I keep reading or hearing about targeted individuals but I personally believe that its not a government related and is negative aliens instead. Could this be a spiritual experiment, otherwise I think it's naa inserting holographic inserts.
Please know that my answer to you is from direct experience of reading energy fields of humans/starseeds and the planetary body, and seeing the damage coming to the human body through thousands of sessionwork hours spanning nearly 20 years. So this is my personal and direct experience that I share, not from reading information without having a direct conscious participation with it. Behind the human government & military are negative alien controllers, that many of the humans do not even know exist. Energetic and psychic attack are happening to everyone, all of the time, but it doesn't always translate as that. It translates as illness, depression, bad luck etc
The truth is that the answer is very complex, and it's not the same for every single human or starseed who is experiencing it. You could take a person who has been diagnosed with a mental illness, but the truth of their lightbody will actually reveal what they are truly experiencing. To the outside it looks like mental issues; to the christic starseed, myself in this case, it looks like a bunch of artificial intelligence which is either a); a general spray and targeting to ALL humans, but awakening starseeds are more likely to feel it or exhibit the effects of it, or b: an absolute targeting which can be tracked and traced to its original root location - some of which is coming from off planet racelines, some of which may be coming from implants (etheric weaponry) with a mixture of REAL and FALSE timeline trauma, of which most humans cannot see, read or comprehend. If a person cannot see this, it can feel like overwhelm and paranoia and a bunch of inner voices, or outer voices - depending on their level of hsp activated, which is usually manipulated to varying degrees to create soul damage.
Those of us who can read the architecture like this to the degree of being able to see this weaponry are tracked, hunted and traced by negative aliens. Once some of the tech from multiple dimensions and local station of identity is cleared, it helps the person to regain their spiritual power and repel much of the targeting. However, again, it's different for each person depending on their willingness to go very slow with information and work the tools on healing out the negative ego, along with any current life soul wounds or trauma. This is key. Many starseeds are put into the medical-mental illness camp because no one in medical land has the ability to comprehend what the impact truly is at this level of depth or acuity.
In my direct experience, it would be incorrect to say that everything is a false holographic memory injected by the NAA is what is happening to all targeted individuals. Many of the past timelines still exist, and still exist and can be connected to - the human lightbody has the pathway to those other time space locations. Add to that a vast array of negative alien weaponry which is highly highly complex, and not even perceivable until much of the higher sensory perceptions can be embodied - it makes for an absolute mess. Some spray is inserts of false torturous memories, and some of it is from actual real events which played out in previous time to the person. Some installations are false identities, and false thoughts to make a person be very untrusting of their own thoughts. Some of it is coming directly from future stations of identity that are trapped in a secret space program timeline, and the technology from the NAA Is being used to blend timelines, so that the person has semi-aware experiences of the supersoldier or secret space timelines which are actually real, but are in a future time-space location from the current location that individual person is living in, in the here and now.
The technologies and spray through radio waves, scalar waves etc does carry the mind control and implants that are being continually sprayed onto all humans. All humans do not know that they are being targeted, or that implants or mind control even exists. The issue we have is that awakening starseeds then start to see reality fields that are clearly not happening within this physical 3d realm, and can appear as if is happening now, the body feels it and responds to it as if it is happening to them personally right now. Then it can feel very targeted, and very personal, and sometimes it's related to being able to see-feel the truth of what is going on here to all humans and the planet. Not everyone will comprehend this, but its very real and can be extremely frightening when you realise you are being continually targeted. The building of one's spiritual bodies into wholeness gives ultimate protection, but it can take several years to get to states of clearing the fear out of the body-mind, and then the targeting eventually loses its ability to cause harm or fear.
I hope this is helpful, it's very complex but should not be feared. Your own avatar will guide you through your own learning process with this, as it reveals to you what is best for you to know or comprehend directly, in a safe way for you. I can remember a time before I knew that any of this stuff was real, but in my own life mission has been to slowly learn and come into contact with these technologies in the fabrics of our reality fields; which are very messed with.
The trouble is that when you start to break out of the matrix, you get to see and experience increasing levels of what was and is behind the scenes, and so its very very hard to retain a mental body balance that does not crack or fracture with knowing that this is actual truth here on earth. Many starseeds have not been able to cope with this, and as a result, even through pure intent to support others or to understand, have gone into deep depressions and mental body imbalances because the truth is extremely painful to bear when it is not coupled with spiritual maturity and go-slow care. This is why the main guidance on the ascension path is much emphasis on clearing the negative ego, because its the ego that starts to fracture the mind when reality is a little to real to handle.
