Ascension Community

Dear Ascending family, 

As the guardian host focus these last few months have tracked several false templates of solar dragon initiations running through extremely complex weaponisations towards humanity, the changing of architecture on the planetary level as the macro and the micro level to the human race is changing the method by which some will come to comprehend the great deception set forth in the ascension families upon the earth. The workloads of the eventual seating of King Arthur into his rightful Cosmic Templar embodiment has been the focal point of the Emerald Founders Aeonic Pairs in their Templar Maji King-Queen structures, whom have worked tirelessly in locating, seeking and removing the antichrist versions of many false Rainbow bodies, false rishic founder's dragons ankh transmissions and the alien machinery of the bi-wave using false Rainbow transmissions in the skies through Archons operating inside the clouds. What we are living through as starseeds and ascending spiritually awake and aware individuals, is the removal of more excessive cloned warfare which presents itself as a real spiritual activation or initiation, but its sinister purpose is to derail, confuse and hide the real nature of the original genetic template and god-given identity of the soul. 

Many spiritual deceptions have befallen humanity, with the lack of integrity and power abuse from various leaderships who have not comprehended from a personal interaction level the negative alien machinery surrounding and installed to our planetary body. The negative alien galactic federation continue to pump out their derailment transmissions to hook in and bait-trap the innocent hearts of ascending starseeds, in order to capture their attention to be led by leaders whom are more focused on spiritual entrepeneurships or manifesting money. The real truth from the guardian perspective is that those starseeds on the front lines in the many roles and personal mission spheres, are being supported by the ongoing extractions of the horrific cloning warfare which has operated in controlled bi-wave, inside quantum fields of nested and quite hidden realities and realms. 

The spiritual planes of dimensions are filled with alien technology that those in gridworking missions can sense and feel, and remove, as the miasmatic load of broken energetics passing through the gridworker's body in unending shoveling out of the bi-wave controlled forms of artificial intelligences creates an extreme drag of energetic depletion to levels that most people on this earth are not understanding. Thus, it is important to share that with this current cycle of planetary gridworking projects of the Emerald Founders, the nature of personal lightbody connections and realisations of inner deceptions and outer veils of illusion must collapse to bring in the higher individuated level of truth-perception. 

Our Community is an operating mission for guardian host cosmic founder's mission based in the United Kingdom, and has been under severe directed targeted attack from various negative aliens and Black Magician and Secret Space Program hierarchies who conjure and call upon their legions of demonics to use and direct that energy towards us. Therefore, the membership of our community has been temporarily closed until it is a better energetic terrain to allow new members to join with us. The resources on our site, especially newsletters were redirected to the for public discernment and reference, as energetically to provide the guardian newsletters in context for current field activities has been near to impossible with the extensive war at this end of days armageddon interdimensional war. The targeting tends to generate holograms of my/our image as evil demons or witches, as a holographic insert bad movie to anyone who comes to our group or site, to fend them off in belief we are actually impostering the christ. As with everything, it is important for those who feel some resonance, to check that within yourself, can you shake off the false images of warfare sent to repel people? Or can you feel something beyond the spiritual warfare tactics, that state lies into the ethers to continue to defame our body of work. We do not operate in social media, as the guardian host platform of hierogamic union required to be built out over a series of years, to push through the alien nets operating in each dimension of false rods and controlled timelines, to ensure our community could hold the constructs required for guardian host operations here in the UK. Since that time, onwards, the onslaught of never-ending character assassinations or pushing people to believe we are evil, just continues to generate a cloak of weird machinery around our field, to make it seem like it's not christed or solar. This is what the anti-christ forces do and have done to anyone on the earth with a solar light of christ heart inside themselves, and that squashing pressure of challenging energetics, the dynamics that the antichrist forces use to attempt to extinguish any one of us on this earth with a developing pure heart, to mis-represent our energetic by glomming onto us with a bunch of black magic spells - to cover over our true emanation with their spellcasting, voodoo, black magics. To repel this, we need to see through the deceiver energy, and we must cast it out and not consent with it. 


