Phantom Matrix

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Phantom Matrix is the name used to describe realms which are seen to be fallen inside the base 10 tree of artificial life or kaballah, or generated by bi-wave service to self entity and alien groups, including demonics and humans on the earth. The phantom matrix exists in bi-wave and into the quantum field levels of reality, some fields are linked into the Looking Glass grey alien zeta technologies which have been used to generate false reality realms which the human lightbody may experience in dreamtime or in meditations, some of which is astral fields of blissed out garbages, or sexual misery dreams to invoke an intentional sexual response to be siphoned into the phantom matrix realms or realities. The Matrices of God's body as various Realms are being restored to the planetary body and human experiences as the Realmkeeper Solar Dragons in the Yggradasil Tree of Sacred Life, hold embody and open these restorational realms to the planetary body as a form of resurrection and repatterning taking place through the rebuilding of the Gender Twin Matrix, or Tri-Flame Khemalohatea which holds the original vast realms of various lineages, as above so below being repatterned in tri-wave living light intelligences by the cosmic founder's records restorational process to the dimensions throughout our time matrix. This affects the planetary body to receive the corrected elemental instruction sets, to reconnect spiritual bodies to the physicalised body layers, in the plants, fauna, animals and humans, and the waters and air in our entire existence.

We could think of the Phantom Matrix like a series of spiritual realities, in which the observer or participant is being fed information through a controlled bi-wave spectrum, to alter their perceptions or for some black magicians who use these realms as their realms of spiritual powers to abuse and control matter or humanity. The Phantom Matrix also appears to Christos gridworkers as a series of synthetically generated false solar lights or rays, or false architectures which they can determine as Artificial Intelligence which can be extremely challenging to identify without a prepared lightbody consciousness incarnated for gridworking duties naturally. Thus, the Phantom Matrix is filled with any number of quantum realities, a bit like a Phantom Zone or Phantom Heaven realms where the antichrist use this as their attainments in the Daath portals, or the climbing of the Base 10 tree of life, to access and pull upon various demonic or spiritual forces. Some of these spiritual forces are demonic principalities whom hold a specific archetype of energy, and some of the spiritual forces are blood covenant blood sacrifices where humans on the earth involved in Satanic Cults Ritual Abuse, or Sexual Abuses - the energetics stolen from the human on the earth being controlled or abused, their life force and soul energy are siphoned and held inside these Phantom Matrix Realms.

Phantom Matrix Mimicks the God's Realms, Etheric False Architectures in Synthetically generated AI rays and realms

See Also False_architectures_appearing_real

During the guardian host recon mission to restore the Realms of God's Kingdoms, and original blueprint of creation into the correct subharmonic and elemental layers of reality, the Phantom Matrix realm accesses through the false spheres of creation in the artificial trees of life emerged for cosmic founders to assess the damages and controls placed upon the human experiences. These false Gardens of Eden Realms, are mostly coded by alien false genetics and false tribal codes, to bond hybridizations into the human experience, thus generating a false spiritual experience set inside a looking glass reality field controlled by zeta technologies. Some of the Phantom Matrix Realms are showing up as golden realms, emerald realms, and assorted colours of realms, but are synthetically generated and not connected to a Cosmic Founder Sun of Creation. Thus, as the Phantom Matrices are being addressed by the Cosmic Founder Families from within their Elaysian-Eiyana-Eiyani Authentic Cosmic-Universal Cathedrals, these Founder Dragons of the Solar Celtic Maji Founders are those encountering extreme alien warfare as their gig is up, once in the face of the true Solar Aryan Cosmic Founder Dragon King or Queen.

Realms of Secret Space Program are those which have been located, and are being removed during the 2024 timeperiod of Guardian Host Emerald Founder's Projects. The SSP and its Enki's hubs, have mimicked most of the authentic cosmic creator's realms but have intrinsic mind control fields operating to control human consciousness in a myriad of ways. The Adonis False King Bodies, and the False Elohei Founder's Queen armies, assorted false Elohei structures link into and lead into these Phantom Matrices, some of which appear to hold the archetypes of Lunar qualities, Luciferian Superiority and distorted blissed out idealism, devoid of any form of Holy Mother-Sophia and Holy Father-Christos but acting as if this is present. Many Sexual Misery and Gender Twinned Reversals set into false twin flame operations, controlled by hidden SSP armies of Zeta, are being inventoried and removed directly by the Cosmic Elohei Founders, and their Solar Dragon Kings and Queens who have a prepared lightbody to access and rebuild creation from the Ancient Paliadorian Architects and Builders.