What I have found on this path is that even when you think you know something, you never know until you experience it directly for yourself. Until then, an open and flexible mind is supportive to the understandings and learnings.
In kindness,
it is very painful for me, but my twin flame and I have been in contact for over 7 years, this happened straight after I had a walk in experience in 2014. I have been there for him through every stage of his life, being a friend, listening and supporting him through his partnership and sexual adventures with other women; but we are not together as a couple and it is very painful for me to understand why it's like this. I also support couples in twin flame relationships
Holding a space of compassion for your learning path and heart healing for yourself. The alchemical union stages of inner sacred marriage tends to be quite tough in learning all about ourselves- the behaviours and archetypes we play out, the romantic idealisms, and the spiritual growth and maturity that is also learnt through living life. I have written an article on my site, Understanding the twin flame as I have worked with hundreds of starseeds over the years in supporting them through their learning curve with the alchemical unions, as I had to work through a few myself in my earlier awakening years. I receive many requests for support with this topic, so this article was to try and shed some light for others to identify within themselves to bring a level of supportive understanding.
There really isn't a quick way through the emotional body clearing, it is to learn our own self-integrity and energetic self mastery in the process of gaining our sovereignty. If we play power games, seduction, damsel in distress, or whatever it is we have to learn - these patterns show themselves in order to be healed and dismantled. If we notice these in the other person - again, it's about how we respond to that energy. What we will allow, how we feel about ourselves. It's not just about the other person, it's about our own behavior and what we are learning is a strength, weakness inside ourselves. Can be very very painful, but also a long journey to obtaining real clarity.
There are stages to the personal lightbody building that cannot be skipped, and in the earlier stages of awakening - there are different people who hold different codes for sharing, and that they are not an actual 'final life time' genetic equal partner; sometimes we are met with an organic alchemical union person and at the same time 3 imposters are sent towards us as distractions which have a bait hook of attraction. On the earth everything has been done to stop genetic equals from finding each other, but we each have to clear ourselves from sexual misery as best as we can, we also have to remove the dark mother lunar forces from inside ourselves to truly start to build the sophianic templating. The connections we have with others help us to self-assess ourselves and where we are at.
I have worked with several women (and men) who held onto, and also perpetuated the runner-chaser type of connection that they allowed themself to 'wait for' the man or 'be the other woman' for over 10 years- in full belief that he was THE one. This created a form of secret hidden and deceptive relationship, or a belief that this guy was the absolute only one, in waiting like this, it re-enforces a belief that god is not capable of harmonising our spiritual relationships and it keeps the dark mother lunar force pain siphoning loop in place, until one party cuts the cords and refuses to play into the unhealthy energy exchange.
Another thing to consider is that after awakening or walk-ins (merging in part of another self), we are still perhaps in the soul and into monadic building layers of the lightbody. There are astral glamour traps in those planes of our own lightbody connecting into the collectives- where false christ light, bliss, astral bliss and false architecture sit. We are clearing those parts of our personal lightbody in these stages, it is done brick by brick until we get the energetic corrections and alignments in place. When the time comes to open up into monadic connections, this is a really vulnerable point in the ascension process where every imposter person romantic, false friend, false partners will be sent over towards us to create mass deception. Our dark arts training takes the next stage of real until we keep going deeper into ourselves to find more absolute truth. At that level of integration is where we are given our higher levels of spiritual tests and intiations, that we have to pass the personal resonance test to integrate the learnings we have lived through.
I understand how painful and confusing it can be, so just surrendering all up to god and asking your godself for support will bring to you the answers you seek, of which you will know deep inside your heart.
Sending you many blessings of support as you go through,
In loving kindness,
I would say that the baphomet fields in the 2D layers are underworld, and also parts of the astral plane 4D, and fallen astral plane 4D fell and was inverted in sections of its natural position in time down inverted into the lower fields to 2D as being sucked down part of the planetary heart configuration; these contain a mixture of fallen angelics, demons, she-demons, beautiful dark beings, horrible death beings, aliens, femme fatale she demons, incubus, succubus and jinns, jenies and random shadow creatures that pop up from time to time. There may be different languaging words used for the same purpose, I guess I call them hell realms as a general term; yet meaning the same thing - these entities who live within sections of the planetary body or in different dimensions of time, are not connected to source and must consume energy through another method in which to stay animated. There are off planet sections and pockets of alien machinery which are also filled with fallen entities or reptilian beings who enslave humanity in hidden invisible layers. We also have parallels in pockets of time, into the parallel universal structures which are also creatures, baphomet aliens, various draconian reptilians and evil entities stemming from there.