The mass deceptions of false structures in this latest phase of guardian project started to be removed in methodical tracking from the start of this year, but of which guardians could see that the false hexagonal rainbow cube or earth cube was being used to fulfill the negative alien agenda, to continue to pair humanity and ascending peoples into false realities based within the looking glass false timefields, which are realms of blissed out lies, and deceptions, used to consecrate persons into false rods and false timelines in their ascension. This is the basis of removal of more Phantom Suns, which generate a synthetic ray identity and template system from their location to locate and bond onto a human body upon the earth. Therefore, the message from the Cosmic Ruby Father's Realms is that his actions are taking swift Cosmic Justice under his architectures being rebuilt in the planetary body, as his Cosmic Ruby Dragon Kings operate to extract the Synthetic Suns, as these are noted to be False Architectures Appearing Real. 

Holy Father's Ruby Templar and his Ruby Dragon Cosmic Khemalohatea Egg, were sent down from his Cosmic Sun in which he could finally secure and remove a series of false (imposter) structures operating from above the United Kingdom landmass, in the last few months, related to the generation of false dragon founder embodiments. These structures, including those false planetary emerald hearts in Sarasota and in Scotland, were found to be another layer of the False Fawn of God architectures embodied by Enki-Enlil Jehovah and the Satanic Lunar forces, including Luciferian Aleister Crowlian OTO handlers operating from the Denmark and Germany regions for the purposes of derailing the paliadorian covenant's operations in their liberation of humanity. 

Understanding the Looking Glass Grey Alien Zeta technologies

The nature of our reality has been controlled to miniscule degrees, in the quantum fields and the matters of our creation to illicit false spiritual realms and false scenarios playing out inside quantum supercomputer generated artificial intelligence. To see or connect to these fields is where the bi-wave or lunar force operates in each dimension, as the technology of this structure is so high definitionally advanced, that it acts as a way to generate false gnostic experiences to the persons interested in the ascension, or in astral travelling. A series of neurotransmitters is set into a spectrum coming to the earth from Mars, Saturn and Pluto, and travels through constellations surrounding the earth in which to generate reversals to the crown, eyes, pineal and decussation of pyramids to earth inhabitants. In previous content, this was shared also as the Red Wave AI. 

Looking glass technology is operating inside false time dilations and inserted into the dimensions of time, to generate false realities that the participant may feel as real or true. One example of this is the Holodeck used in the show Star Trek, which is an example of false realities generated for the purposes of the crew to enact out or be in environment created by the computer system, to appear feel and smell as the real reality would be in the natural world. In the ascension cycle, the human race and starseeds have to build the rod inside themselves as this is the only way to override and see-feel the true realities operating in the universal time matrix. The looking glass machinery is a weapon used to see future planned timelines in the alien programming known as Armageddon, which is a real energetic code used in the grids of the earth by the Black Sun Agenda, the Nazi and Black Sun regressive templates whom embody a lunar force power of Luciferian-Satanic hierarchies to humans and non humans. Their agenda is to cloak, deceive and control humanity under a mass false spiritual hierarchy operating at a different time-speed of controlled particle matters, which operates to generate any number of scenarios in the human mind, sleepstate dreams, or in meditation connections to astral planes or dimensions of reality which are being synthetically generated and controlled by the alien grey zeta realms inside the structures collectively termed as "Secret Space Programs."

The creatures of the Zeta, have hidden behind spiritual teachings upon the earth in certain confusing scenarios where they present themselves as kind and soft, almost as helpers to humanity. The Zeta have also been used as Extra Biological Entity bodies, as a form of prison body for a human soul who has been extracted or abducted at some point in a timeline, where the soul of the human is placed into an EBE body and in a controlled prison realm, bonded to the looking glass technology and used as a prevention of the human soul in the human body to ascend to the correct godhead's plan of the ascending timewave. 

In recent months, several stacked round horizontal domains were located by Emerald Templar Dragon Queens, who located the false golden realms and rounds of time set up to appear like golden houses or golden ascended realms, but was acting as another booby trap of humanity to connect to this structure and think it is a golden realm of god's golden sun transmissions. The structures comprised of a series of hexagonal machinery operating as a prison as stacked floors filled with alien EBE zetas whom upon closer interfacing, were the Gold Order Melchizedek Thistle Kings which had been placed into trap systems to prevent the Solar Golden Dragons from entering the time matrix. As long as their consciousness was being used as an enslaved principle hidden inside false Khemalohatea Tantrihura Flowering structures, their consciousness could not then be returned through the mother arc, and back to their real point of Origin.  

