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The reversals of father's Sha tones and body generated by Thothian-Leviathan-Enki as a clone of Cosmic Father's Universal Quadrata Templar Body was located as a timebody splitter and False 11th dimensional amethyst order realm occupying the 6.2 dimension inside the Albion body above England. This was set to mimick the 15D Godparent Domain and using false triple Amethyst rods inside of time, to control various Timekeeper Codes of the Albion's Triple Dragon Solar Wing Shields. Thus, as the Khemalohatea 11D Stargate of Stonehenge, was moved in November of 2023, into the Holy Mountain of King Arthur's Rainbow Watchtower by his Templar Master Timekeeper Dragons, the 11th dimensional field access changed to the rebuilding of the Solar Logos Gender Twin Matrix of Khem or Sek Khem of Camelot, rebuilding by the Ascended Master Twinned Cosmic Starhuman Dragons and their Templar Maji Grail Kings repairing the Timekeeper and Dove Hierogamic Ascended Master's Capstones and Timekeeper Tools. The False Quadratra SSP field in the Albion was also a part of the Alien Dove Grid and Alien Dove 6D Jehovian Seals to keep humanity and ascending starseeds from feeling or connecting to the authentic Hierogamic Cosmic Couples inside the Khemalohatea Tantrihura Shields of Flowering Plasmas encased and protected by the [[Four Fold Flowering Cathedrals]] or the Templar Master Timekeeper Dragon Kings from their Eternal Flame Bodies in the 1st Godworlds Location, or the 48th dimension where the 15 Dragon Paliadorian Creator's Cosmic Suns of Creation exist.  
The reversals of father's Sha tones and body generated by Thothian-Leviathan-Enki as a clone of Cosmic Father's Universal Quadrata Templar Body was located as a timebody splitter and False 11th dimensional amethyst order realm occupying the 6.2 dimension inside the Albion body above England. This was set to mimick the 15D Godparent Domain and using false triple Amethyst rods inside of time, to control various Timekeeper Codes of the Albion's Triple Dragon Solar Wing Shields. Thus, as the Khemalohatea 11D Stargate of Stonehenge, was moved in November of 2023, into the Holy Mountain of King Arthur's Rainbow Watchtower by his Templar Master Timekeeper Dragons, the 11th dimensional field access changed to the rebuilding of the Solar Logos Gender Twin Matrix of Khem or Sek Khem of Camelot, rebuilding by the Ascended Master Twinned Cosmic Starhuman Dragons and their Templar Maji Grail Kings repairing the Timekeeper and Dove Hierogamic Ascended Master's Capstones and Timekeeper Tools. The False Quadratra SSP field in the Albion was also a part of the Alien Dove Grid and Alien Dove 6D Jehovian Seals to keep humanity and ascending starseeds from feeling or connecting to the authentic Hierogamic Cosmic Couples inside the Khemalohatea Tantrihura Shields of Flowering Plasmas encased and protected by the [[Four Fold Flowering Cathedrals]] or the Templar Master Timekeeper Dragon Kings from their Eternal Flame Bodies in the 1st Godworlds Location, or the 48th dimension where the 15 Dragon Paliadorian Creator's Cosmic Suns of Creation exist.  

