There is no amount of clearing or healings as relevant as disengagement
Do not talk to entities
Do not listen to entities
Do not seek information or assistance from any outer sources
Do not engage in mind looping in your thoughts, trying to fight your way out
Repeat repeat repeat
Until the pattern of reaching outward subsides
Your sense of self has to stabilize in relating only to itself which entails no more infusing the
I have to do x y z program with your attention energy and the related disempowerment that this loop is creating
You cannot figure this out
You cannot receive it from x
You can only be it through realization of the truth
This arises through the disciplined action of directing your attention into this now moment relating to the world in front of you instead of the world's within the mind
No amount of meditation or journaling will help you stop thinking about or trying to control the contents of your experience
If the most awful experience imaginable arises, so what?
You are still you
You won the battle
As a default
Accept it
Be you
Without trying to avoid, run
away, figure out, fight, or change that
Reaffirm to yourself with your own perception and in your voice what you know is true
Over and over again
Repeat, live, allow & accept that you being you is your hearts highest expression which is automatic
Don't engage the self doubt dialogue
Do not erode the safe spaces you create through venturing outward for more or other than the simplest truths that arise in the gentle quietude
These are your eyes reading
This is your mind interpreting
This is your heart absorbing shifting etc
Participate in the act of being you until you come to realize that you are you
Remember the embrace of you
Comes from you automatically
When you stop judging evaluating inspecting, and seeking information about the simple facts
Which also means no one no thing can interfere when you maintain the integrity of youness
this practice is an assertion of your boundaries without effort or strategy
Only this work will lead to liberation

OmniLov3.com November 2018 Keynote
Gentle healing without fear, Twin Flame Deception
The alien love bite was a term coined by others in the new age, and the guardian host have provided support on the understandings of the relationships which are purposed to capitilise on human wounding, which keeps pain in relationships alive. Some individuals on the ascension path have had to endure these types of connections, not knowing or understanding that there was a different agenda operating underneath the surface of the seemingly 'amazing' connection or relationship-attraction to another person. The Alien love bite technology is also referred to by the guardian host as the black widow or black spider bite, and shows up in the human lightbody when a person has interacted with very low frequencies in the astral planes which feel like over-electrified bliss and heady states of heightened physical arousal.
This was planted into the earth through various forms of alien machinery, especially the 7th dimensional planetary gate in Peru, and in the 2D planetary body also known as the baphomet satanic energies of alien dark mother. This energy source creates and keeps humans in a siphoning consumptive model, never feeling fulfilled and always having to continue into states of addiction, enduring these phases of human suffering as pendulum between perceived pleasure and then into pain. There is a way to identify and heal from these patterns of energy, and it does take some patience and understanding that this technology was set into the earth in which created the false 'twin flame' movement, creating spiritual connections between individuals who feel like they have met "the ONE" and in fact, the hidden layers of negative alien architecture which guardian host are dismantling on the earth show the implantation in the human lightbody to create imposter relationships, often between abductees or individuals who have power imbalances and deep wounds to heal in life.
As you read this information, we ask you take on board only what is most supportive to you. For those who are in healing phases of these scenarios, being the most gentle with yourself is imperative, and healing can be achieved. Sometimes it takes time to regain trust in the self and the heart, and with god. Healing is possible. Lessons in energetics and finding deep unconditional love is helpful to get through the process of understandings.
Some information here may be challenging, and please know there is no need to fear any of this. It is shared with transparency to support starseeds in protecting their own energies, through the 12D shielding, through the energetic intention and discernment of who you will share your life force with, and when it is not suggested. As the planet undergoes even more levels of 'reversal' dismantling, the architectures which have held these potentials in place is in further stages of releasing. Yet, as individuals we can gain strength through the knowledge and wisdom of the deception and tricks that have been put in place...primarily to stop starseeds from merging the inner masculine-feminine within. All of humanity has an inner male and an inner female principle, as this reflects the actual creator; yet this has been messed with on planet earth so that no one has known the truth.
Sexual Energy Reversals and Distortions
The sexual energy centres of humans has been targeted by negative alien racelines, and has remained hidden in the belly of the beast of the grids of the earth planes. The human lightbody centres in the lower spheres of the diamond sun template and energy body parts of 1D, 2D and 3D and into the 4D heart matrix (astral heart, astral planes, physical heart) are assaulted by spiritual warfare on a daily basis. The technology that is used to ensnare humanity is named sexual misery programming. In the ascension path, learning to regain control over one's actual lifeforce energy is a task which requires gentle healing and understanding, as this hidden technology has been used to siphon lifeforce out from the human body, in "hidden in plain sight" ways.
Human Lightbody Impacts and Observations, Sexual Misery Programming
There is a wider theme witnessed in energywork sessions as the 'lovebite' can have multiple implants/layers in the lightbody that can lay dormant or be active, but are energetically recognised as splitter tech or anti-krystic/nrg grid forms of inserts, that are literal reversals of krystic lightbody parts that support the running of unioning plasma currents and their spiritual body parts.
At this time with our guardian support, the 4D heart matrix and planet shifts there is a larger capacity for people to feel that they may have been involved or affected - even if they didn't enter into an actual relationship with a bitten person, or were on the receiving end of unwanted attention. The taking command of our own energies really comes into play when we can see it works in many many ways.
The human body and its sexual centres have been repeatedly and continually bombarded with hidden (to the regular human) etheric weaponry and sexual cording, in which to create the most devastating sexual misery experiences passed off as 'normalised' sexual exchanges between humans. The human energy centre of the gender centre has been split into 2, creating male and female gender separation in which the lunar forces of dark alien mother have inserted their reversal principles; to keep sexual couplings in states of suffering, fear and in states of continual sexual physical desire without coming into wholeness inside the self.
