Sophia and Sophianic Body Restorations are the Holy Daughter Sapphire to the Holy Mother's Aquamarine Ray in which the body of Sophia and her Sophianic Sapphire Body is restored into the earth, it supports humanity to alchemically ascend through shedding of the Lunar Dark Mother and Daughter, through shadow and wound healing, to reclaim the personal solar consciousness which has been stolen, destroyed and enslaved. This process is in stages to rebuild the Solar Consciousness of the Personal Christ, in the Reclaimation of the Sophia, the trinity daughter essence of the cosmic parent's offspring, which requires the full triad of each harmonic universe to be embodied and restored through 12 stranded DNA of the Diamond Sun. Sophia exists in perfect balance and harmony with her divine counterpart the Christos, or Son of God, and in each ascending human healing their gender into balance is required in order to heal gender in each dimension, to locate eventually the original divine twin-pair and spiritual counterpart to birth and embody the Risen Christos-Sophia through the advanced stages of Hierogamic Union where two Avatar Twins are reunited to rebuild their original House of God as the New Jerusalem, or City Four Square which builds their indwelling of which the Christ Consciousness becomes risen upon the earth.
Solar Mary-Michael Gender Healing in Humanity embodies the Christos-Sophia through the 14D Golden Offspring into the Divine Hierogamic Couple whom have healed and rebuilt their full solar RA centre, in which the solar plasmic flowering shared grail line as the microcosmic orbit and hara line, are the birthing centre to birth in the third energy of god's offspring through the couple as trinity in perfect harmony and balance.
Ascended Master's Triple Cosmic Christos-Sophia
The Ascended Master Solar Elohei-Dragon Cosmic Founders embody an expanded range of the Christos-Sophia which is their Triple Cosmic Godworlds fields of Triple Sophia and Triple Christos. Their lightbody exists as the 1440 Zero point as the Solar Rishi or Yanas in their original paliadorian coupling having embodied each and every dimensional hierogamic capstone in which the cosmic triple goddess and god offspring is birthed into their triple flowering grail and shared hara line. This must have been completed at their Avatar Level already, in their Cosmic Elohei Identities together in the Ankh, to embody the Triple Dragon Coded Cosmic Fields of consciousness in which the Cosmic Spirit Suns of their Hierogamic Cosmic Coupling is the Expanded Cosmic Reuche and Cosmic Aethers of their Cosmic Starhuman Dragon Embodiments which birth the Cosmic level of Christos-Sophia as the triple solar rishic-reisha offspring through their Scepter Rod-Staff and through their Triple Plasmic Flowering Solar Grail Shared Line.