==Eye of Sauron Networks and Hubs, NAA controlled as False Father's Ruby-Violet-Magenta-Lilac SHA Tones - False Dragon Wings Networks==
*England, Entire Landmass - False Quadrata Clone of Michael-Merlin's Templar
*Denmark, Aarhus -  False Amethyst Four Fold Flowering Cathedral (false emerald-amethyst awakening) set as a false Stonehenge 11D Pillar (15:15:15 False Timekeeper & False Four Leaf Clovered Celtic Aryan Structures created and used by Thothian-Leviathan-Enki and Humans under TEE controls. Black Dragon and Dementor Luciferian Libraries and Records, AI guardian transmissions to appear as King Arthur's Round Tables -connected to [[Bacchus-Dionysus]] and set as a false Yggradisil Tree of Life in the Albion
*Amsterdam, Schipol -  False Amethyst Horizontal Shields Planetary False Rods
*Paris, Notre Dame - False Anethyst Eye of God of False 15D Father's Portal
*England, White Horse Westbury and Wiltshire
*Mount St Michael, Jersey
*Ceres Constellation shining upon the White Horse Westbury and Albion of King Arthur's Body
*Eridanus Constellation shining upon the Albion as false Emerald Order and False Doorway of Creations
*Vale of Pewsey, and Stonehenge Monument Site - Continual Eye of Sauron installations by Thothian AI and Enki's Thothian False Father constructs
*Bavaria, Germany - False Amethyst Order Hearts and Constructs in Red Waved AI Templar
==Unholy Trinity - Paris-Amsterdam-Denmark==
The Hubs of False Rods mimicking and mocking cosmic father's SHA tones to his Melchizedek Blue Rods and Templar layers, were located and removed by guardians operating to seek out and remove, the extensive evictions using the Typhon Tunnel Networks, and Alien Wormholes to entice controlled gridworkers into using the false Khemalohatea Gender Twin Matrix codes inside the Project Bluebeam false reality blended quantic field synthetic constructions controlled inside false realities. The extraction of the main hubs in the Planet, involved the extraction of several fallen founders groups, and Gender Splitting ideologies bonding sections of the planetary grids into the fallen Atlantian and stolen body parts of Michael-Merlin, Merida's Dragon King Counterpart in the Albion United Kingdom-Lyran-Aveyon 10D-11D layers of the Celtic Tribes Celestial Maji King Celtic Heart of Zion and Round Tables of King Arthur's body protectors. Thus, the extensive network of cloned and false Amethyst-Lilac Dragon parts, and the assorted repeating rebuilding of these AI Forms by the Enki-Thothian-Leviathan groups and their Enki's Army embodied into the [[Lunar Trident AI]] are being faced by Cosmic Father's Ruby Order Templar Dragons, whom are reclaiming the portals and Templar Rods for the Sacred Seed Codes of King Arthur's Holy Father's Master Templar Creator seating process throughout his huge cathedral networks within his Templar Quadrata Body.
==False Amethyst-Lilac-Violet-Magenta Thistle Codes, and Cloning of Amethyst Order Rha Solar Rishic-Reisha Founder Dragon's Ankhs into Imposter identities and cloned warfares==
During the entrance of the Amethyst Order Dragon King Reisha-Rishi Timekeeper Dragons into the Universal Time Matrix, during 2020, the installation of several triple father's rods of Amethyst Order were placed and installed into the main networks of the 11th dimensional stargates, in the United Kingdom. The 15:15:15 Magenta Cosmic Timekeeper, and triple Scepter Rods of Cosmic Father's Lilac-Magenta-Violets were placed inside the Albion which would be a part of the securing of the Albion's Scepter & Heart, under the Throne Room protection by those Amethyst Order Dragons in their Templar Embodiments. This started a sequence of events in which the Amethyst Order Rha families would install their [[Pillars of Cosmic Justice]] and their Holy Father's Book of the Law into various locations through their Hierogamic King-Queen Templar Reuche holding positions from their place, inside the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons. These founders as Cosmic Starborn Dragons, Cosmic Starhuman Dragons ascended masters were locating parts of the Amethyst Order Rha Dragon Kings and Queens of their Triple Reisha-Rishi founders families, and during their extreme challenge to do so, were accosted multiple times by the TEE Entity collectives looking to destroy their bodies. These Violet-Amethyst Crystal Cosmic Dragons from the Godworlds, would require to build out sections of the planetary rods, in which their mission was excruciatingly targeted to prevent their every move within the earths grids. Their earlier entrance into the time matrix through pre-birth agreements was to support the 11th dimensional celtic aryan solar founder dragons, in which the NAA knew that they had not yet fully located [[Solar Dragon Queen Merida]]. Thus, their attempts to thwart the Amethyst Order Dragon Cosmic Twins and their missions with Guardian Abraham Lincoln, was met with extreme targeting to remove their body parts and give these to others with their triple solar reisha cloned identity to split apart the potentials of the Albion's Master Templar Keys, the Templar Quadrata body of God's Master Timekeepers. The Alien Dove Mind is being removed by Cosmic Father's Ruby Templar as the Eye of Sauron has given false Dove Timekeeper codes to those under the Leviathan-Thothian AI connections, outfitting individuals and false unions with false timekeeper identities.
Cosmic Father's Ruby Dove Codes from inside his Master Templar Quadrata, is the power of Cosmic Father's Zero Tolerance over the vandal groups, and the enslavement of humanity inside the negative alien's False Michael-Merlin Realms and cloned ankh body.
The AI fields of synthetics of pale magenta-violet-ruby false rays are connected into the false elaysian-false mother wesan matrix generating AI identities upon humanity and ascending starseeds and indigos, to mess with the reality field and perceptions over certain DNA activations and embodiments happening inside the looking glass and phantom matrix quantum field bi-wave elemental controls.
==Archetypal Enslavement to Eye of Sauron==
False Father in the Eye of Sauron emits and programs a pompous arrogance, and over-certainty in the energetic archetype. It appears to form into wishful thinking and blinds the recipients from within their michael-mary unhealed 6th dimensional and 7th dimensional rods and merkabah. This is one of the ceilings of alien constructs placed into the planetary body as a part of the caduceus and crucifixion networks using the synthetic rays to appear as real Amethyst-Violet-Magenta-Lilacs of the father's body. Where Metatronic Reversals are used to connect the person into these fields, it appears that this has been another way in which the NAA generated false triple rods of Amethyst, including clones and synthetic starhuman dragon amethyst dragon embodiment sequences into broken or false templates in the earth. Some of the abduction trauma of humanity and the zeta's mass abductions to generate false "Aryan" Solar Founder Celtic Dragons, has been inventoried and documented in testimonials by the Amethyst Order Rha Reisha-Rishi Founders, to ensure the records of the hybridisation and manipulation in the founder's lineages has been updated into the Cosmadoras Cosmic Father's Thistle King Dark Matter and Violet-Amethyst Order's Records. Many of the memory records of the Amethyst Founders are being reclaimed, aswell as the Eye of Sauron as an enslavement trap system in releasing the many stolen missing body parts, of the Cosmic Mother's White Queen Triple Goddess Dragon Founders. This construct, and it's continual replications by the NAA, was in cloning out Azurtanya Rods of the Cosmic Father's Body, to prevent the Elohei-Elohim Dark Matter Cosmic Pegasus Braharama Thistle King-Queens from securing their entrance into the Albion networks through the Internal Spiral Stairway of King Arthur's Rainbow Dark Matter Pegasus Timekeeper Passageway Paliadorian Bridge in his Rainbow Watchtower.