The ascending path for humans on the earth is to come to understand, that we must comprehend the damage that has been committed upon humanity in terms of creating sexual misery programming. Pornography, BDSM, and any act of pain with sexual pleasure or sexual violence and rough play creates a reversal in the human body and is a satanic vampiric agenda in which to destroy the human heart matrix into shattered fragments of pain. This set up is a high risk and is spiritually abusing the soul when enacted within freely. During this ascension cycle we are learning to heal and seal our sexual organs from the pain of the alien agenda set up on this earth. Once we do this, and gently heal from damaging sexual experiences we are able to heal the gender 2D centre and pain body, into higher states of heart matrix alignment and are capable of connecting more directly to the godsource essence of the truth.
Spiritually Aligned Relationships
For those who are understanding of being aligned to a 'vibrationally matching partner' there can be alchemical union type of relationships that occur as a natural, spontaneous and organic part of the ascension plan on earth. This allows individuals to come into contact with a soul extension or monadic extension and to exchange coding in the communication or connection that is experienced. These relationships can appear out of nowhere and are designed to support each person complete a karmic pattern, or to heal a gender based pattern or to provide a space for unconditional love to show itself between the two.
It is important to not become overly 'hung up' on these types of connections, because only some of them are purposed to become actual partnership romantic relationships. In some cases, we may meet a person who is older or younger and have different life circumstances in which a platonic connection can be made, for a reason, a season or until the connection comes to its natural end.
In no way will these connections test or imply that if you are in a relationship already, these connections will not be a threat to your current relationship. I repeat, no spiritually aligned relationship for intimate love will break up a current relationship. The higher self of each person is the guiding force. The Alien love bite scenarios placed below generally happen in order to keep people in states of thinking that 'the grass is greener' and create the feeling of having to leave a relationship in order to pursue the next instant gratification that is being created by false states of intense connectedness. Please know, that with a fearless and loving heart that all christ energies and human intentions to love each other; is upheld by the guardian host. We are learning that on earth humans have been kept in sexual misery and this includes being broken hearted and not understanding why. When a potential partner comes along, it can feel like god has given you the gift or perfect relationship that you have been longing for. The truth is - this will only happen in divine timing once you have healed yourself in your current relationship, and energetically tied up all loose ends to individuals. The negative alien love bite architecture is highly misunderstood and is the primary causation for the 'twin' flame movement of runners, chasers and general deep misery that is being perpetuated in the new age on earth at this time.
The love bite architecture is in the planetary body, and the 7D ley lines, and the 7D stargates and the grail stargates of the earth. With krystal star guardian projects of dismantling reversal architecture, and recovery of consciousness units and dna codes, individuals who have come to heal the energies of these 'separations' from a divine partner, have more support now on earth than before. The Guardian host support the ascension path to heal the inner energies into balance within, as each individual person on the ascension path learns how to heal the inner masculine-feminine energies and merge them into wholeness on the inside, which may then eventually mean a spiritually aligned relationship is assigned. If this is in the god-plan for the person this lifetime.
A false union is often mistaken for a real 'soul' mate, or 'monadic' mate or divine hieros gamos partnership. In guardian hosted energy sessionwork, the inorganic implants which create physical body reactions and over the top feelings of love or electrified intensity between individuals can be seen, read, and removed. Please note all information here is to support starseeds with this and the 12D shielding technique is suggested to keep the inner god source alignment, which means - the heart can always lead the way.
- An immediacy that this single person is the absolute one, the one and only above everyone else
- Feelings that you have to heal or fix the person
- clones of our lightbody and personality holograms can be inserted into other people's bodies etc and are tactic to have the actual potential alchemical/sacred union partner fall in love with a false 'you' - this means that even if you are not in a relationship with someone at this time - your hologram might be out there inserted falsely without your knowledge (and the receiving person also has NO clue)
- Remote viewing automatically, or feeling the other person's thoughts - through controlled crown sensations via alien siphons
- it thwarts a potential spiritual union because the person you may have been lined up with is "bitten" and off somewhere else loving the false inserted hologram that was inserted unknowingly into a random non-vibrational partner
- Nadial complex siphons, and harnesses to the 'false partner' directly inserted into the nadial - harnessing your nadials together in reversal plasmic implants
- Sexual implants and siphons
- on meeting the person (or you can be bitten/infected without meeting them!) there can be electrical spiky charge in the body
- holographic inserts and visions about your future together
- the urge to send all of your energy across the ethers to this person, sexually, through masturbation in the astral realms
- sexual urges and intense sexual feelings towards the person
- obsessive impulses that this person is 'the one'
- intense feelings of wanting to try out sexual experimentations
- head squeezing physical sensations of telepathy and other sorts of amazing synchronicities, particularly at the hair line (9d point) which is very 'tangibly' being squeezed and manipulated
- skin contact may have produced an electrical charge, like being plugged into 1000volts - this is a prickly, exciting, sexually arousing feeling and is set to keep you addicted to the touch mechanism with the person; this is a direct reversal of the electrical organic mapping caused by the 2d sexual centres being plugged into the satanic or 2d baphomet fields of false alien mother consciousness and arrays of demonic bottom feeders
- an attempt to keep loving this person because they might be the 'one' and extreme highs and lows of bliss then utter devastation at their behaviour (consciousness traps on the lightbody and false holographic realities and inserts on the timelines)
- usually the root/sexual centres are targeted to incite extreme sexual attraction and in true organic christ spiritual alchemical stages they are generally speaking more heart based and mutually respectful
- relationships will have flaws of power imbalances, and may make you feel very unsatisfied with what feels as if it should be the 'ultimate spiritual union'
- partners are kept in sexual misery with each other, playing out gender roles and falsities to keep reversal archetypes in place
- Partners in these situations are being manipulated by dark forces, usually it is not recognised or understood as it feels so 'good' and almost addictive
- partners in these situations may potentially be able to walk this path and learn deep intimate life lessons through the pairing, but if spiritually abusive behaviour continues for a long term and is not recognised between the two as an unhealthy relationship; lightbody damage can occur causing heart and sexual wounds that will have to be carefully dismantled
- these are unions of imbalance, power plays and confusing happiness-sadness extremes
- individuals may attempt to hang on for dear life, truly believing that god would send a partner to 'save' them, and some starseeds are held in states of misery because they want to 'fix' what seems to be broken, or hold themselves in a state of waiting for the partner to change or love them more
- partners will receive astral communication from negative entities which they mistake for the other partner; this keeps an electrical binding in place between the partners, and even if they are not actually suited into being together, the trickery used with the tangible energetic connection is powerful and many cannot see past this, because it feels so 'real' or like something that hasn't been experienced before
Observing human energy fields and understandings that the love bite is to siphon life force energy in an anti-krystic union relationship. It feeds the consumptive model of energetic vampirism and not the open source version as a directly self sustained feedback loop between the partners and god as a holy alliance in trinity. It recycles dark force energy and perpetuates same and does not allow for a source influx or self sustaining lightforce creation in the relationship.
