Ascension Community

Paliadorian Activations

In mid to late 2017 the Paliadorian activations started to activate those holders of the dragon DNA in restoring the Universal Time Matrix connections into the higher Solar Suns in the godworlds through the Ankh body holders for the first wave of activation-restorations into the Paliadorian Sun activations. The Paliadorians are King Dragons and Creators of the realm, in which their returning of blueprints, instruction sets and solarisations into layers of the time matrix allowed the copper-rose-gold Suns and the Paliadorian Dragon Kings to further reach and unite with their counterparts and genetic lineages within the Emerald Order in first waves. Their Paliadorian Covenant is to rescue and repair all of the lost souls from exploded Planet Tara, and of which their protectorship over the Sphere of Amenti Time Portal Passageways is set within the Cosmic Christos Guardian Families. 

During this stage of activations is the releasing of death seals from the bone matrix, which were installed into the earth and 1D grids, and human body within the bone matrix. These were genetic reversal bonded seals to prevent the fullness of the solar dragon consciousness for human body rehabilitations in the Diamond Sun DNA through Checkerboard matrix, and the various narratives around junk dna within the human chromosomal matrix. Paliadorian Dragons are Solar Dragon Kings from the higher godworlds in Andromedan matrix and work closely with the Emerald Order Creators to restore the planetary grids, the human templates and repairing the grid networks in conjunction with the Elohei Creators. 

See Also:

Solar Dragons


The Paliadorian Covenant is made from the Cosmic Dragons of the Christ Consciousness families whom are creator godworlds beings from the Andromedan Matrix, the Seven Higher Heavens.  Paliadorians are Dragon consciousness bodies of various realms within the Godworlds of Solar Dragons

King Dragons from Andromeda whom are creators of our time matrix are known as the Paliadorian Dragon Kings, in which their functions and tasks are to restore the protectorship of their creational realms into the organic laws of god.