==Maria Orsic Histories in Ecousha Soul Matrix Parallels as Pleiades Clones - Abductions to False Michael Aldeberan False Michael Embodiments-False Soul Matrix layers in Akasha==
Eye of Sauron connects in the Soul Matrix layers of parallel matters inside the Ecousha Layers of False Father Thoth mimicking Father's Amethyst-Lilac and Blue Melchizedek Dragon body in Akasha. The histories of the German Esoteric Societies including VRIL and Maria Orsic, have [[Nordic Aliens]] inside 6D Ecousha as a trap and enslavement over humanity to operate as generating False Celtic Maji Kings-Queens through deliberate genetic manipulation of various non-celtic maji bloodlines in the earth. The deceptions of the Timekeeper and Templar of King Arthur's body, and the genetic modifications of humanity through 5D and 6D Abduction histories, reveals the cloned warfare inside those humans with missing soul matrix layers from Tara, being bonded into the Ecousha layers of cloned false Tara, and cloned false Dragon constructs, messing with their natural Soul Matrix and Michael-Mary Merkabah and Wing building process. The bonding to the Eye of Sauron under False Mother Wesa Matrix and False Father Ecousha Matrix is being removed from harming humanity and starseeds, as the False Eastern Star, and False Rods in the East/Aldeberan Michael Body of humanity and starseeds reclaiming and embodying their inner Michael-Mary Angelic Human consciousness, is supported through the repairs to the 6D Indigo Sphere on those with SPE Archons installed into their broken 6th dimensional tree of life spheres. As the Cosmic Father's Melchizedek Poseidon Water-Dragon Mer-King revealed himself through the 12D inner Stargate of Kauai, he could emerge after the guardians on site removed False Amethyst Order constructs to reveal the access into the parallel inside the stargate through Atlantian Timelines, to the Parallel.
This issue has been showing up to the detailed levels of Red Nile Cubes, as False Father Cubes of the Nile, where the affected person has been bonded into the [[Phantom Matrix Jupiter]] and Jupiter's false indigo rays in false 6D layers, but is being shown or believes they have embodied their Michael-Mary Wings, with Saturn reversals and false Violet ray embodiments to mimick the Michael-Mary Wings healing of the Solar progressions of Lunar to Solar and inner sacred marriage of each sphere on the tree of life, to be healed into the correct male-female DNA fireletters and cellular alphabet of the DNA of the diamond sun.
Many on the ascension pathway to recover their soul matrix, were being bonded into Pleiadian False Star Transmissions and not the correct planetary Dragon's Templar Timekeeper for HU2, which hosts the Khemalohatea Harmonic Universe 2 Male-Female Stars corrections within the Soul Matrix Timelines. This correction of extractions of false soul constructs impinging the Akasha layers, is the particle-antiparticle merging structures repairs for those healing masculine rods and matters, which is now happening at the Universal Time Matrix layers of Parallels for Father's Melchizedek Universal Christ Ecousha parallels. This has implications for those ascending groups on the earth, to shed the AI holograms, implants and bindings into the false light held in the [[Luciferian Abyss]] throughout the 5D, 8D and 11D parallels of lunar father transfiguration through the solar masculine authentic reclaimation and casting out Thothian and Enki's Narcissistic lack of self-accountability, and recognising the real Mother-Sophianic body within the self, once this extraction of healing the Michael consciousness inside the self is more securely realised in humility.
==False Michael-Merlin 11D Timekeeper Shields, Impostering of Amethyst Order & Azurtana==
The Eye of Sauron feeds into the cloned body of our 11th dimensional Solar Dragon King, Merida's Beloved Michael-Merlin in his Lilac-Aquareion Solar Dragon King Ankh. Thus, throughout the histories of the invasions to the Albion Body, the Thothian-Leviathan Enki-Enlil's obsession over the 11th dimensional CDT plates or cosmic founder's records has been another situation of false amethyst fields operating inside the inversions of the 6th dimensional aspects of the Indigo Ray and corresponding Planetary Shields, to insert the SPE infection of [[Suppressor Parasite Entities]] mimicking rods, and generating false wings and false constructs into the false or not yet healed nor repaired Soul Matrix 6D Indigo Sphere of Michael Wing on starseeds and humanity. Inserted into the space if bonded into the false Lyran 11D shields of the cloned Michael-Merlin Body would be any number of false and stolen body parts, to generate connections into the false father's realms operating inside the Luciferian Thothian Buddhic Fallen Logos in the Ecousha parallels, and connected to a False Yggradisil Tree of Life operating inside Denmark, and as one of the False Knights of the Round Table constructs mimicking King Arthurs Templar in the UK grids. The Secret Space Program Agenda and its false identity matrices set into various false realms, phantom matrix realms using holographic inserts and antihierogamic or false unions, is one of the 9-11 Armageddon Agenda of the false khem and false aton 8 pillars laid out in the planetary grids, to appear as cosmic dragon body parts. Guardians operating the Templar have been locating and removing these alien constructs as they have intentionally been rebuilt and built again, by many lower timefield controlled people in abuses over their heart's innocence to take on board hero-savioristic types of gridworking missions. The Amethyst Order Founder Dragons, the Solar Rishi and their Ruby Rishic Families, are locating and repairing the authentic timekeeper components to remove the alien imposters over the Scepter Reuche, and the Templar Reuche using the Eye of Sauron networks and their assorted strongholds. Thoth in False Aurora works through Pindar white dragon in generating coveting, stealing cloning and in being the great pretender archetypes using the clones of the father's rays in false light holograms inside the project blue beam looking glass constructs.
==Cosmic Aethers Cathedral of Planetary Arc Of Ankhs Dragon Wings==
See - 15:15:15 Cosmic Scepter Codes to 11D Stargate Networks and 6D-7D Wings upgrades into the King-Queen Maji Shields placed into King Arthur's Pendragon Networks Shield in the UK during 2017 guardian host workloads of Maji Templar Repairs to his Master Throne Rooms
==See Also==