These reversals play on fears of being alone forever, and not finding the one. They can make us wait out forever wishing someone would change and they just do not. The victim victimiser software is used as layers to this and is not good. Then we find the 'one' and it's too painful for words, or the 'one' finds us (is not the 'one' is a bitten person) and continues stalking or crazy based behaviours. In that case, it's a kind of command such as "remove any false hologram of other people's energy from my own field NOW, I do not consent to being inserted with any other person's replica" it's the insert that the bitten person is attracted to, and is cloaking their ability to know the truth. It can feel like 'love', but love is actually only able to felt organically in an open heart - and felt firstly in the heart and not a sexual impulse to the sexual centres. This is part of the deep wounding and insidiousness of keeping male-female loving unions from occurring.
False Identities
In order for humans to continue playing the game of unhappy or unequal unions, our DNA has been stolen and replicated and inserted into false partners, essentially to cloak us from being seen or seeing a potential vibrationally matching partner. When we dedicate our life to God Source, and be loving to ourselves in all ways, we can understand what it is to dismantle sexual misery programming from our lightbodies, minds and hearts. Part of this allows for the correct hierogamic or masculine-feminine energies to become united in the human form. Guardian gridwork shows that human dna has been projected into other humans, and this creates a resonance or 'alien love bite' which hooks two partners together at their sexual organs and nadial heart complexes with black magic architecture.
This creates an energy waveform that remains alive for the amount of time that the couple interact with each other. It should be known, up front and for transparency that alien love bite architecture is set to break apart partnerships, where people are already married; to have the run off and be with their 'twin flame'. A god source created union, alchemical union of organic god-source alignment (as per the Christ Krystal Star Guardian Hosts) will never break up existing relationships unless each partner has already disconnected from each other energetically as part of a natural break in the connection. Alien Love Bite, will play with starseeds to mess with their minds in order to have them see the 'grass is greener', and in the doing so, many starseeds confess to their existing partner that god has sent a union to them- which effectively breaks the current partner's heart, creating yet more sexual misery and disconnection and extreme confusion.
A Loving God
Many starseeds have been impacted by this agenda, particularly those who feel a deep yearning to be with a soul mate or partner who understands them. It must be understood that although there are many configurations of relationship learnings on the ascension path, that god is inherently good and does not create havoc within marriages or partnerships. The Alien Love Bite is set to keep starseeds from aligning to a potential vibrational match partner, and stuck pining after a partner who they have been paired with through the alien architecture; keeping them in states of misery.
If you have been affected by this, you must be brave and ask your heart to show you and lead you to your own inner truth. The lightbody can be cleared of hooks and implants and inserts through the heart space dedication to heal.
Suggested Actions (only if and when resonant to your heart)
Set 12d personal christ shield, intend to connect to entire energy field in all dimensions available, through ALL Timelines, call in 12d ray or mother arc or celestine fire - you may call upon your own Krystal Star Guardian Host to support you in the following commands:
Ask god to show you the truth around the relationship, connection or experience.
Forgive yourself, Take responsibility for your own actions or interactions
Ask god how you can heal yourself, keep your heart open and listen for the answers inside yourself which are made from the truth frequency only
Trust your inner heart realms implicitly
Once you know it's time that you are 'done' with the pain and deceptions and manipulations, set your intent to understand in divine timing, in a safe way for you to become freed of spiritual warfare in the body-mind and heart:
Saying inwardly or outwardly, you are commanding your energy field to be in alignment with god source as your ONLY authority, and once you understand this, within your 12D shield, you can state these commands towards your own lightbody, to obtain spiritual freedom.
"From my tailbone, microcosmic orbit, I remove all reversal plasmas and flows from accessing my body"
"I collapse all holograms of my energy, I do not consent to my energy being replicated and inserted into any other being, place or thing/object"
"I collapse all inserted replicas or holograms of any other person place or thing from my energy entirely. I AM my own energy"
"remove all anti-HG AI technology from ALL timelines and realities"
"collapse false inorganic timelines associated with relationships with non-vibrational partners"
"remove all consciousness traps, relationship curses through my entire multi-dimensionality"
"Clear my skin memory from touch, senses and remove cellular memories through all of my senses"
"Clear, and reset my orgasmic response, through adrenaline and spinal fliuds, all fluids, align to my Christ Avatar Self"
"I dismantle from my 1D sphere all memory records of false holograms, false monadic twin, lunar force energies"
"I consecrate my life force energies to only be accessed by ME and (my loving partner) in all realities, to build my diamond sun template" - I recommend anyone in a relationship to each do this, or apply GSF Blessings prayer from the ascension glossary
"I dismantle and remove all previous partners, interests or connections with any other person to be removed entirely from accessing my life force flow in my body, and sexual organs, mental body and heart matrix. God, repattern my energy field to be in alignment only with my own internal union"
"I resign from sexual misery programming, and ask that all of my DNA that has been shared with any sexual partner, through physical contact be returned to me now, and cleansed through the krystal waters, celestine fire of god"
"All sexual fluids, I return the name of christ to mine and cut all etheric cords that remain between me and any sexual partner, through our shared sexual fluids. Return to Rightful owner now"
"From 6D and 7D timelines, I wish to RRO and dissolve all Michael-Mary or masculine feminine warring timelines and the memories of same"
"all timelines where I have been with a non-vibrationally matched partner, RRO and collapse all timelines fields etc"
"I ask god to show me the way for my own relationship path, I surrender all that I am to my god source connection"
"RRO and align me to my internal inner sacred union connection with god source in all ways"
"dear god, heal my heart and please show me how I have been manipluated, and what I need to truly understand or learn from this event"
It is important to be cautious and build your own personal level of resonance and discernment if you have been told by a well meaning healer that you are in a relationship with your soul mate, genetic equal or monadic mate. Many well meaning healers on the earth have been manipulated and it is down to the personal individual to take self-responsibilty for one's own relationships. When we give our power away to healers who appear to have all the answers, we must be careful that there is no manipulation. It is suggested that any mentioning of being in a hierogamic union is put to the side, you must work your emotional healing lessons on this earth and do not try to force a relationship to be a union, as this becomes an abuse of power. In many cases individuals have become casualties of being told they are with their true twin flame or true partner, when the healer is being manipulated to inadvertantly create confusion for the person seeking healing or guidance. The complex alien architecture coupled with low discernment will be used to create confusion, pain and suffering. We must all come to take spiritual emotional maturity very seriously upon our life path of self healing the heart. Building the connection to the godsource through the use of the 12D shield will support you to build a continually evolving clarity as relationship and gender healing lessons are guided by the higher self.
