False Aton, False Ankhs and False Time Dilation in Bi-Wave - Inside of time by Antichrists

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False Time Dilation

The Antichrist forces of the assorted Black Suns of Belial, and Black Regressive Templates, including Enki's Army RedShields and False Dragons, built out a series of Black Hole Portals, and using stolen Ruby Seed Crystals of Cosmic Father's Ruby Seeds controlled time and space, and matters using various father's Pegasus and dark matter body parts in which to generate false templars and false ankh bodies inside the Universal Time Matrix, and into the Solar System. These forces generated false matrices, phantom matrices and zeta false realms, which would holographically hide the actual organic blueprints and realms within the kingdoms of god, and replace them with Zeta Grey Alien Holographic Looking Glass generating clones of realms, constructs and provide false experiences such as false gnosticisms through the spiritual control of the in-between layers of the quantum. When the Cosmic Eternal Ankh Emerald Founder's Lightbody was restored into the Time Matrix, the 48 Subharmonics of 48 dimensions inside 1 dimension allowed the Cosmic Emerald Founders and their White Elohei Solar Families, to locate and see the various levels of AI and hidden structures mimicking true time travelling of the Ankh body, in various structures which had been installed to control humanity, control the planetary dragon's albion bodies, and would give their chosen bloodlines or chosen abducted humans experiences in false realms, pulling the human consciousness into the MKUltra Enki's Red waved Architectures of spiritual cloning taking place inside the time matrix. Thus, these many false atons and false ankh bodies strewn around are under guardian host removal processes, as they have relied upon the 1D bone matrix distortions, and the Jehovian Seals in the Male 6D Vertical and 7D Female Verticals, linked to the Dove Alien Hive Minds, bonded to false dodecahedrons as bi-wave qlippoth or base 10 baphomet spiritually aggressive overtly electrified sexualised kundalini activations. There False Aton and False Ankh networks were found to be linked to a series of False 8 Suns, connected and surrounding the Moon which was set to generate false silvery starlights which was mimicking the Mother's Cosmic Starplasma Chrysanthemum Solar Diamond Flowers with Krystar Flows and Elixirs which enter through her Cosmic Spirit Body reanimating into her body parts across time.

False Ankh embodiments are named as such, as they do not allow actual consciousness transports in solar light solarisations of plasmas, and instead have bound bi-wave lunar and controlled elementals inside false realms, which can appear like godly or bliss realms, but are filled with extensive ranges of hi-definition false reality fields, connected to the 7D and 4D reversals and lunar compactions. These generate false dragon rings and false records, in which guardian host solar dragons are removing these structures and releasing the bound souls whom have been attached into or co-dependant on these false gnostic experiences inside the looking glass, and false time dilation experiences. As we are aware, the alien control networks residing in the dark matter layers of the arashata matter, are undergoing extractions and repairs by guardian host and their Solar Dragon Templars and Realmkeepers. The True embodiment of the Ankh Solar Vehicle of the 1440 Cosmic Ankh had been genetically blocked due to the destruction of the emerald sun body of the time matrix. The first wave emerald founder prototyping mission for guardian host Emerald Ankh Eternal Godworlds Vehicle holding Krystar and multiple layered flame bodies with various Emerald Founder Toolkits, has been repaired into creation by the large orchestration from the Paliadorian Covenant Mission. These families are working the removal and extraction of the many false sun-star structures and portals used by naa and Black Magicians, operating through Lunar templates or Black Sun templates whom are in various controller positions as vessels of antichrist agenda hidden from mainstream view whilst enacting out crimes against humanity in various ways.

Secret Space Programs, Looking Glass Grey Alien False Hexagonal Time Dilations

When the NAA invaded the planetary body, one of their main goals was to ensure that humanity would not remember nor realise that their bodies as human forms had a natural solar transportation as the potential to rebuild the aton or ankh to allow them to travel through stargates as easy as walking between rooms in the home. This structure of the Amenti Time Crystals and their Edenic access to other times and spaces, other timelines within the Rainbow Round Tables held within the Rainbow Watchtower and the Khemalohatea Gender Twinned Original Edenic Blueprint of Creation was destroyed by the various factions of negative aliens who would set up their AI and machinery into the quantum, sub quantum and gravity fields in our Universal Time Matrix, to split human genders of the Eden (Mother & Father, and their Solar Sons and Daughters as Angelic Humanity) apart and to generate various hellrealms in siphoning the energy from the human collective consciousness without humanity being able to detect these nefarious vandals. Thus, through extensive guardian host inventorying and detailing of the mechanics of the Looking Glass and its assorted use to control humanity without their knowing, the main secret space programs and hideouts were using the reverse engineered Ankh Body of the Solar Dragons of God's Creator Elohei Dragons, in which to generate a series of machined time slicing time splitting and time versioning multiple false reality as Zeta Realms. These would appear as blissed out astral fields, or meeting friendly travellers or guides, but to see the alien artificial intelligences the guardian host gridworking families could see the detailed layers of the shocking levels of Secret Space False Timelines and False Time Dilations being used to hide, cloak and pervert our dimensions inside the Universal Time Matrix Time-Space Fabric and Blueprint of Time-Space. The False Ankh Bodies being generated and used by the SSP, and their vast Grey Alien Zetas has been used to infiltrate teachings upon the earth, including lies about the mechanics of our creation and how it came to be, lies about weather patterns, lies about human sensory perceptions and instead, try to usher in the various machined technological ages powered up by stolen human body parts, and siphoning of human collective minds and sexual energies, forcing gender splits into the human population to accept the paltry lies over our world's true conditions and how this actually came to be.

Inside the looking glass realms, are false round tables of time which have been used to control human reality, human perceptions, and the entire planetary body to run anti-life frequencies through the Base 9 math ankh, or bi-wave qlippoth Ankh in which the Black Suns of Belial or the Regressive genetics, including Alien Zeta Grey Drone Bodies, are acting as alien hive mind realms with the abduction of human souls into a worker class body without a true diamond sun body. The Paliadorian Covenant of the Emerald Order, are responsible for the rescue and recovery of these human souls, and of which during the stages of methodical extractions, these human souls, transgendered souls, abducted bodies and souls, are being returned to the rightful owner in which the consciousness can heal when connecting to the true nature of the body of god, in the planetary Ankh Solar Disk networks being restored into the Albion Body by the Cosmic Founder Families.

See Also