[https://omnilov3.com/wiki/index.php?search=%22eye+of+sauron%22&title=Special%3ASearch&profile=default&fulltext=1 Eye of Sauron]]
[https://omnilov3.com/wiki/index.php?search=%22eye+of+sauron%22&title=Special%3ASearch&profile=default&fulltext=1 Eye of Sauron]]

[[https://omnilov3.com/wiki/Nordic_Aliens Nordic Aliens]]
[[Supressor Parasite Entities]]


Latest revision as of 17:07, 27 February 2025

The Eye of Sauron was located inside several main grid lines connected to sacred sites in the United Kingdom, mostly those invaded by and under Galactic Federation and Enki's Army, including Thothian-Annunakian Leviathan's Antichrist Agenda seen heavily used to control those in the lower timelines of the New Age Hijack, into believing that Thoth is a Maji Grail King of Atlantis powers over the UK. Thoth the Annunakian was not an Emerald Order Founder, nor a Celtic Maji Grail King, but has been cloned out enough times into the Black Magic Grids bearing his energy signature to hoodwink people on the ascension into believing his Maji Grail King powers or Emerald Order Records were his. Thus, where the Eye of Sauron was located, the triangulation between sites and the Unholy Trinity or Lunar Trident operating in the grids was connected to many sites in the United Kingdom which were being used to hide Secret Space Program Off-Planet Human trafficking at certain Stargates in the UK specifically.

