Ascension Community

Family of Michael

The Family of Michael Blue Ray, from the Emerald Order 1st Godworlds Creation, are another branch of the Creator Dragon Kings of which are blue dragons whom reside in the Cosmic Emerald order families and are the holders of the blue flame and sword of the holy mother's blue ray. Their protectorate role is defender of the 11:11 portals, and of which the new age hijack created a reversal and shadow of a machined being known as Arcangel Michael to those who called upon him; his principle and body in the holy father masculine was enslaved into reversals by naa agenda and could not rise fully into his organic positioning as a solar rod holder, within the planetary Golden Eagle Grid networks. 

The Family of Michael are the Mother's body protectorates in their flaming blue sword shield and 11:11 Emerald Order 48D Emerald Sun Templar Cross, the planetary and cosmic clock reuche pillars and templar timekeepers. They manifest into our realm through the 11D Stonehenge Gate, and reconnect with Solar Planetary Dragon Christ King Michael-Mary as the Emerald Dragon oroborous dragons within the Albion are positioned within the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons. These families whom carry the Emerald Sun of the true and Holy Emerald Order Creators, are also referred to as the Melchizedek families. Their rod holding principle within the holy father rod and timelines, is protecting the 11D portals and grail chalice configurations, which is removing the Qabalastic adverse sepiroth and Typhonian tunnels created through the Satanic Ritualling upon the earth and in the higher realms. As Michael takes his positioning into the Universal time matrix, he holds the keys to defending the grail and templar of the planetary body and Albion. His earth element healing is supporting the removal of all michael imposters, the transhumanism agenda and alien love bites of michael and mary red wave clones, or digital twins in the phantom matrix and wesan red wave AI clones made in their image.

Their restoring into the planetary grids to merge inside the Temple Mount Christ King Michael and Mary-Sophia Dragon king aeonic pair, assists in the gender reversal distortions in the earth, as they host 11:11 planetary templar and the Michael Family Blue Ray Cosmic Mother's blue flame and sword protectorate of benevolence in the triple masculine solar emerald order cubes which repairs the fallen angelic timekeeper issues of the gold ray family of michael seraphim angelic human hybridisations in the genetics.