I call back my self sovereign god power now! and so it is..
Healing from these scenarios - Gender Separation
The understanding that men and women of this earth have been kept from being in complete balanced union with each other certainly shows in the vast majority of peoples on earth. In some cases, it is most important to know that heart healing can be achieved and that the most important note is to be very gentle with yourself, and others who may have been in this situation. The heart of a human being can be fragile and the pain endured through these scenarios is quite real, and can take time to release, recuperate and heal. Building trust with the inner heart space and the reconnection and remembrance of god source, is helpful. Prayers for peace and to reveal the lessons or the truth are sometimes the best healing. People who have been in these types of connections or relationships may have also learned very deep steep boundaries, and may also have been able to glean first hand knowledge of how these deceptions are being played out. You may find support in our omnilov3 community and in our store for self meditation treatments and healing.
Equal Divine Alchemical Unions to achieve inner sacred marriage eventually leading to a potential of a rod (male)-staff (female) Sacred Union
Partners are brought together spontaneously and revealed at a divine timing, when both partners are available to be together without extreme disruption to other/previous relationships (no Christ relationship imposes on another not yet completed relationship)
Partners feel the heart complex first and foremost, with some sexual energy running upwards in the body on the vertical perhaps as gentle strong loving currents to the heart.
God Source brings partners together to share and expand in loving growth together, they are already in love when they meet
Partners activate energies together to unify the forces of the male-female as a unit. Understanding the gift that has been given, means that the couple will work together in all ways and not hide anything from the other which could cause pain or hidden secrecy
Partners must know and treat each other as equal, and identify with the mission of love to respect, care and blossom together without controlling
Partners work together in building ultimate transparency: with communication, behavioural traits, and to drop false projections of self (in order to appeal to the other)
Partners hold a neutral and loving space in which each can express themselves to each other without fear, to be held by the partner in building of a safe environment of trust
There can be no sexual controlling or dominance, or physical violent play in the sexual intimacy (sexual violence is created by satanic forces, and is an extremely high risk and dangerous activity to the soul and body consciousness)
Partners heal their emotional centres/sexual centres together and are willing to speak about difficult subjects in order to come to understand each other to deepening the intimacy
Partners open their hearts to the other, holding deep reverance and recognition of the true loving space that they are responsible for
Partners identify together anything which creates a ripple in their energy container of the relationship, and seek ways to better understand and communicate as equals
Partners who are spiritually activated in this way will endure unfathomable dark force resistances which can come through other humans having negative opinions, fears and past emotional wounds coming to surface in the relationship container. This may also be felt as extreme dark force attacks because as the couple are loving each other, they are removing themselves from being connected into the bi-wave negative alien black magic architecture.
Spiritual Marriage in no-time Zero Point Rod-Staff Union
The hierogamic union technology from the godworlds is being prototyped on the earth with aeonic pairs and is often confused by individuals who are in an imbalanced relationship which displays power struggles, abuses or where deep patterns of incompatibility and twin flame running-chaser is being perpetuated by the couple; as these energetic imbalances can keep enslavement through hidden alien technology. A couple then believes that they are being targeted because they are in a 'sacred' union, but this is also used to keep the pain and suffering between them to self enslave the other. Where the relationship has these kinds of intrinsic imbalances, this is not a balanced hierogamic union architecture in the blueprint level of the couple. In this case, the spiritual lesson, the karmic load or imbalance, the question to god in your heart about your personal contract for healing in the moment must be understood without placing romantic notions or forced attempts at creating a loving union.
Soul, Monad and Avatar Cosmic Christos-Sophia Aeonesis Hierogamic Templating
The human lightbody is made up from multiple dimensional connections which must be rebuilt in the divine timing of healing every dimensional subharmonic layer into the sacred inner marriage principle of the male-female codes of the rod and staff in which can merge together in creating the required energetic synthesis in which the higher intelligence forces of the spiritual bodies can create the triading. There are linear stages and spiral stages of the unioning which must take place, and in the early stages of comprehension of this, many couples become caught in consciousness traps about "which level they are on". There is no use in believing you are an avatar in form, or have met "the one" early on in your spiritual awakening phases, as this is the number one manipulation on the spiritual new age hijack. The diamond sun template lightbody requires to be built and rehabilitated in order to create the organic connections which will assist in healing the male and female principles inside the human body. The omnilov3 site is a supportive platform in which to explore this within yourself. We must remove alien implants, false beliefs and thoughtforms and make our way through the false ascension matrix of love, light and bliss in which to reveal the truth about the darkness of human relationships and how these have been used to create power imbalances, hatred, sexual misery and control. The hierogamic templating requires that a person take responsibility for their actions, thoughts, beliefs and their use of energetic power. We must all heal out the false parent alien architecture from the personal lightbody in order to reconnect the true mother 13D and the true father 15D organic godhead frequencies and returning these into the lightbody through spiritual dedication and step by step hard, deep, emotional healing into wholeness. What is hidden inside of ourselves in our energy patterns through the negative alien installed ego construct must be brought up into the light in which the healing can begin.
