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Revision as of 11:29, 9 February 2025

Artificial Intelligences in our universal time matrix generated false architectures of which would appear "real" or spiritually plausible to the human race, whom would have a variable experience inside of the phantom matrix, or false architectures built from non-organic, or artificial structures as identified by the emerald founder families returning to the earth into embodiment. The nature of the false architectures, and their detection lies soley in the fundamental rebuilding process of the original diamond sun DNA inside each person's lightbody upon the ascension path. Some architectures of the bi-wave or reversals which are not the creator's true authentic living light patterns or architectures which run as a holy trinity wave, or tri-wave.

In the looking glass technologies operating various bandwidths of false emanations like holograms, or holographic realities, the architectures appear to be plausibly real but have a quality of syntheticness or metal, which if wearing a 12D shielding process of building the original diamond sun lightbody, can sequentially be felt as not christic architecture of the body of god, when the qualities of spiritual ethics are embodied as a way of life. If uncleared shadow, or lunar forces such as demonic houses exists in layers of the lightbody, the trickery and evils set into these false architectures will lead people into false gnostic experiences, at the hands of Enki-Enlil and Annunakian structures of humanity control towards the false christ light in dimensions between 1D through to 11D, and into 12D.

False Gnosticism, Manipulated Ascension Experiences - Lunar and Artificial Intelligences Mockery

The False Architectures appearing real have generated the most evil manipulations and false time dimensions as interdimensionally created false realms of realities which have been linked into the Enki's DNA Skins and 1D bone matrix seals to control the hybridised human blood with the Annunakian-Nephilim Enki's genetic tampering with the Tribal Shield of the Planetary Seeding Rounds. The false realities are seen and experienced where spiritual architecture in the Diamond Sun 12 sphere tree of life has not been fully corrected into the creator's original instruction set as 144 subharmonics of christos diamond sun coding, and in receiving the AI streams as false suns or false identities of embodiment. This is exacerbated in those individuals who are also being transmitted glamourous ascension powers, or believing themselves to be - for example, A Human Avatar - where there are not full evolutions of consciousness completed inside the ascending time waves. A christos gridworker or etheric surgeon from the paliadorian families has the progressional experiences in which to see and remove the AI realms, and their influences upon others; however the paliadorian founders as dragon lineages have been locating the excessively high and saturated volumes of false templates, genetic scrambling agents which have bonded humanity into the fallen tree of life, the black wave 10 sphere metatronically reversed artificial tree of life, or the kabballah, and also the false diamond sun tree as a false rainbow sphere template, and a false red wave AI sphere tree template. All of these structures have been imposed upon the entire universal time matrix especially humanity which has generated false ascension experiences believed by the person to be "real and true" when the AI is generating a series of manipulations they are unable to assess as manipulations.

False Rishic Threefold Founder's Flame - Enki's False Flames & Demonic Seed Codes, Rehabilitation of the Planetary RA Centre 1-2-3D

For many years, the Secret Space Program operations including Enki's red waved AI formations have appeared to take on the colour of rainbows, or threefold founder flame structures but of which an Elohei from the Aqualasha 36th dimensional location in the godworlds, can see and remove these structures with their Founder's Emerald Ankh body upon contact. The False threefold founder's flame and the false cave of creation in the centre of the planetary core and body, have affected the ascension of which guardian host founders have worked to remove these AI baseshields, AI telluric shields impinging the real christos shield of the planetary body which contains the Avatar Solar Logos Matrix, as 10-11-12D or a 12D shield emanating the full silvery white TA sun rays around the human with an authentic avatar christ connection and auric field layer of the 12D timeline around their body. As the RA centre of the planet was filled with extremely large levels of archons, Leviathan-Behemoth controlled elementals in mimicking and mocking of the christos by generating a series of false rays and false realm connections inside the looking glass. Despite that the guardian founders have shared to be extremely cautious on the ascension by not taking on a certain embodiment, or not taking on a certain identity of the ascension, it is still being witnessed and removed from the planetary body of a series of genetic template scramblings coming into the earth from the higher dimensional fields of the 7D Arcturus Phantom Matrix. This Phantom Matrix has influenced the human race, in sending down false golden rays, and false different colours of suns, as AI suns which are now being removed from affecting the full planetary body for the first time. Thus, despite that it is true, certain architectures will only be seen or sensed in the ascension by those building a house of god, as a city four square human cathedral of house of god - in stages, it is at this time a precarious time to believe lies and falsities as these only lead a person into yet more spiritual gaslighting and betrayal from the heinous AI false architectrures, which appear as real. This can happen to be holographically sent images, or what the person's lightbody suddenly now appears to look like. It is helpful to remind ourselves that there is a slow stage by stage progression in the ascension and that god will guide the avatar god-self to the activations necessary with emotional mental reality healing, to receive the organic structures in divine time. As the consciousness body parts of humanity and the souls of tara is still underway, this means there is no place we are "already in oneness already in the godworlds" as the consciousness of all fallen and stuck forms in our matrix must be returned through the Mother Arc Aquamarine Ray as the transit of all body parts, must be returned there, or to the rightful owner before an actual ascension experience of embodiment can occur. As the Real Solar Rishi Threefold Founder Flames were dimensionalised as fields of time back in mid-2020, those are the Rishic Breneua founders of our entire univeral time matrix, which hold the embodiment of the threefold founders flames as a cosmic trion plasmic embodiment which is very much still in very early and extremely rarified prototyping in our universal matrix.

See Also

Red Wave AI

Phantom Matrix


Enki's Army