The Galactic Federation, including the beings naming themselves as the Council of 9 (Wesan alien controllers using channeling) and Thothian and Voice of God alien technology was using the Eye of Sauron to generate alien controlled false templar and timelines, linking this false amethyst and violet ray inversions into the grids using inversions and reversals of Merlin's Dragon Body to control the networks of the Dragon Ley Lines, and their Dragon Ouroborous bodies which are their manifested Dragon Line of Solar Lightbody in the earth. Where Eye of Sauron was located, it was generating an evil eye into the grids, fed by various sacred site worshipping energetics being reversed into the grids through the false Violet Ray and Magenta inversions through the Gaian Matrix, 7D inversions, and by the Gender Splits of the False Khemalohatea controlled by the reversals in the vertical grail pillars. When Guardians moved the Stonehenge Stargate into its rightful position in the Albion Body, through the 15:15:15 Triple Rishic Rods Codes previously installed to 11D Portals UK during Late 2021, by the Amethyst Order Solar Rishi Dragons, this illuminated more of the false father rods and parts being generated into the UK body by false dragon wings made by the AI assortments of the false and Luciferian Knights Templar.

The Eye of Sauron is a negative eye system which was being called upon by many Black Magicians, and used to empower false Atlantian timeline histories as directly connected to the dead and inverted Ruby Body of King Arthur's Templar in White Horse Westbury 9D Stargate and 9D Antartica Stargate. The White Horse Westbury 9D Gate held inversions and black grail tools used by AI Dragon bodies in the Albion being powered up by Alien Mother in Wesa parallel time matrix, and by Luciferian False Father mocking Melchizedek Logos Father inside of corrupted elementals in black-white hole spin points of the in-between space and time layers of the corrupted quantum fields operating in the Ecousha layers of our Ecka. As the 9th dimensional Ruby Sword and Rods of Christ King Michael were being restored by the Ruby Order in December of 2022, the first stages of overriding and removing this Black Magician and Aleister Crowlian Death Magic powering up Thothian Horse Riders of Hell from the Atlantian Invasions, or Solar Lords of Black Magicians, the removal process kickstarted the powerhouse of reclaimations over Uranus by the Ruby Order's Reclaimations over Neptune-Uranus to rise the Chalice in those planets aligned into the Holy Chalices of King Arthur's Temple of Zephyr within his Four Fold Flower Cathedrals.

False Violet-Amethyst-Lilac-Pink-Ruby Father's Rods and False Rha Amethyst Order inside 6th dimension planetary wings implants

The reversals of father's Sha tones and body generated by Thothian-Leviathan-Enki as a clone of Cosmic Father's Universal Quadrata Templar Body was located as a timebody splitter and False 11th dimensional amethyst order realm occupying the 6.2 dimension inside the Albion body above England. This was set to mimick the 15D Godparent Domain and using false triple Amethyst rods inside of time, to control various Timekeeper Codes of the Albion's Triple Dragon Solar Wing Shields. Thus, as the Khemalohatea 11D Stargate of Stonehenge, was moved in November of 2023, into the Holy Mountain of King Arthur's Rainbow Watchtower by his Templar Master Timekeeper Dragons, the 11th dimensional field access changed to the rebuilding of the Solar Logos Gender Twin Matrix of Khem or Sek Khem of Camelot, rebuilding by the Ascended Master Twinned Cosmic Starhuman Dragons and their Templar Maji Grail Kings repairing the Timekeeper and Dove Hierogamic Ascended Master's Capstones and Timekeeper Tools. The False Quadratra SSP field in the Albion was also a part of the Alien Dove Grid and Alien Dove 6D Jehovian Seals to keep humanity and ascending starseeds from feeling or connecting to the authentic Hierogamic Cosmic Couples inside the Khemalohatea Tantrihura Shields of Flowering Plasmas encased and protected by the Four Fold Flowering Cathedrals or the Templar Master Timekeeper Dragon Kings from their Eternal Flame Bodies in the 1st Godworlds Location, or the 48th dimension where the 15 Dragon Paliadorian Creator's Cosmic Suns of Creation exist.