Unions to return the male-female relationships into balance can be spiritual assignments from the higher self, and can be connected to another person at different dimensional levels. We must start within the soul matrix at 4-5-6D in which to bring this into balance, and then progressively move into the monadic layers of the 7-8-9D. At each level of dimension of building the lightbody organic connections there are lessons, manipulations and decisions which must bring you closer to the direct calling of your heart. Any deception that can be sent your way, will be sent your way. Any romantic notion or ideal that you have held will test the power of trust to god in your heart of which you must surrender to your higher power of god and only god to lead and guide you. Once the soul entire matrix of 36 harmonics have been embodied into the cells of the body, after deep emotional and trauma clearings, the monadic matrix must also be connected and built into form. At the monad level is where the deceivers liars and distractions will run amok if you let them, so it is imperative to stay true to the heart and not be glamoured into deceptions. A couple who have embodied their entire monadic matrix and reassembled the clarity that is required of living a life in service to others through the embodiment of the law of one as a lifestyle may find themselves merging at the Solar Logos level of the Avatar, which is the stage of embodying the avatar together leading to the christos-sophia potential.
An organic sacred union at the advanced level of the aeonic pairing hierogamic union of the Avatar Triad at 10D-11D-12D Solar Logos level has at its heart and core the organic godworlds gender principle seeds for blossoming together in a spiritual couple whose pre-birth agreement was to return to the earth and restore this architecture for the families of christos-sophia and has at its core of energetic principle the absolute zero point coding held in the shared sacred krystal heart matrix which cannot be wished into form, nor falsified. It is this coding that is often falsified into form through the negative alien love bite scenarios, through mind slides and wishful thinking, hero-savior romaniticisms and further amplified through over-sexualised energies of which have been described above. For the small amount of families from the christos missions returning the hierogamic template to the earth has been extremely attacked by negative alien forces, but these forces have not succeeded in destroying the resurrection of the risen female christ and risen male christ in form. These pairings at this time upon the earth are rarified, and the spiritual couples are here as representatives of the christ love force on the earth and are not living as gurus upon the earth. These spiritual couples are unified in their trinitised format in service to the cosmic sovereign law, and to return the truth to the earth of the word of god as the logos via the christos-sophia. In 2020 the Solar Female Christ returned to the earth and this heralds the changing of the gaurd from the lunar forces governing the earth body, into the sophianic solar female christ. She cannot exist in form without her husband, and together they share a single crown and lightbody.
For those who are in a spiritual relationship you must be willing to drop any form of attachment to the perceived 'level ' of union you are experiencing, as this is used to mind control and confuse you, and your partner, sometimes forcing manipulations and keeping the gender principle divided between you.
For spiritual couples it is imperative to remain centred in the core of the heart.
Many times, dark forces will attack the very weakness and unhealed pain that you are holding onto, consciously or unconsciously; and it is through attacking forces that the pain body will be manipulated. Spiritual couples must ensure that all transparency is maintained, and must do their emotional healing together. Be fearless and speak truthfully to each other without taking anything personally. Share every thing that you feel you can, and open yourself up to the heartspace you share. This alone will support you to negate some of the affects of the transitions. Anything which is hidden must have a light shone upon it. The only way to effectively have ultimate transparency and heal all aspects of self, individually and together is to ensure that hidden parts can not be used against you. Nothing remains in the shadow, and all is brought up for each partner to hold the other in the loving movement they share. Every single thing that you hold in your energy is a part of the relationship, with your partner. This means everything that you do affects the other, and you are learning to unify your energy so that there are no weaknesses in your relationship container. Sustainability of your eternal loving relationship is a living possibility, and a gift from the holiest corners of the god head.
Loving couples who truly love each other in the heart are returning the templating to the earth of divine masculine-divine feminine in balance, within each person. Any loving couple upon the earth may feel judged by others, but the truth of the unity and unified connection, through true shared intimacy is the spiritual marriage between the persons and god.
If you are encountering a relationship which is difficult, or providing you with lessons and challenges in this now moment, connect to god within your heart and ask for guidance in how you may continue, what is right for you to know, and comprehend all you need to know to forward your healing into self-sovereignty. Many manipulations set into the false twin flame movement which has been horrifically seen witnessed and understood on the earth through the various architectural gender twin reversals generates cult-like behaviours and blindly following people stating they are twin flame experts. Be self-responsible and double, triple, quadruple check your internal feelings and emotions - for this will support you be aware and protect your personal sexual energies from being hijacked set to hijack your gender codes.
True love and sacred unioning is the strongest force in the universe, of which the body of god is held in the heart of those who love with all of their hearts.
In loving Cosmic Service Christos-Sophia Heart Path,
Mhairi & Sequoia
Additional Resources
- Our wiki - Gender Twin Matrix, Khemalohatea Rebuilding Universal Time Matrix
- MP3 Audio Omnilov3 store-
- GH Ascension Class Alchemical Unions
- GH Ascension Class Healing the False Lunar Parent (Male-Female Balancing)
- GH Ascension Class Understanding Sexual Misery
- Please see our WIKI entries on Lunar Trident AI Rod-Staff Reversals made through Enki, Enlil, Thoth, Prince EA, and Adonis - Annunakian Serpents False Gods parading around as imposter solar dragon kings using Alien Love Bite for their personal manipulations over humanity - these are not our creators! They create Black Magicians from using grooming techniques and paltering

Solar Michael-Mary Heart Twinning, Building Wings
In recent months, the planetary body has been shifting to bring online the gender principle fins of Mer-Ka-Ba merge of the lightbody wings, or the 6d masculine/Michael (3rd layer of the soul matrix triad) and the 7d feminine/Mary (1st layer of the monadic oversoul matrix triad).