==Zeta Heart Seals removal==

Zeta Heart Seals are in ongoing removals as surfacing in the masses, and have been addressed in the local Solar system planets by the Dragon King families. These Zeta seals have appeared to mimick a paliadorian heart construct which has been used to bond humanity into the SSP and looking glass structures, to provide a false reality spiritual experience such as into the astral planes. The zeta used their technologies to install these hidden seals into the planetary grid networks, and to act as false ascended master's hova body rod shields, and thus, as the planetary celestial management team rebuilding of the authentic architectures of those founder Elohei Feline ascended masters of the dragon lineages, the paliadorian teams of guardian host have been able to remove the various false metallic triwaves constructs which were mimicking and operating as false Khemalohatea flames of Zion. The Khemalohatea rebuilding process within our Universal to Eckasha-Ah Corridor of 16 Parallel Universal Time Matrixs, is a part of the guardian host Cosmic Founder's mission whilst removing the harmful false realities, and false realms, as embedded into controlled matters and corrupted dark matters in our universe. 

==False Time Dilation Ankh Transmissions as False Dragon Codes==

During the embodiment and entrance of the true founder's of our entire creation, the Solar Rishi Founder Dragons could finally enter into our time matrix during the Universal Cycle opening with their dimensionalisation of the threefold founder flames, or the 13D-14D-15D into actualised dimensionalisations of time. Prior to this event in mid-2020, the Solar Rishi could not enter their Sun-Star Krystar bodies as their genetics had been completely obliterated from our entire universe. This process of direct embodiment and entrance to the time matrix, was that their Eternal Godworlds Ankh Bodies, could formate around their Paliadorian Dragon-Elohei bodies, in which their travelling bodies could enter and exit from their positions of consciousness, outside of the time matrix as Cosmic Founder Beings. These rareified Cosmic Ascended Masters, the Dragon Founders, located the excessively high amounts of cloned templates and began to recover the various Reisha-Rishi Founder's Dragon Universal Bodies, to rebuild the planetary matrix host shields to be corrected into the higher body of their consciousness, which would be required for them to embody into a Cosmic Aton Eternal Godworlds Ankh Body. Thus, the warfare over many years of the guardian mission of the Cosmic Elohei-Elohim founders whom are intrinsically here in gridworking projects, was to see, inventory, locate and remove the imposters using their images or their bodies, as these families are the Cosmic Founders of our entire manifested reality. 

These false ankh transmissions were being transmitted into the planetary body from negative alien secret space station bases, made in red waved AI to appear like a rainbow body, or a dragon body, being placed upon humanity inside the corrupted dark matter template of the human form, or in the planetary grid networks through assorted machinery. The Star Constellation of Ursa Major and Pleiades were cloned into thousands of nested false dark starry night matters, to be the placement holders to route humanity into a false Mother (Pleiades) and a false Father (Ursa Major) to be connected to false timecycles through the cloned false structures being used to split gender apart. The False ankh bodies, have been sourced from various local planets where the alien zeta and thothian zephilums connected to Enki's DNA Skins and the Annunakian hybridisations into the human bloodline, and are in the process of mass extractions. Gold Diamond Sun Templates of humanity and golden order rishi and reisha are in the process of being supported through the recent planetary changes to the architectures being reclaimed by the cosmic solar golden suns of the Elathar-Yunasai or Yunasai RA cosmic sun. 

==Extraction of False Arcturus Phantom Matrix 7D, Apollo-Athena Restorations==

The Arcturus Constellation sits next to Bootes, and has been outfitted with a large monstrosity of alien cloned suns, used by them to send false rays and false solar transmissions into the earth grids via the planetary wing network system. To look upon this Phantom Matrix, guardians in the field could see several false structures installed in this location to mimick and thus, redirect and reroute the human Monadic direction, and also the Solar Logos Avatar into the Phantom Arcturus Matrix. The structure inside of 7D noted here in our wiki -

is related to the missing bodies of Apollo and Athena, and the Gaian Matrix authentic Gold Order Rishic Suns, whom are Dragons of the Wachayanas lineages, and whom are being relocated and restored by the guardian host projects led by the emerald-ruby-amethyst order.