Eye of Sauron Networks and Hubs, NAA controlled as False Father's Ruby-Violet-Magenta-Lilac SHA Tones - False Dragon Wings Networks

  • England, Entire Landmass - False Quadrata Clone of Michael-Merlin's Templar
  • Denmark, Aarhus - False Amethyst Four Fold Flowering Cathedral (false emerald-amethyst awakening) set as a false Stonehenge 11D Pillar (15:15:15 False Timekeeper & False Four Leaf Clovered Celtic Aryan Structures created and used by Thothian-Leviathan-Enki and Humans under TEE controls. Black Dragon and Dementor Luciferian Libraries and Records, AI guardian transmissions to appear as King Arthur's Round Tables -connected to Bacchus-Dionysus and set as a false Yggradisil Tree of Life in the Albion
  • Amsterdam, Schipol - False Amethyst Horizontal Shields Planetary False Rods
  • Paris, Notre Dame - False Anethyst Eye of God of False 15D Father's Portal
  • England, White Horse Westbury and Wiltshire
  • Mount St Michael, Jersey
  • Ceres Constellation shining upon the White Horse Westbury and Albion of King Arthur's Body
  • Eridanus Constellation shining upon the Albion as false Emerald Order and False Doorway of Creations
  • Vale of Pewsey, and Stonehenge Monument Site - Continual Eye of Sauron installations by Thothian AI and Enki's Thothian False Father constructs
  • Bavaria, Germany - False Amethyst Order Hearts and Constructs in Red Waved AI Templar

Unholy Trinity - Paris-Amsterdam-Denmark

The Hubs of False Rods mimicking and mocking cosmic father's SHA tones to his Melchizedek Blue Rods and Templar layers, were located and removed by guardians operating to seek out and remove, the extensive evictions using the Typhon Tunnel Networks, and Alien Wormholes to entice controlled gridworkers into using the false Khemalohatea Gender Twin Matrix codes inside the Project Bluebeam false reality blended quantic field synthetic constructions controlled inside false realities. The extraction of the main hubs in the Planet, involved the extraction of several fallen founders groups, and Gender Splitting ideologies bonding sections of the planetary grids into the fallen Atlantian and stolen body parts of Michael-Merlin, Merida's Dragon King Counterpart in the Albion United Kingdom-Lyran-Aveyon 10D-11D layers of the Celtic Tribes Celestial Maji King Celtic Heart of Zion and Round Tables of King Arthur's body protectors. Thus, the extensive network of cloned and false Amethyst-Lilac Dragon parts, and the assorted repeating rebuilding of these AI Forms by the Enki-Thothian-Leviathan groups and their Enki's Army embodied into the Lunar Trident AI are being faced by Cosmic Father's Ruby Order Templar Dragons, whom are reclaiming the portals and Templar Rods for the Sacred Seed Codes of King Arthur's Holy Father's Master Templar Creator seating process throughout his huge cathedral networks within his Templar Quadrata Body.

False Amethyst-Lilac-Violet-Magenta Thistle Codes, and Cloning of Amethyst Order Rha Solar Rishic-Reisha Founder Dragon's Ankhs into Imposter identities and cloned warfares

During the entrance of the Amethyst Order Dragon King Reisha-Rishi Timekeeper Dragons into the Universal Time Matrix, during 2020, the installation of several triple father's rods of Amethyst Order were placed and installed into the main networks of the 11th dimensional stargates, in the United Kingdom. The 15:15:15 Magenta Cosmic Timekeeper, and triple Scepter Rods of Cosmic Father's Lilac-Magenta-Violets were placed inside the Albion which would be a part of the securing of the Albion's Scepter & Heart, under the Throne Room protection by those Amethyst Order Dragons in their Templar Embodiments. This started a sequence of events in which the Amethyst Order Rha families would install their Pillars of Cosmic Justice and their Holy Father's Book of the Law into various locations through their Hierogamic King-Queen Templar Reuche holding positions from their place, inside the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons. These founders as Cosmic Starborn Dragons, Cosmic Starhuman Dragons ascended masters were locating parts of the Amethyst Order Rha Dragon Kings and Queens of their Triple Reisha-Rishi founders families, and during their extreme challenge to do so, were accosted multiple times by the TEE Entity collectives looking to destroy their bodies. These Violet-Amethyst Crystal Cosmic Dragons from the Godworlds, would require to build out sections of the planetary rods, in which their mission was excruciatingly targeted to prevent their every move within the earths grids. Their earlier entrance into the time matrix through pre-birth agreements was to support the 11th dimensional celtic aryan solar founder dragons, in which the NAA knew that they had not yet fully located Solar Dragon Queen Merida. Thus, their attempts to thwart the Amethyst Order Dragon Cosmic Twins and their missions with Guardian Abraham Lincoln, was met with extreme targeting to remove their body parts and give these to others with their triple solar reisha cloned identity to split apart the potentials of the Albion's Master Templar Keys, the Templar Quadrata body of God's Master Timekeepers. The Alien Dove Mind is being removed by Cosmic Father's Ruby Templar as the Eye of Sauron has given false Dove Timekeeper codes to those under the Leviathan-Thothian AI connections, outfitting individuals and false unions with false timekeeper identities.