During the July-August window, many guardian teams were involved in rescuing trapped Michael/Seraphim Gold, Blue or Magenta Founder Ray genetics from various locations in the time matrix, where the energy had been held in spiritual bondage. In the time window of leading up to October 2017, Mary consciousness had been released/recovered and meant that many people whom this energy belonged to - could receive it back through guardian safe zones and the return to rightful owner command that can be used in meditation space. This would incur a natural organic embodiment of the Mary or Meritaton archetypal female or mother energies. Guardian teams have referred to the Meri-Mary energy as the feminine solar principle, part of the christ family lineage.
6D-7D Heart Twinning Activations, Violet Ray Holders
The Michael-Mary heart twinning process is an activation that is supported through the paliadorian covenant, or god worlds activations that are being received by christ families since the Ophiuchus galactic zodiac transition in December 2017. These are ongoing phases of planetary activations which allow the planetary lightbody merkabah shield of gender principle merge to come online. To fortify the possibility of this for humans many steps and stages as we, as a family group consciousness work to heal ourselves and the path to find deeper layers of love for ourselves. The activation allows the rod function to come online within the lightbody, essentially the gender principle merging of male-female in perfected states of balance. The Feminine staff runs on the vertical and the masculine rod intersects and allows for rod and staff in action, holding balance of sacred marriage within. The 6D brain pineal centres of the soul matrix, can unite with the 7D crown centres which is similar to saying the soul triad of 4-5-6D merge in a triad to the 7D first layer of the monad. As this occurs, it results in merkabic function or lightbody 'wings' returning to allow further consciousness movement through time and space.
Many starseeds may be processing galactic timeline memories of the 'wings' trauma, which include separation from divine counterpart, or masculine-feminine gender splitting painful off planet histories, including Aldebarran, which seems to be the source of multiple timelines of sexual misery and where 'Michael' consciousness were abused, and traumatised and used as sexual pets by negative alien forces.
In order to reach this stage of heart-twinning, there must have been a dedicated effort to clear the pain of the inner masculine and feminine within, which ideally means looking at patterns and triggers that cause you pain when relating to the opposite gender. The goal is to re-unite the masculine and feminine within, so that there is no difference or inequality that is felt in relation to others. To support the uncovering of these patterns and triggers it is suggested to know yourself deeper, and to list your own triggers in relation to the opposite sex. Remembering that both sexes have received levels of insidious reversal programming on planet earth, recall yourself as a divine expression of the body you are in. Attempting to exhibit the best of who you are, in the heart space.
When this activation is occurring there are extremely heightened dark force aggressions sent to stop this from being embodied and actualised within spiritual couples on earth. Dark forces would much rather that the couple break up and not continue their ascension path. Despite the dark force attempts, christ families have been successful in the building and embodiment of the rod and staff in the 6d-7d michael-mary heart twinning. This holds fortitude for the planetary body and ensures that this potential stays available for humans on the ascension path. Many celebrations for our christ families returning the hearts and wings of the lightbody.
For spiritual couples it is imperative to remain centred in the core of the heart. Many times, dark forces will attack the very weakness and unhealed pain that you are holding onto, consciously or unconsciously; and it is through attacking forces that the pain body will be manipulated. Spiritual couples must ensure that all transparency is maintained, and must do their emotional healing together. Be fearless and speak truthfully to each other without taking anything personally. Share every thing that you feel you can, and open yourself up to the heartspace you share. This alone will support you to negate some of the affects of the transitions. Anything which is hidden must have a light shone upon it. The only way to effectively have ultimate transparency and heal all aspects of self, individually and together is to ensure that hidden parts can not be used against you. Nothing remains in the shadow, and all is brought up for each partner to hold the other in the loving movement they share. Every single thing that you hold in your energy is a part of the relationship, with your partner. This means everything that you do affects the other, and you are learning to unify your energy so that there are no weaknesses in your relationship container. Sustainability of your eternal loving relationship is a living possibility, and a gift from the holiest corners of the god head.
Masculine Healing, Further Rod Functions
As a result of this there have been greater abilities to heal the masculine principle, as the christ-michael consciousness is released from spiritual bondage, it allows the embodiment and is the supportive override to the reversal masculine programs that have been so inherently running on the planet and in humans. Starseed men on the ascending path may find that there is a great processing through heightened mental body overload at times, which is almost like an attacking force. For men, it is imperative to understand that all false ego programs can drop from the mind-body connections when you focus on knowing where your weaknesses are. It is time to drop false identities, or who you thought you were; for exchange of who you actually are. It is time to listen to the voice of your heart, and let that be the strong inner guidance.
Ancestral healing is heightened with the influx of further father Emerald Ray and may mean that you are able to clear a lot of old inherited 'father' patterns. This extends to behaviours, impacts of the father in life (negative effects or positive effects) and the healing of body or disease patterns that would have been a part of the Father line. Through meditation, and intention, ask your avatar to guide you in the support of the father line, and know in that space it shall be revealed what is required. Through the intention to resolve all with the Father, your personal Father, and the holy father you will receive a greater awareness of the divine masculine on the inner and outer expression.
Starseeds who are clearing the genetic line of the family of origin, may note physical symptoms relating to father healing, or father ailments through stages of releasing the impact from the bloodline at this time. Be still, patient and go within. Holy Mother Aqua Ray, Holy Father Magenta-Emerald Ray will support the healing process.
Timeline Access
With the rod function coming more online in the planetary body, it means that we are able to access further stations of identity and we can then collapse timelines (alternate stations of identity or past, present/future lives) to return to us, our own consciousness units. It also means that you may have experienced shifts in the way in which you are accessing time, or that you have been 'moved' in your station of awareness. As guardians continue to clear timelines from the past, and work to heal the golden eagle grid there is further corrected access into egyptian timelines, and yeshua/Jesus christ mission timelines - part of the previous paliadorian missions. These are ongoing and as part of the progression on the path, your own inner christ will guide you in meditation for recovery of parts from these timelines.