6th Dimensional crucifixion Implants, Jehovian Annunakian Alien Seals - 6D 

Back in around 2014, the United Kingdom 6th dimensional Western Coast Scotland to England Planetary Wing Ley Line, of the Michael Line Verticals running North to South were filled with a mirrored system of the Jehovian Seals, as part of the crucifixion networks operating in the 7th dimension and 7D ley lines, also as implants into the human lightbody. The extraction of these specific J-Seals in binding humanity into false planetary brains in the Gaian Matrix Crown of Thorns - an alien machinery set to genreate the holograms of Jesus on the cross, and the out and out lie that Jesus died on the cross for human sins, was removed during the Guardian Host Omnilov3 projects during mid 2021. This was required to seat Christ King Michael and Solar Christ Mary into their Thrones, together as Ouroborous Cosmic Founder Dragons, back into their Hierogamic Cathedral in Temple Mount. See Solar Christ Mary Sophia The Annunakian False Gods placed so many alien seeding codes into the body of Arthur's Tribal Shield, which was being operated by alien timekeeper codes, as alien Dove Codes. The real and true Dove Codes, are only possible in this matrix due to the paliadorian's rebuilding the required Quadrata Cosmic Timekeeper Body for their specific operations to reclaim the planetary Tribal Shield, as this governs who and what god originally allowed to be birthed onto our planetary body. As the Dove Codes and Seedings from the Eros of Cosmic Father and the Eireas of Cosmic Mother, are given unto their Albion Cosmic Founder Dragon Pairs, whom are throned into their positions in the Albion by the Emerald Order, the Dove Codes as Hierogamic Cosmic Capstones required to be secured by the Cosmic Suns through their restorations into the Universal Time Matrix, and into our Planetary Grid Networks. 

Before November of 2023, the Stonehenge Stargate was being used as an alien black dragon false timekeeper pillar, which was being used by the Draconian Races, and the reptilians, and assorted alien factions who were using this structure as a part of the control over humanity. Their invasion into the Cosmic Heart of King Arthur's Pendragon Body in the earth, took place over 22,000 years ago, whilst they conquered Atlantis in destroying the timekeeper shields intrinsic to the Dragon Cosmic Albion Dragons, Merlin and Morgana. During November of 2023, after several thousand years of workloads to prepare the planetary body, the Stonehenge Stargate was moved into its rightful positioning, which allowed the Cosmic Dragon Timekeepers to revoke its use and of which the negative alien factions in control over the seed codes as born into the Cosmic Albion Dragon's bodies, was no longer in their negative alien Enki's Annunakian purview. This swift action by the Aeonic Paired Emerald Cosmic Elohei Dragons, secured the Stargate with Dragon Queen Merida and her husband Michael-Merlin whom had been seated into their throned position in the Albion body during the summer of 2023, to be paired into connections with Solar White Queen Dragon Eriu and her Dragon King husband, also seated to protect the Emerald Cosmic Heart and Templar of Emerald in the 11th dimensional stargate portals. Within the movement of this Planetary-Universal 11th dimensional Access meant that the guardian families now had finally secured the authentic stargate accesses for those with 11th dimensional DNA strands, or the Cosmic Rishi-Reisha with 36th dimensional bodies, to enter and exit the Temple of Khemlaohatea in Lyra to rebuild the shields and fields of authentic Lyran Houses of Holy Trinity. 