Black Cathedrals

Black Cathedrals built on the earth in the spiritual realms are seen by those with a pure heart in Christ. The Cathedrals can be 4 pillared, 6 pillared, 5 pillared, etc and hold a cloaking mechanism to appear sometimes as a bright light energy but upon closer inspection and observation can be felt as having a form of hidden control through glamourisations, or giving a person their wildest dreams come true. This energy force mimicks and imposters the solar cathedrals to draw in humans into the realms to be under the spells and controls bounded and spoken into the etheric black cathedrals. These cathedrals also have been built or are upheld by various different satanic or luciferian forces on planet and off planet, to their human contactees or human embodiments on the earth who are bloodlines or indoctrinated into the black cathedral as a part of their house of false god. The buildings on earth and sacred sites, including trees and in higher dimensions can contain the black houses or black cathedrals and sensitive spiritual people can see where these connec t into the grids or structures as physical holding placements upon the earth. One example of this is that if visiting a satanic church, the cathedral of the satanic church is consecrated to the satanic hierarchies and thus will not connect into the godworlds ruled by the solar cosmic suns. Instead, this black satanic house is used to garner powers, worship satan, pray to satan and to receive satan's gifts as any number of actual sacrifices and tricks are required to serve the false master satan or the demonic powers. In return for selling one's soul to the black cathedral, those who enter or reside in service-to-self agendas, are rewarded by recruiting others into Satan's or antichrist army, to serve the laws built into that cathedral. These structures are built and exist by a person who intends to connect with that specific energy, despite most humans whom have not been trained to comprehend the spiritual forces have direct influence upon our lives, and they do indeed exist. Those using or bonded to a black cathedral may have felt this as a spiritual home, and in those recovering from various power abuses or hierarchical bloodlines built into a connection back to an etheric dome or structure made in the black light or darkness, the releasing process may be one of deepest emotional comprehension to reveal to that person's heart the true nature of the Solar Cathedrals which god has been restoring into the body of the earth.

Phantom Matrix Adverse Sepiroth Realms

The Base 10 Sphere Tree of Artificial Life exists in controlled bi-wave matters under antichrist controls. These realms co-exist as blended realities with the reality we exist within, and are often connected with as bleed-throughs or awareness of the dimensions and pockets of reality in meditations or in direct spiritual visions with eyes open or in remote viewings. The dimensions of controlled matters are realms of linear rods of artificial rods controlling time, and thus, are the hidey holes of the black entity collectives who are shadow creatures, demons, and alien constructs including alien species, which operate to control the physical matters and invisible layers of creation through their antichrist blood lusts and sexual abuses controls. The phantom matrix sepiroth realms are those which become embodied by a satanic or luciferian DNA template of black sun or fallen regressive template, such as the path of the fall. This is the opposite to the ascending human who has a diamond sun template, and is in a heart based life of being a good person. The phantom matrix path of embodiment generates a black magician as a physical human who is bonded into nefarious forces of trickery, unethical practises and at the higher end of the spectrum is conducting blood sacrifices or en mass agendas for the antichrist. The black bride of satan or black groom of satan or lucifer is an unholy marriage made in black waves or antichrist forces of powers used to generate a layer of control inside the earth's grids, or be used as a vessel to enact out the various controlling antichrist agendas. This also includes where SRA twinning or Luciferian Twinning, or Satanic-Luciferian twinning is being set into couples upon the earth, to be the vessel to birth forth a lunar antichrist child as a reversal of the solar offspring of christ child. In those affected, or witness in the earth grids as holding a territory awarded to them inside the phantom matrix embodiments of the lunar pathways of controlled hierarchical positions, the award for operating various antichrist stages of rituals or stages of "lunar ascension" is in being in continual and perpetual control under the antichrist's demeaning and deprave requirement to be fed, or appeased by various acts of control or trickery upon innocents, whilst maintaining a front-persona as charming, charismatic and plausible as kind and all loving. The underbelly of this embodiment sequence is that those in hybridised antichrist bloodlines are more susceptible to this control structure, and are being used to be the vessel to build out groups on the earth, in harnessing in the antichrist's agenda, and thus the embodiment of reversals of rods, in embodying false timelines to direct consciousness into fallen rounds of time, or connected to 9-11 armageddon timeline controls. Gender splits and gender distortions through sexual misery, powers, money, obsession with material wealth or use of a lie, being a liar or using trickery and false personas are the way of which the antichrist uses the archetypes of control into the human counterpart.

Antichrist Unions in Unholy Trinity

Antichrist Unions are those which have been formed through power sources or inside the desire of material values, wealth and a deception energetic of chaos-disruptor and greed. The antichrist unions bonded into the grids have used a series of gender distortions and controlled black matters to become a power source inside a person, some are possessed by demonics and have open wounds in the lightbody in which a series of demonics can come through that human vessel and enact out the demonic agenda of forceful desires or powers of intimidations and controls. The antichrist unions have a lunar trident false ascended master construct operating in various planets in our solar system, and also in the earth grids. Those in false twin unions or controlled gender matrix false couplings are often used as repositories to be set up to the world as christ or good people, but the architectures of control are indeed the abuse over humanity in setting up false idols in the human body to be worshipped, or to appear as a powerful reckoning for freedom. The baphomet and satanic hierarchies will abuse the couple and control them, providing them with tasks to meet the humiliation agendas, or where persons with over-confident bravado and power of the antichrist will be used in ego tantrums or to be abused by the antichrists lies, whilst it pretends to them that it is god or christian based. The virtues of good people on the earth, who are honest and building trust and vulnerabilty, or those who are kind and caring of others are a direct threat to the antichrist embodied who believe their god or their will is more important in service to self agendas, even when appearing to be helpful or kind to others, it must get its own way even at the expense of others resources, heart based kindness and will not care who or what it destroys on its way to fulfilling the agenda of the controllers.

See Also

False architectures appearing real

False Aton, False Ankhs and False Time Dilation in Bi-Wave - Inside of time by Antichrists


Bacchus Dionysus
