Ascension Community


11th Dimensional Stargate Corrections, Showdown in the United Kingdom
360 Time - Zero Point - Relationship to time
Bone Matrix, Bone Clearings through planetary grid changes
Building Planetary Wings, Dragon Lines
Cosmic White Dragon Mother, Pisces Constellation & Pancreas Activation
Dismantling of Extreme Manipulations, Phantom Matrix extractions
Elaysa-Melchizedek Universal Logos Restoration
Gold Ray Corrections, Universal 14D Ray Templar Corrections
Human 5D Soul Matrix Restorations, Mother's Gelesiac Dragon Egg Sound Body Layer
Lenses: curvatures of perception
Masculine Wounds, False King to Truth of Holy Father
Melchizedek-Elaysa Restorations with Rainbow Masters, Lotus-Rose Planetary Activation, Helpful Tips in Gridworking Potentials
My Blog Note to Digital Content Creators
My Note to Digital Content Creators
On gnostic experience
Passively dissolving the shadow: What is means to be
Rainbow road
Realmkeepers of Paliadorian Dragons, Extraction of Secret Space Programs and Zeta Hives and SSP Timelines
Reclaimation of the Solar Breath
Resolving inner authority issues
Restoring the masculine
Returning Emerald Order Families
Revisiting Red Cube AI, Synthetic Red Wave Spectrums
Ripples of Rishic Prayer
Ruby Rod
to show The Way
Trusting the Divine Inside
Understanding Spiritual Ascension The Cliff Notes
United Kingdom Gridwars, 11D Stargate Portals, Gridworker Alert Megiddo Battle
Walking through shadow
Western North Carolina Devastations