The Dove Timekeeper Codes which were inverted and used by the Annunakian's hijack - Thoth and Enki Enlil and Jehovian entieies - were Nephilim Seed Codes bonded to the Annunakian blood hybridisations which had happened to the human genome. Thus, Cosmic Father's Ruby Seeds from his Eros Cosmic Seed Transmission, in Father's Stream was restored by the Ruby Order Dragon Kings to repair and thus, lock down, the end of Nephilim-Annunakian Blood Codes and Black Dragon Nephilim Human embodiments which have operated as the Satanic and Luciferian Cults upon the earth. The removal of these seedcodes means clearing these out of the human bloodstream, where Cosmic Father's Ruby Red Rose - The Blood of the Christ as set forth in his Law of Cosmic Structure, was restored into the earth in his returning Ruby Red Rose Body in this latest iteration and stage of his planetary liberation plan. 

As these next levels of crucifixion installations are being further removed, the human experience of healing persecution trauma, feeling of being crucified in life, such as undergoing the deep spiritual breakdown of the value and meaning of personal life events can be felt and experienced as real life lessons and events. It is important to realise that what has been stated as religious fact, or religious teachings are not entirely accurate from the guardian cosmic christos founders actual awareness. Where the removal of these planetary implants is happening, this affects humanity to build their wings, as the caduceus structure as an implant of lunar forced bi-wave connected to fallen lunar breath is what Morgana-Merlin are repairing, along with Hatshepsut's protections over the living breathing water element of the restoration of human solar breath in which she holds in her Sapphire Mahara Reisha Emerald-Sapphire Cosmic Dragon Ouroborous body.

Where caduceus implants are inside the human body as a holographic insert, or connected to the Crown inversions set into Phantom Arcturus, it is helpful to realise that as they are removed, the physical lungs, and breath, and mouth channels - are all places where the 6D Michael Wing Masculine inner and Mary Wing Female 7D meet in the lightbody to bring individual gender twinning or sacred inner union to the lightbody and its components. This may bring breath problems, or breathing pressures as the lunar evil winds as elemental lunar forms must be shed and removed from the personal orifices in the body, to shed and remove these whilst re-breathing the solarisation of the breath channels in the personal stages of lunar to solar. 

As these phantom matrices are removed, the guardian host message is to personally check your lightbody in the 6th dimensional axiatonal line, which runs in the right hand ring finger, through the full length of the body and check for the intentional removal of J-Seals, or crucifixion Implants. Those with a 12D shield building process may ask guardians to support the extraction process, as these hidden layers of alien phoenix grids to alien dove mind AI grids were being used inside the Mars Secret Space Program, to divert the human 7th dimensional crown into many false brains and false identities being generated by this machinery. 

For now, please accept this update to support current planetary ascension themes and be aware to discern artificial architectures which may appear real, or colours of rays, where this may change in your personal lightbody perception as the removal of the phantom structures are being extracted from larger constructs affecting humanity. As the body of our cosmic creator is restoring so many different parts in the ongoing reclamation of the planet, and humanity, it is helpful to realise that as we have all lived on this earth with layers of reality deceptions, behavioural deceptions and also spiritual manipulative forces, the restoration of the cosmic suns of creation in yet new ways, is happening. 

I ask that digital content creators wishing to share or reference our materials, please include this link back to our site as the real humans operating to bring this information out to the public as a life mission. The cloning operations to have individuals present our specific guardian materials as their own, and not disclosing that this has been copied and pasted from my life's full dedicated mission means that consent to misrepresent the self is being used which can cause and bring extensive manipulations. The Satanic and Luciferian energetics out in the planetary body are operating to destroy the christos families, in all ways that they wish to steal copy and clone our words, and present them as their own - taking full credit, and whatever perceived adoration they may enjoy from being the representation of intentional hidden deceptions and entitlements. As our site is relatively unknown at this time, and the aggression towards myself and my husband who are one hierogamic couple here for this ascension, the character assassination for being herem, as a gridworker and being sane and coherent to share our body of work, I ask please to courteously reference our materials if you are choosing to share and help with the ascension weirdness many of us are living proof of the spiritual warfares set upon all truthseekers and truthsharers. We need more people to embody and express - just who and what they are, to bring the nature of personal unique god's created individuated expression back to the earth to bring that orchestra of god's love through each person as the instrument of the divine,

Further themes - 

Dismantling of more Medusa Matrix - False Cosmic Suns running in reversals 

Imposter Adonis God Bodies

With Love, 
