Ascension Community

UK ley lines

The United Kingdom of Great Britain holds the very ancient and sacred sites of the Albion body Heart Matrixes for Dragon Diamond Hearts through the Albion, the Dragon planetary clockshields and King Arthur and his beloved bride Guinevere's Cathedrals and rod-staff controls. 

The UK body has been one of the hubs of alien invasions in which many draconian ships and zetas, multiple factions of negative aliens have been hiding out in the grids leylines and interdimensionally in controlling sections of the UK body, particularly the axis mundi also known as the 0 Degree meridian which runs north to south on the planetary vertical poles. The UK ley lines were grossly inverted, into the reversal spin and antilife of the metatronic reversals or the reversal 55 and base 10 antichrist kaballah Qabalistic rituals in heavy loads of alien and satanic blood rituals, in which various grid structures of the maji kings in nodes across the UK were installed with thothian alien intrusion controls. 

During this end of the ascension cycle the Cosmic Elohei Founders have made their anchor points and various communication links have been re-established over the last 20+ years, as a pre-requisite in this timeline for the continuation of the previous Guardian Host missions led by Guardian Akhenaton, Guardian Yeshua, to support the larger guardian emerald founder mission of the many vast repairs required to the Albion Body. King Arthur and Guinevere are the Pendragons or head dragons in which their embodiment is akin to the Solar Rishi-Reisha Parents as they are Emerald Founder Dragons, an Aeonic pair in Hierogamic Union. Together, with the Dragon King Founder Creators from the Godworlds, they work in tandem with the Emerald families in which to ignite, rise, and repair the very ancient Oroborous Dragon Lines in the earth. The Earth Dragons were able to start to be resurrected in extensive orchestrations of the many guardian gridworking teams, to ignite Christ Solar Dragon King Michael and Mary into Temple Mount in May of 2021. This was followed by the next aeonic pairing of Ezekiel and his wife Hatshepsut, into Hatshepsut's temple in December of 2021, and together the founder dragons are working to embody the holy mother and holy father principles in various gridline corrections in their solar oroborous bodies. 

The UK Landmass sits on the 55 degree planetary lines, and this has been used to create reptilian control structures within the united kingdom ley lines. The UK body intersects part of the planetary Diamond Rose-Grual Lines, which are the main energy centres from the planetary Grail Stargates. The Grail gates are the 2nd dimensional energy sources of the mother's chalice incoming massive energies to the rest of the planet lightbody. Access to the grail provides access to every other dimensional level, and so the alien invasions and infiltrations of our stargates have meant the planet incoming energies are harnessed off planet and not running as they should to be life-giving from the holy mother and father cosmic rays. 

The Albion-Cathar Body world soul template for Earth-Tara-Gaian is accessible in the centre of the UK body, and hosts the corrections for the planetary male and female merkabah wings, including the planetary rod. As guardians rehabilitate these massive dragon lines in the UK, their sacred marriage has held the twinned christ-child energies to restore the original planetary configuration and rainbow grail through the Solar Rishic Founder guardians returning to the earth. The Paliadorian Dragon Kings, the Magi lineages have returned through the krystal star guardian host, in restoring the 11D Stonehenge gate along with the UK sacred sites into their correct Solar (Christed) temples, to destroy the anti-christ black magic and reptilian controls of the earth. 

The UK grids have been heavily distorted in hiding the truth about our creation, in which thothian grids and Aleister Crowley burst through time portals and created vast black holes in the sections of the Albion to jump back and forwards in time, and to destroy the knowledges written into the planetary grids, obscured by blood magick rituals and the massive amount of enslaved body parts stuck in sections of the grids here. The pedophilic networks and backbones of reversal rose line in black lotus and black rose flowerings was the destruction of the holy mother-father's rose and grail lines, now under construction and direct protection by the Cosmic Elohei Families. The NAA Installed many false stories in folklore and lies about King Arthur, the true Solar King, in which to create false narratives about his purpose, about the round tables, and in regards the hero's journey. 

As the rising of King Arthur and Guinevere is underway, as they go through their many ceremonies and corrections throughout the entire Albion body of Earth-Tara-Gaia (Gaia is millions of years from now in the future) their body as the Cosmic Clock of the Aeons controls the planetary precessions through time, back homewards and leads the way in Arthur's Crown of the Maji as his emblazened Star leads us homewards through the merging of all North Stars he holds the timecycles in his Crown. 

See Also - Michael-Mary Dragon Annointment Planetary Solar Oroborous Dragon

Main networks in the UK are recorded into the planetary body in slightly different locations as per previous mapping systems. The Ley line network are multidimensional currents which have been inverted, reversed and split apart and should run as unified male-female dragon bodies in the earth - these dragons are not serpents, despite the ancient knowledges referring to them as such. The Solar Dragon Bodies in the Albion are being rehabilitated out from negative alien controls such as reptilians, zetas, and other assorted hidden species who destroyed the dragons in the earth to control humanity whilst the Emerald & Ruby Cosmic Suns were disconnected from the earth grids. 

Rosslyn Chapel: Solar Cosmic Temple in Cosmic Cathedral Aethers Ritual

Fortinghall Yew: Connects into Andromeda, holds a diamond heart hub for the UK body in White Diamond Grids

6D West Coast between Ireland and UK mainland, Eire Cosmic Dragon Mother's Entrance Portals to the Albion Body 

7D East Coast between UK mainland

Stargates in the UK under guardian control are being defended by the Emerald-Ruby Order 

Arthur-Guinevere's main heart networks planetary heart and albion body rod-staff and planetary Templar Shield Complex inside the Paliadorian Rainbow Bridge Holy Mountain Cosmic Dragon Highways being restored

The planetary triple Rose line, oroborous body runs north to south through the main body of the UK and has been activated and protected by Arthur and Guinevere in the magnetic planetary peak cycle of August 2022.