark lunar mother and false father antilife antichrist forces are removed, the upheaval into the planetary grids will display as the power struggles over control of humanity. The Cosmic Founders of this solar system and time matrix have been able to return in which their changes will allow the truth of human enslavement to be revealed, and through their presence the restoration of the truth of the creators, the holy benevolence and omnilove of god returns to the earth.
Starseeds & Indigos, Ascension Families
Starseeds and the indigo races whom have come to the earth in their current incarnation to directly participate in the human ascension cycle will need support to comprehend and understand their processes in order to accomplish a sensible comprehension of the ascension plan. The new age spiritual teachings have been hijacked by negative controllers masquerading as the light, and so our platform is an outreach and guardian host platform for those whom resonate. This is offered in our materials as direct contact and communication with the krystal star guardian host, and as an expression of truth in healing the diamond sun 12 strand DNA template to reclaim self-sovereignty and to understand the damage that has been perpetuated upon the human species through societal pillars of control. As guardian host families are removing false AI timelines from the planetary body; the control over humanity is understood in greater detail, as the armageddon, pestilence, sexual misery and enslavement energies held in those timelines will eventually not be able to repeat on the earth if the human consciousness is willing to awaken to the truth of the crimes being played out by the power elite and money hungry families controlling planetary wealth.
In the coming years, from 2021, further planetary activations in waves will awaken and reveal the hidden satanic influences that have permeated society. These can no longer stay hidden upon the earth, as pedophilia, child blood sacrifice, the human trafficking and sexual abuses must surface into the mainstream to free humanity from the enslavement and possession of the invading forces. A human who participates in the aforementioned topics is either born into a satanic or luciferian bloodline, or is deceived into satanism via subconscious traumatisation to fulfill their wishes or the promise of all that they desire. Aleister Crowley and his teachings were used to create many black magicians and satanists through abuse of power, creating "powerful magick rituals" meanwhile binding souls in creating black magic controller grids upon earth. Many satanists on the earth do not comprehend that their god or who they believe is satan is actually an alien entity, part of this is the baphomet gestalt entity as the dark lunar mother alien artificial intelligence in the earth grids. The baphomet entity collective stems from the fallen time matrix of draconian black suns, knwon as the Wesa System. Many demons which are conjured through blood sacrifice or ritual takes the energy from that ritual to an off planet space, to feed the massive alien infection within the time matrix and beyond, using human soul power energy as hidden power source. This power abuse of humanity must end within this evolutionary cycle, and the guardian host families work tirelessly to achieve the recovery of bound and sacrificed human body parts of which have been recovered and transited from under ground bases, off planet secret space programs and parallel time matrices where draconian and reptilians have their home inside the parallell systems known as the Wesa Matrix.
There is nothing to fear about the information shared, as all humans must realise that the enslavement of the human species is a crime in this time matrix. Since the return of the krystal star guardians, many starseeds and indigoes have acted as the direct witness to the horrors and controls within their personal sphere of influence. Through their lightbody hookup their consciousness is capable of acting as the divine eye and compassionate witness of god, and the events that they have endured or witnessed are passed back through their lightbody to the Interdimensional free worlds councils. This branch of the guardian host are protectorates and continually direct ground crew guardian representatives in where to focus to repair planetary grids and to evict the vandal groups of warring aliens.
Keeping an open heart and learning how to live life within the law of one, in harmlessness and kindness above all will support an ascending human to understand and to connect with the organic benevolence that the god source truly is. This connection has been restored to our planetary body and heart matrix, guardian teams uphold the rehabilitation of the hologram as the DNA is a building block structure which receives the organic tones and sounds of creation, in which to understand where the human history has been hidden.
This omnilov3.com/wiki and site is offered as a resource and genetic memory living library, along with our community architecture of www.omnilov3.com which is a guardian host educational platform to provide energetic truths, holographic truths and the comprehension of building one's body into a christos expression to reach the highest expression and heroic probability for this incarnation. The multi-dimensional nature of the human being has been hidden and not easily comprehended until it is directly experienced. There are pitfalls in negative ego and emotional healing from the pain and trauma in the human DNA, lightbody and blood record of which must be continually cleared of all implants and impacts which were set by the invaders to split the genetic coding of the planetary body and thus humans, keeping male-female inner principles split and separated. This must be healing through many expressions of the human starseed or indigo architecture, within the diamond sun template in order to embody the higher consciousness into form. This is similar to the jacob's ladder and integrating one's higher spiritual bodies to reconnect to the current identity of ascending self. As a human species, we must protect our sacred hearts, as this connects us directly to godsource and it is this which provides the state of understanding, fearlessness and living the golden rule to protect each other whilst the truths of the ugliest underbelly of negative controller infections within our planet are revealed sequentially to the human populace.
Finding ways to be kind to each other through the massive sorcery, black magic spellcastings and divide and conquer is a necessary. Being kind to your fellow human regardless of their opinions, beliefs or their viewpoint is a tremendous gift in these very difficult planetary times. Human expression of loving kindness, harmlessness and compassion is the nature built into the human heart matrix. Be your best self today in bringing support and comfort to those around you, those who may need a friend or witness to the pain and suffering.
In cosmic service,
Mhairi Arayas Omnilov3.com