In Cosmic Christos,
Mhairi & Sequoia

Timeline history - Pain Body Processing, Releasing and Peacefinding
During the ascension cycle, we move through various positions in the time field within our lives, as walking, breathing and being in our current life expression. Our diamond sun template, or 12 tree grid architecture as it builds frequencies on the ascending scales of harmonics - allows us access to different time space co-ordinates, and essentially, moves our consciousness into spaces to allow us to collect our spiritual body parts, essence and energy unit and memory retrieval. This is what is known or termed as multi-dimensionality. We have had multiple lifetime experiences, and we are connected to all of them. On the lightbody, the architecture which describes a life experience, would be referred to as a timeline. Therefore, when we are on the ascending path, we open up into different memories, realities and timelines; many of which are not found in the earth history teaching books.
Return to Rightful Owner-Soul/Consciousness Retrieval
The recovery of our own memories and energy quanta is a natural function of our lightbody, which is also referred to as the 'return to rightful owner' meaning, that the christ consciousness within your own lightbody template, magnetise their own units back to the current body expression. This is a part of starseed christ (consciousness) reclaimation on earth, yet may look like periods of sadness, emotional processing and the body feeling out of balance through pain or symptoms as the energies shift.
In other teachings, this may be likened to the shamanic practise of soul retrieval, yet; through the diamond sun template of the tree of life we ALL have this ability as a natural function. When this is occurring, we are able to feel, sense, understand and process emotional contexts from other past/present/future life stations of identity. This can appear in day to day life as emotional triggers or pressures in everyday situations, or it can appear as a form of pain/grieving or body sense of something that is entirely not coming from your current life experience. As part of the ability to raise our consciousness, we have to understand that the pain from the other life timelines still exists as an energy substance, in time and space, and is, still connected to your energy field.
When we are able to connect with our own 'other lives' or parallel stations of identity through meditation, to the 12 tree grid or diamond sun template, we may be able to hold a gentle focus space where we are given the opportunity to 'view the movie of' the other lifetime. It is important to not enter into the experience, but to remain as a detached observer of the movie, if it is shown. In this space, the heart of your being takes over and allows for all pain and suffering to be released through the act of witnessing. We cannot hold judgement in this space, regardless of how terrible the life-pain experiences may have been. It is through the eyes of god, in the heart space of entirely clear and pure, compassionate witnessing of a neutral observer that we are able to collapse the lifetime-identity and return to ourselves, the energy quanta of that pain or lifetime and spiritual essences that have been stuck in time and space.
Polarity Integration, across time, Galactic Human History
When working with hundreds of individuals over the years, and reading the lightbody and energy quanta - it is clear that current life pain and experiences - generally speaking, have their root causation point from another point in the time fields; or, another life experience. Many life patterns that we experience here as a physical manifestation of an issue actually started in another life, but this current life has bleed throughs or instances of where we can access the pain memory to collapse that energy which still exists, and transmute and remove the pain from impacting this here and now moment.
Due to the fact that this current human body we reside in, is the one which has applied to love and have the 'ascending' experience, it means that through this current body, we do ALL of the returning, all of the perceiving and all of the intention to become free from pain and suffering, to return our current body state into a love-finder, in the heart of god. This takes time, and through the intended practise of gently revealing to yourself in meditation space, or centring the self in love, of returning to yourself your own energy which may have become stuck, unloved or wounded in previous times or life experiences throughout existence. As a god being, you have the right to command your energy be returned to you - from any space-time location, and your intention makes it so.
There have been many earth histories which are not recorded in historical books. There are many off planet lifetimes we may have also participated in, and again, not much knowledge exists or is available around these occurrences. The human lightbody contains all of this knowledge, and in our natural ascension paths, we will access each timeline for recovery when the time is divinely orchestrated by our highest expression; our avatar god self. The planetary and galactic fields, also contain the architecture which can be read, and shows histories of human lifetimes in other timecycles.
We may be processing lifetimes of isolation, separation and pain from our loved ones. We may be processing lifetimes of where we didn't have choices and were forced into situations that meant we became disconnected from god source. This may be further amplified in the lifetime current lifetime, and also show up as gender separation - in this life, or in the other lifetimes. This might come as intense body overwhelm, unknown feelings of despair, or something which feels like a dark force attack- meaning the body is overwhelmed and anxiety may set in. This is always an ongoing function and process of our lightbodies, and we have to know that this is part of the plan here. It is not easy, it is not an easy task, but when we know that this is what might be going on we can take steps to ensure our comfort and movement through the processing of these spaces and places is met with security, comfort and inner peace, as much as we can.
Wing Building 6d Michael-Masculine, 7d Mary-Feminine Planetary & Personal Activations
As the planet is creating movement in the planetary fields of 6d-7d, Masculine-Feminine gender principles (merkabic functions) there have been ongoing field shifts and changes and we each have access to yet further timelines that may have impacted us. Also, this is rising up to the surface yet more masculine-feminine gender patterns which have been programmed into the planetary body by ways of keeping men and women non-unified with each other. We may encounter thoughts and hurts, reactions and behavioural situations whereby we are being asked by our higher selves to really dig into the reasons why we hold on to certain thought forms, if there is a battle of the sexes right now - what can you learn from it? Where are you willing to see the truth? How can you observe your own reactions, and take steps to see the opposite sex as equal to yourself? What would it take to allow you to come into loving balance, on the inner masculine-feminine as it is mirrored to you from the external relationships and encounters in day to day life? What is showing up right now?
Embodiment of Codes from other timelines/life experiences
Whilst we are traversing these energies and other life-timelines, we may also have to reclaim-retrieve memories from those other lives, and any lightbody codes that have remained stuck in the other life time-space location. During these phases of recovery, there can be heightened negative external forces that attempt to thwart the embodiment of the energies; required in the here and now current body. Once the energies are returned to your person and body in an embodiment of literal energy absorption and merges via your own diamond sun template, then the interfering energies can no longer attempt to stop the process. Once it is in the body, it is in the body safe and sound. At times on the ascension process, this may be felt as heightened anxiety, unusual body symptoms and if you are aware that negative entities and forces use manipulation tactics to keep you off guard; this will be helpful to you, in order to choose who to interact with, and the way in which your best neutral will keep you calm and still. These energies push internal pain buttons intended to keep you spinning out on a loop. Connection to source, stillness and breathing to come back to centre with regularity is recommended. Noting your sensations, emotions and thought patterns during these phases is helpful in the movement towards freeing yourself from being in a spin.