These hell realms and demonic gestalts are consuming, materialistic, offer bargains of glamour, are tricksters, seducers and project an image of charmingness or support. Yet, some beings appear because they require to be guided out of their location, such as, through a transit portal held in the shadow vortex or perhaps because they recognise your essence from another lifetime and want to try and communicate. Many awakening people find that they are being beckoned or enticed to interact with forces that they do not know what they are, because the dress themselves up as something else and give a false front. A bit like finding an attractive partner who ends up being violent or a cheater; there is no transparency with these beings. In my earlier awakening phases I had real life temptations, and in the astral plane temptations - which was aliens dressed as angels and trying to flatter me and tell me how important I was. This didn't last long, because I realised it was too far grandiose for my liking, so until I could understand the purpose of the communication I closed my door to everything non-physical.
It's going to be a learning of your own direct experiences, what you can determine. Awakening usually means our previously closed invisible doors are now opened more, and then beings of different kinds are now perceivable, it's up to us to figure out how to manage that and over time determine that. There isn't an agreement between demonics and the christ force, it's basically an offering of a return back home through the mother arc portal, and not a developed relationship. Mostly these beings are possibly wounded and require to be witnessed through compassion and then offered a space back home, all beings trapped in the lower realms are enslaved, and cannot get out without a christ representative to release them from their spiritual bondage. You may be learning some of that on your path, or coming to terms with what your senses are able to perceive. Usually a boundary test using your 12d shield will help you to understand which forces you are willing to interact with, and which you should not depending on your inner yes-no radar.
With Love,
Glad you are feeling better, the body pains are really quite tough sometimes! How wonderful you are sensing the cathar-rose repatternings, these go through various upgrades and change the female patterns in the lightbody into the organic magnetic, and these help us to shed the lunar parts out of our breath (caduceus implants) and the different lightbody building parts for the female solar corrections. We build our hearts into the rose diamond just as you shared, it supports us with our diamond heart and can also go through changes. These energies bring us deeper to the Mother-Mary-Sophia in cycles.
To support your home space, it is going to be helpful for you to use the set space command, and with dedicated use of this - perhaps once in the morning, once at night:
It can take a while of repeated continued use of these commands, including shielding yourself for a period of months or longer in order to notice a difference with the entities. I am not saying this to bring fear, but there can sometimes be an expectation that a 12d shield will remove all forms of interferences; this isn't quite true. We do have to continually set the intention into the room or house, to set clear communication links on the vertical channel and to keep on doing that.
When you fear these entities it can be harder to cope with their presence. When you are feeling strong and neutral about their presence, it is then that you might feel to command them out from your space - either using the shadow vortex, or reading them their rights when you notice them - this would be like standing up to them and standing in your GSF neutral calm peaceful power, and reading them their rights and notice of eviction from your space as included in one of the links above.
You can also use this command if/when felt resonant to also help shield your space.
Where children are being visited by entities or demonics or you can sense them around their field, you can clear your child's field and you can dedicate a meditation - the core soul protection removal of negative form from the meditation archives is a great go to. Your child does not have to hear the meditation but you can dedicate the commands within it to them.
What I have found is that our children up until a certain age are "inside" the mother's energy field, so for example, from what I've experienced our children's energy body is nested inside the mother's field.
The Zetas grey aliens tend to hang around social media platforms, games, dreamtime, but if you can see them - this is positive because then you know what you are looking at or dealing with. In your own meditation practise you can intend to shield the rooms, all sleeping spaces. You can intend to grid the house with the tri-fold flame, and to imagine and intend that it is impenetrable.
then I do not understand why I have to feel for other people and many times take their struggle and work my way through their suffering and problems .. is this normal? or where are the boundaries and how should it be?
I am and always have been sensitive to the energies of others.. so just want to understand this
I'd say this is a superimposition into your field, none of us should take on board anyone's struggle and work through their problems. We are finding our way to becoming more sovereign, and so even when you can feel everyone's energy it does not mean that you should take any action with it. For example, you might feel that someone is very sad in the corner, but you cannot process the sadness for them. This would be a lesson of understanding what energy is yours, and what is others. There is a process, that we all go through in learning what our senses and feelings are bringing to our awareness. Keeping a boundary in place and regularly shielding, will eventually lead to you realising that even if you can feel many different energies, you are only responsible for your own energy and feelings.