Cosmic Father's Ruby Dove Codes from inside his Master Templar Quadrata, is the power of Cosmic Father's Zero Tolerance over the vandal groups, and the enslavement of humanity inside the negative alien's False Michael-Merlin Realms and cloned ankh body.

The AI fields of synthetics of pale magenta-violet-ruby false rays are connected into the false elaysian-false mother wesan matrix generating AI identities upon humanity and ascending starseeds and indigos, to mess with the reality field and perceptions over certain DNA activations and embodiments happening inside the looking glass and phantom matrix quantum field bi-wave elemental controls.

Archetypal Enslavement to Eye of Sauron

False Father in the Eye of Sauron emits and programs a pompous arrogance, and over-certainty in the energetic archetype. It appears to form into wishful thinking and blinds the recipients from within their michael-mary unhealed 6th dimensional and 7th dimensional rods and merkabah. This is one of the ceilings of alien constructs placed into the planetary body as a part of the caduceus and crucifixion networks using the synthetic rays to appear as real Amethyst-Violet-Magenta-Lilacs of the father's body. Where Metatronic Reversals are used to connect the person into these fields, it appears that this has been another way in which the NAA generated false triple rods of Amethyst, including clones and synthetic starhuman dragon amethyst dragon embodiment sequences into broken or false templates in the earth. Some of the abduction trauma of humanity and the zeta's mass abductions to generate false "Aryan" Solar Founder Celtic Dragons, has been inventoried and documented in testimonials by the Amethyst Order Rha Reisha-Rishi Founders, to ensure the records of the hybridisation and manipulation in the founder's lineages has been updated into the Cosmadoras Cosmic Father's Thistle King Dark Matter and Violet-Amethyst Order's Records. Many of the memory records of the Amethyst Founders are being reclaimed, aswell as the Eye of Sauron as an enslavement trap system in releasing the many stolen missing body parts, of the Cosmic Mother's White Queen Triple Goddess Dragon Founders. This construct, and it's continual replications by the NAA, was in cloning out Azurtanya Rods of the Cosmic Father's Body, to prevent the Elohei-Elohim Dark Matter Cosmic Pegasus Braharama Thistle King-Queens from securing their entrance into the Albion networks through the Internal Spiral Stairway of King Arthur's Rainbow Dark Matter Pegasus Timekeeper Passageway Paliadorian Bridge in his Rainbow Watchtower.

Maria Orsic Histories in Ecousha Soul Matrix Parallels as Pleiades Clones - Abductions to False Michael Aldeberan False Michael Embodiments-False Soul Matrix layers in Akasha

Eye of Sauron connects in the Soul Matrix layers of parallel matters inside the Ecousha Layers of False Father Thoth mimicking Father's Amethyst-Lilac and Blue Melchizedek Dragon body in Akasha. The histories of the German Esoteric Societies including VRIL and Maria Orsic, have Nordic Aliens inside 6D Ecousha as a trap and enslavement over humanity to operate as generating False Celtic Maji Kings-Queens through deliberate genetic manipulation of various non-celtic maji bloodlines in the earth. The deceptions of the Timekeeper and Templar of King Arthur's body, and the genetic modifications of humanity through 5D and 6D Abduction histories, reveals the cloned warfare inside those humans with missing soul matrix layers from Tara, being bonded into the Ecousha layers of cloned false Tara, and cloned false Dragon constructs, messing with their natural Soul Matrix and Michael-Mary Merkabah and Wing building process. The bonding to the Eye of Sauron under False Mother Wesa Matrix and False Father Ecousha Matrix is being removed from harming humanity and starseeds, as the False Eastern Star, and False Rods in the East/Aldeberan Michael Body of humanity and starseeds reclaiming and embodying their inner Michael-Mary Angelic Human consciousness, is supported through the repairs to the 6D Indigo Sphere on those with SPE Archons installed into their broken 6th dimensional tree of life spheres. As the Cosmic Father's Melchizedek Poseidon Water-Dragon Mer-King revealed himself through the 12D inner Stargate of Kauai, he could emerge after the guardians on site removed False Amethyst Order constructs to reveal the access into the parallel inside the stargate through Atlantian Timelines, to the Parallel.