Preventing Fear from Running the Mind and Body Overwhelm
Whilst we are 'processing' the memories of these past lifetimes or timelines, the mental body is likely to become bombarded with negative thought sequences, which heighten the pain felt in the day to day experience. Starseeds on this path for a while now, will know what this looks like and be relatively accustomed to the feelings, and their movements out of the body and mind. It is important that we allow any and all thoughts to pass through our minds, and to not 'latch' onto any negative thoughts that we already hold within ourselves, as this is where the amplified thoughts of a negative basis can begin to cause an overwhelm, mentally, emotionally and physically. This can cause panic attacks, sleeplessness and general body pain and anxiety within the physical experience.
During stages of this, when we are able to identify that the thought or 'feeling' that we are being presented with in the moment is not actually stemming from our current life experience, we can choose to allow it to be released from the body. Ensuring places of comfort, blankets, something gentle and reassuring in the day to day moments in order to anchor us into a space of safety and security. The physical body is the most complex organism, able to feel and sense multiple dimensions of existence simultaneously, and in cases of processing the emotional content or feeling-senses we may have to take some retreat time in order to self-love, care and allow the phases to pass. And to know that they WILL pass. Partly, it is the negative ego pain body based in the 2nd dimensional area of the lightbody (sacral centre) which needs much care to allow the energies to move on the way out.
Emotional hidden wounds
Partly, the pain that is caused and uprising in the body-mind is the transmutation of energies that arise from the hidden and dark spaces of our negative ego, or shadow body. This is a place where fears and darkness reside, and the negative ego thoughtforms that would keep us embued within them. We may have multiple wounds in the current life that have remained hidden, or placed to the side because they were simply too difficult for us to deal with. Many employ coping mechanisms which make the ability of the external experience to remain stable, be a way of life. Yet, when we know that we have inner wounding and are able to assess this without judgement, of ourselves and others; we can take steps to gently understand and directly face up to what has caused the pain.
An example of this is being bullied in the workplace. Or being on the receiving end of behaviour that our soul knows we cannot tolerate any longer, but yet we find ways of believing that we must sustain levels of bad examples of behaviour from others, which are potentially damaging to the heart-soul connection. We can only tolerate so much, until we are able to stand up or face up to the reality of being pushed into situations or being harassed which makes us change our viewpoint. Until that moment comes, we are likely to feel shame that this is occurring and allow ourselves to take the blame, rather than call out the actual problem, bringing it to the surface to shed light onto the non-positive behaviour.
Sourcing the root causation of any painful wound may be available within meditation space. Asking one's avatar god self to support the tracing of the current pattern to be witnessed, and observed whilst allowing all and any thoughts to come and go from the mind space. If it is in alignment to know of any information, in your inner landscape of space; it will be revealed in the right moment, through your trusted connection with god source avatar self. It is not your place to push into issues where they are not actually arising in that moment - the use of any force is not advised in these instances.
Allowing the body-mind-heart to retain a relaxed position is always advisable. Journaling thoughts, feelings, and circumstances may assist you in the releasing of any emotional pain that requires to surface, perhaps without discussion or interaction. Ensuring the body is allowed to release energy through the voice, or movement, or intentional releasing from the limbs by shaking, or through the breath intentionally can help to move into a place of calm. When body feels safe, mind tends to follow, but it can be a methodical process in order to retain balance.
On this path of christ consciousness reclamation,
May the Aurora Rainbow nourish, replenish and soothe in all ways!

Meditation is the principle of gaining control and focus over the thought sequences in the mind. As the mind is in receipt of multiple false thoughts from planetary grid control mechanisms, EMF frequencies, radio waves, and technology to control the human body and mind; one can learn to free the consciousness from the negative ego construct which has been installed into the human lightbody in the personality layers.
Meditation supports a person to create and experience the observer consciousness, to allow an understanding of the internal landscape and inner principle of the contents of the heart. He who controls the mind, and soul controls the human body. In the gaining of a sovereign body and vessel, to reclaim and build and embody the soul matrix, a person can learn to meditate to understand consciousness of humanity is based solely in a loving expression, removed of all suffering and controlling pillars of society. Obtaining consciousness freedom is possible on the ascension path, to step by step feel and embody the love of god (not the god of religion or teachings of christ as a single man who came to earth) as a person can embody into their heart awakening phases, and through the emotional healing of sexual centres, mental body layers and heart resonances along the way. Spiritual lessons and consciousness expansion go hand in hand with dealing in real life emotional experiences, to open one's heart out from the deception which has been placed upon humanity.
Participation in Meditative group space with us:
We have found that personal meditative practise is an effective tool for self healing, realisation and connection to inner source. We present meditative space held with the intention of upholding, sharing and utilising living light intelligence spiritual knowledge, and deeply supportive healing space.
If you decide to participate in meditative space with us, please know that this may contain elements of the following self-empowerment practises:
- Creating an Energetic Container as a safe space to do energy work
- Understanding Energetic Self-Mastery to Self-Sovereignty
- Multi-dimensional holographic lightbody architecture support
- Clearing/Healing energies from multidimensional lightbody and integrating energy returns
- Evicting lower forms of energy (spiritual attachments, inorganic energies, blocks, emotional goo, psychic attack, demons, et beings, etc) from the lightbody multi-dimensional architecture
- Removal of inorganic architecture which stems the livinglight flow
- Cultivating higher heart based loving-living-light connection with source
- The reclamation of soul fragments and spiritual body parts which have been held in reversal systems and in planetary ley lines and black magic grids
- Personal and Planetary Emancipation Gridwork
- The potential to support own embodiment process
- Dismantling EGO programs through emotional self awareness
- Aligning to your highest expression at all times