As Empaths, we need this lesson in so that we can build our own field and auric layers very strong, without being distracted into looking at or trying to solve the other energies from different people. Usually these stages create an energetic drain and a drag on our own bodies, so you might want to dedicate some astral field layers of clearing, and cord cutting from your own body. This can really help to make things feel much more manageable, and will be clearer for you to know what is yours versus what is not yours.
I hope this helps,
With Love,
From what I understand, I'm somewhere between the Fallen Tree and Krystallah bodies right now… (even though my lightbody is still riddled with damage and even though we are still working so much with negative ego, personality, and soul matrix healing)... so this shift appears to be happening despite not having completed those clearings.
I’m working with ALL of this. This was a miraculous talk… I’m stunned by the grace and love and support of God through you. I need to listen to this every day!
I wanted to share my perspective that although my being carries this “Path of the Fall”, that we are here intentionally embodying the Fallen Tree in order to rehab it. (We = oraphim consciousness working through an Indigo 3 contract.) I may be responding in fear to your statement about getting freedom from this "path of the fall” only at death, but I was told (through my own heart) relatively recently that my higher self purposely embodied the fallen tree to show that it can be rehabilitated.
There are a few items of reassurance I'd like to comment on. Please do not overthink this, or worry about it. It will be used to create pain and confusion within you, and you don't want that. The mind control is very tricky, so please shake this off and just let yourself experience your daily life practises, including as much love as you can.
We all earth inhabitants have a projection of the false tree of light of the base 10 artificial tree upon our lightbodies. This is different to the path of the fall. This is the base 10 tree which hosts the artificial timelines, and it is still in the planetary body - mostly we start to be able to remove those influences in higher monadic levels of integration, unless an hgs practitioner can remove them to support their removal too, but the base fundamental frequency is the overall say in the lightbody potential to host the higher light. The path of the fall is where a person has repeatedly refused the natural laws of god, and has not shown any intent to rehabilitate their consciousness into the ways of a christic kind being. An indigo 3 contract can be painful to get through, but this is different to the path of the fall. The 11d-12d stranding in the diamond sun template needs to be activated in order to remove the artificial tree architecture from being hosted and projected onto the lightbody. It just takes time. This hosts the false timelines onto the lightbody, but the more we just continue to follow our hearts, this is the key.
I had a 5 year short term period of indigo 3 contract where my path was to create a mental body husk template that guardians took from me between an emerald order oraphim and the regressed husk body of the nephilim who are hybridised with humanity in creating mind control distortions and controls, it was to provide a balanced male-female mental body to the nephilims rehabiliations in so that they could have that. During that time I was extremely indecisive, I felt like I had an angel on one shoulder and a devil on the other - and I was stuck in the middle without understanding why my mental body was so very busy and couldn't stop the inner chatter. Some people have a lifetime indigo 3 contract, but this wasn't the case for me, I needed this to observe the patternings in men and sexual misery playing out in stages as an observer.
The base 12 eternal tree of life diamond sun template is the main lightbody as the 3D expression of the human or starseed 12 stranded DNA template, or diamond sun template. The krysthallah is the double diamond sun or 24 stranded DNA template, which is the male and female 5D lightbody expression. In either template, the inner emotional work will always be the main healing. Mostly the first 12 strands have to built more fully until the 24 stranded template can "come online". There isn't a race nor a value difference. I have seen different iterations in different beings, there is absolutely no better than or worse than - it's merely - "where a person is at in their consciousness evolutionary stage for the most successful ascensioning at this time".
The inner gender healing and patterning between the male and female issues - externally playing out in the real life environment will support the understanding of what is being addressed inside the self.
I know how easy it is for the mental body to think something is true or happening, but the truth is that the healing of the victim-victimiser and general lightbody clear up will support any form of fear based response inside the self. So, try not to overthink if you have a fallen tree, because - this will make you think that you do, and then will potentially be used to manipulate you into thinking you are not doing enough to ascend. You are doing enough, you are here, you are willing and you are walking it! Any forcefulness, pushing, fear or thinking you are not doing enough and must work really really hard - is not coming from your heart-avatar-self. This is coming from a negative ego or mind control, or an entity, Our higher selves never ever push us too hard, there is always a non-interference and a gentle repetition until we "get" the message.
I hope this helps!
Sending much love,