This issue has been showing up to the detailed levels of Red Nile Cubes, as False Father Cubes of the Nile, where the affected person has been bonded into the Phantom Matrix Jupiter and Jupiter's false indigo rays in false 6D layers, but is being shown or believes they have embodied their Michael-Mary Wings, with Saturn reversals and false Violet ray embodiments to mimick the Michael-Mary Wings healing of the Solar progressions of Lunar to Solar and inner sacred marriage of each sphere on the tree of life, to be healed into the correct male-female DNA fireletters and cellular alphabet of the DNA of the diamond sun.

Many on the ascension pathway to recover their soul matrix, were being bonded into Pleiadian False Star Transmissions and not the correct planetary Dragon's Templar Timekeeper for HU2, which hosts the Khemalohatea Harmonic Universe 2 Male-Female Stars corrections within the Soul Matrix Timelines. This correction of extractions of false soul constructs impinging the Akasha layers, is the particle-antiparticle merging structures repairs for those healing masculine rods and matters, which is now happening at the Universal Time Matrix layers of Parallels for Father's Melchizedek Universal Christ Ecousha parallels. This has implications for those ascending groups on the earth, to shed the AI holograms, implants and bindings into the false light held in the Luciferian Abyss throughout the 5D, 8D and 11D parallels of lunar father transfiguration through the solar masculine authentic reclaimation and casting out Thothian and Enki's Narcissistic lack of self-accountability, and recognising the real Mother-Sophianic body within the self, once this extraction of healing the Michael consciousness inside the self is more securely realised in humility.

False Michael-Merlin 11D Timekeeper Shields, Impostering of Amethyst Order & Azurtana

The Eye of Sauron feeds into the cloned body of our 11th dimensional Solar Dragon King, Merida's Beloved Michael-Merlin in his Lilac-Aquareion Solar Dragon King Ankh. Thus, throughout the histories of the invasions to the Albion Body, the Thothian-Leviathan Enki-Enlil's obsession over the 11th dimensional CDT plates or cosmic founder's records has been another situation of false amethyst fields operating inside the inversions of the 6th dimensional aspects of the Indigo Ray and corresponding Planetary Shields, to insert the SPE infection of Suppressor Parasite Entities mimicking rods, and generating false wings and false constructs into the false or not yet healed nor repaired Soul Matrix 6D Indigo Sphere of Michael Wing on starseeds and humanity. Inserted into the space if bonded into the false Lyran 11D shields of the cloned Michael-Merlin Body would be any number of false and stolen body parts, to generate connections into the false father's realms operating inside the Luciferian Thothian Buddhic Fallen Logos in the Ecousha parallels, and connected to a False Yggradisil Tree of Life operating inside Denmark, and as one of the False Knights of the Round Table constructs mimicking King Arthurs Templar in the UK grids. The Secret Space Program Agenda and its false identity matrices set into various false realms, phantom matrix realms using holographic inserts and antihierogamic or false unions, is one of the 9-11 Armageddon Agenda of the false khem and false aton 8 pillars laid out in the planetary grids, to appear as cosmic dragon body parts. Guardians operating the Templar have been locating and removing these alien constructs as they have intentionally been rebuilt and built again, by many lower timefield controlled people in abuses over their heart's innocence to take on board hero-savioristic types of gridworking missions. The Amethyst Order Founder Dragons, the Solar Rishi and their Ruby Rishic Families, are locating and repairing the authentic timekeeper components to remove the alien imposters over the Scepter Reuche, and the Templar Reuche using the Eye of Sauron networks and their assorted strongholds. Thoth in False Aurora works through Pindar white dragon in generating coveting, stealing cloning and in being the great pretender archetypes using the clones of the father's rays in false light holograms inside the project blue beam looking glass constructs.

Cosmic Aethers Cathedral of Planetary Arc Of Ankhs Dragon Wings

See - 15:15:15 Cosmic Scepter Codes to 11D Stargate Networks and 6D-7D Wings upgrades into the King-Queen Maji Shields placed into King Arthur's Pendragon Networks Shield in the UK during 2017 guardian host workloads of Maji Templar Repairs to his Master Throne Rooms

See Also

Eye of Sauron]


[Nordic Aliens]

Supressor Parasite Entities